
2022년 4월 29일 금요일




● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람I
● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
○ 통합대장경 사이트 안내

○ 해제[있는경우]
● TTS 음성듣기 안내
※ 이하 부분은 위 대장경 부분에 대해
참조자료를 붙여 자유롭게 연구하는 내용을 적는 공간입니다.
대장경 열람은 위 부분을 참조해주십시오.

자료출처 불교학술원 기금 후원안내페이지

『대승본생심지관경』 ♣1385-006♧


♥아래는 현재 작성 및 정리 중인 미완성 상태의 글입니다♥

[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]


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❋❋본문 ◎[개별논의]

대승본생심지관경 제6권
대당 계빈국 삼장 반야 한역
6. 이세간품(離世間品)

이때 모임 중에 낙원리행(樂遠離行)이라는 한 보살마하살이 있으니,
부처님의 위력(威力)을 이어받아
자리에서 일어나
대중들 가운데서 널리 일체 보살에게 아란야의 행을 말하였다.

이때 낙원리행 보살이 모든 대중에게 말하였다.
“일체 세간은 모든 두려움이 많으므로
출가한 보살이 세간의 갖가지 두려움을 여의기 위하여
부모와 모든 권속을 떠나 아란야에 머물러 멀리 여의는 행을 닦는 것이다.

어떤 보살은 이런 생각을 짓는 이도 있으니
‘내가 두려움을 느끼니,
일체 번뇌가 나로부터 생기는 까닭이다’라고 하며,
어떤 보살은 ‘나의 것(我所)이 바로 공포가 되니,
일체의 번뇌가 나의 것에서 생기기 때문이다’라고 말하는 이도 있으며,

일곱 가지 아만



많은 재물을 탐하는 것

이런 인연으로 목숨을 마친 뒤에 큰 지옥에 떨어져 한량없는 괴로움을 받으니,
이와 같이 괴로운 과보를 제1정감과(第一正感果)라고 한다.

지옥으로부터 나와서는 축생의 몸으로 태어나
항상 수고롭고 괴로우며 물과 풀도 부족하여
많은 때를 지내는 가운데 손상시켰던 남의 재물을 갚나니,
이와 같은 모든 괴로움을 제2정감과라고 하는 것이다.

이 죄를 받고서는 아귀(餓鬼)가운데 태어나
굶주리며 목마른 고통으로 곤란을 겪으며

이와 같이 괴로운 몸을 제3정감과라고 하는 것이다.

인간에 와서 태어나지만 빈궁하고 하천(下賤)하여

이와 같이 남은 과보를 상사과(相似果)라고 하는 것이다.

몹시 사랑하는 마음

나와 나의 것이라는 견해

모든 법견(法見)


의심하는 것

저 단견(斷見)



마음이 들떠 있는 것

믿지 않는 마음

뉘우침이 없는 것

부끄러운 마음이 없는 것

화내고 한하는 것

화내고 한을 갖는 것

잊어버리는 것

일체의 착하지 못한 어두운 업[黑業]

다섯 가지 덮임[蓋]

증오하는 마음

계(戒)를 깨뜨리는 때[구垢]

어떤 보살은 ‘계(戒)를 깨뜨리는 때[구垢]이 두려움이 되니,

저 근심하고 고뇌하는 것

악으로 마음을 짓는 것

미칠 정도로 취하는 것

때 아닌 죽음

망령된 말의 업

네 가지 뒤바뀜[四顚倒]

악한 벗

5온(蘊)의 마(魔)

번뇌의 마

죽음을 싫어하는 마

모든 하늘의 마



지옥을 보는 것

축생의 길을 보는 것

아귀의 도를 보는 것

욕계에 태어남을 생각하는 것



자주 자주 나고 죽는 것

생사를 싫어하는 것

세간의 말

마음과 뜻의 알음알이

만일 속가(俗家)에 있으면 이런 두려움으로 말미암아 밤낮으로 선한 마음을 흔들어 어지럽게 해서
능히 두려움이 없는 법을 증득하지 못하지만,
과거에는 보살이 아란야에 머물러 모두 능히 두려움이 없는 법을 증득하였으니
바로 이것이 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리이며,
미래 보살도 아란야에 머물러 모두 다 두려움이 없는 법인 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리를 얻을 것이며,
현재 10방의 모든 큰 보살들도 아란야에 머물러 일체 업장을 끊고 두려움이 없는 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리를 얻었느니라.

만일 내가 아란야에 머물러 있으면서도
능히 나와 나의 것이란 집착을 여의지 못하면
아란야 가운데 머무는 것이 되지 못하여
도리어 백의(白衣)의 집에 머무르는 것만 같지 못할 것이다.

이 아란야는 비바시(毘波尸) 부처님이 니구타(尼俱陀)나무 아래에서 도를 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 시기(尸棄) 여래께서 시리사(尸利沙)나무 아래에서 도를 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 비사(毘舍) 여래께서 아시사다(阿尸娑多)나무 아래에서 도를 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 구류손(俱留孫) 부처님이 무우수(無優樹) 아래에서 등정각(等正覺)을 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 구나함모니(俱那含牟尼) 여래께서 우담(優曇) 나무 아래에서 등정각을 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 가섭(迦葉) 여래께서 바타(婆陀)나무 아래에서 등정각을 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 석가(釋迦) 여래께서 필발라(畢鉢羅)나무 아래에서 도를 이루신 곳이다.

7. 염신품(厭身品)

이때 미륵보살마하살이 곧 자리에서 일어나 오른쪽 어깨를 드러내고 오른 무릎을 땅에 대어 합장하고 공경히 부처님께 아뢰었다.

보살이 텅 비어 한적한 곳에 머물러
스스로 이 몸에 대하여 어떤 관(觀)을 지어야 하나이까?”

이때 부처님께서 미륵보살에게 말씀하셨다.
“착하고 착하도다, 선남자여.
그대가 중생을 위하여
큰 동정심을 일으켜
여래께 성지관묘행법문(聖智觀妙行法門)에 들어감을 청하여 물었으니,
그대는 마땅히 잘 들어라.
이제 그대를 위하여 말하겠노라.”

마땅히 이 몸을 보기를 아직 굽지 않은 질그릇같이 보라.

죽은 개[狗]



강한 힘이 없다

독사를 길러 해침을 당하는 것



물 위의 물방울

건달바(乾闥婆) 성


나라 밖의 강성한 원적

썩은 집

원수의 나라 성읍(城邑)

맹렬한 불

새로 낳은 아들

본성이 청정하지 못하다

기름으로 섶을 적시어 불로 태우

악한 질병

덧없는 곳



기름 짜는 것

의지할 데 없는 것

구호할 이 없는 것

밑 없는 굴[無底窟]

항상 만족함을 알지 못하니

항상 자재롭지 못하니

부끄러워하는 마음을 내지 않으니

죽은 시체

오직 모든 괴로움을 받으니

괴로움이 의지하는 바가 되니

빈 취락(聚落)

마침내 텅 비어 고요한 것

골짜기 가운데 메아리

큰 수레에 재물과 보배를 싣고 운전하는 것

출가한 보살은 밤낮으로 관찰하여 이와 같은 몸일지라도 사랑하고 아끼는 것은
중생들이 생사의 바다를 벗어나서 저 언덕에 이르도록 하고자하기 때문이니라.”

만일 어떤 불자가 보리의 마음을 발하여
아뇩다라삼먁삼보리를 구하기 위해 아란야에 머물러 이와 같이 37관(觀)을 닦으며,
또한 남을 가르쳐 이와 같은 법요를 닦게 하며,
풀어 말하고 쓰며 받아 지니고 읽고 익혀서
일체 나와 내 것이란 집착을 멀리 여의고,
영원히 5욕의 세간의 즐거움에 탐착함을 끊으면
무너지지 않는 믿음의 마음을 빨리 성취할 수 있어서
큰 보리를 구하여 몸과 목숨을 아끼지 않을 것인데,
하물며 세간에 있는 보배임에랴.

현재의 몸이 반드시 구경에 일체 여래의 금강지인(金剛智印)을 성취하여
위없는 도에서 영원히 물러나지 않고,
6도만행(度萬行)에 빨리 원만함을 얻어 빨리 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리를 얻을 것이다.”

『대승본생심지관경』 ♣1385-006♧

◎◎[개별논의] ❋본문



◈Lab value 불기2566/04/29

○ 2020_0606_171907_can_bw17.jpg

○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Giovanni-Battista-Piranesi-the-roman-antiquities-t-4-plate-xix-plan-elevation-and-details-of-construction-of-the-bridge-of
Artist: Giovanni-Battista-Piranesi
Title : the-roman-antiquities-t-4-plate-xix-plan-elevation-and-details-of-construction-of-the-bridge-of

Permission & Licensing : Wikiart
● [pt op tr] fr

○ 2018_0418_122410_can.jpg

○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승

○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Bay_of_Luanda
English: Bay of Luanda (view from Island of Luanda), Angola.
Author Paulo César Santos
Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia
● [pt op tr] fr

♥Daiichi Junior College of Infant Education

○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe'

Wende - Come Together


문서정보 ori
sfed--대승본생심지관경_K1385_T0159.txt ☞제6권
sfd8--불교단상_2566_04.txt ☞◆vmhr1068

■ 선물 퀴즈
방문자선물 안내페이지

다음에 해당하는 단어를 본 페이지 에 댓글로 적어주시면 됩니다.

우리나라 선종의 총칭. 1200년(고려 신종 3) 불일(佛日) 보조 국사가 승주군 송광산 길상사에서 정혜사를 창설. 희종이 즉위하여 산 이름을 조계산, 절 이름을 수선사로 고친 뒤부터 조계종이란 이름이 생김. 1212년 고려 강종왕이 조계산 수선사파를 조계종이라 하였으나, 어느 한 종만이 독점한 것은 아니고, 선종을 범칭하였던 것. 그뒤부터 각엄(覺儼)ㆍ태고(太古)ㆍ나옹(懶翁)ㆍ환암(幻庵)ㆍ찬영(粲英)ㆍ각운(覺雲)ㆍ무학(無學) 등 여러 스님들이 조계 종사(宗師)ㆍ조계승(僧)이라 하였으나, 항상 계속된 것은 아니다. 1941년 북한산 태고사를 서울특별시 종로구 수송동으로 옮겨 짓고, 그때 조선 불교 총본산을 만들면서, 선교 양종이란 종명을 고쳐 조계종이라 하다.

답 후보
● 조계종(曹溪宗)


ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
○ [pt op tr]

■ 음악
La Mordue - Je Suis Une Femme
Salvatore Adamo - Marie La Mer
Jane Birkin - Palais Royal
Guy Marchand - Un P'tit Bout De Chemin
Caroline Loeb - Like A Virgin
cb_Claude Dubois - Le Blues Du Businessman 121
Jean - Jacques Goldman - Quand La Musique Est Bonne

■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머




■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈

【 】 ⇄✙➠


■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기

■ 번역퀴즈
번역연습(기계적 번역내용 오류수정 연습)

대승본생심지관경 제6권
대당 계빈국 삼장 반야 한역
6. 이세간품(離世間品)
[translated by Google]
Daeseung Bonsaengsimjigwangyeong Vol. 6
Daedang Gyebinguk Samjang Banya Han Station
6. Different world goods
[translated by Papago]
Book 6 of the Magistrates' Magistrates' Courses
Daedang Gyebinguk Samjang Banya Han Station
6. the worldly goods
[translated by Kakao]
The Great Tribunal
Daedang Gubinguk, Samjang Banya Han Station
6. Isage products ();

이때 모임 중에 낙원리행(樂遠離行)이라는 한 보살마하살이 있으니,
부처님의 위력(威力)을 이어받아
자리에서 일어나
대중들 가운데서 널리 일체 보살에게 아란야의 행을 말하였다.
[translated by Google]
At this time, there was a Bodhisattva Mahasat called Nakwonri Haeng (樂遠離行) during the meeting.
Inheriting the power of Buddha
get up
Aranya's deeds were widely told among all the bodhisattvas.
[translated by Papago]
At this time, there was a Bodhisattva Mahasal called Nakwon-ri Hang during the meeting
under the influence of Buddha
Get up from your seat
All the people told the Bodhisattva of Araniah's journey.
[translated by Kakao]
At this time, there is a Bodhisattva Hajal, a paradise (to paradise) during the meeting,
the power of the Buddha () is taken over
Get up from your seat
He widely spoke to the Bodhisattva in the public about Aranya's line.

이때 낙원리행 보살이 모든 대중에게 말하였다.
“일체 세간은 모든 두려움이 많으므로
출가한 보살이 세간의 갖가지 두려움을 여의기 위하여
부모와 모든 권속을 떠나 아란야에 머물러 멀리 여의는 행을 닦는 것이다.
[translated by Google]
At this time, the Bodhisattva bound for Nakwon-ri spoke to all the public.
“Because all worlds have many fears,
The Bodhisattva, who has gone forth from the house, wants to get rid of the various fears of the world.
It is to leave parents and all family members, stay in Aranya, and cultivate a long-distance journey.
[translated by Papago]
At this time, the Bodhisattva to Nakwon-ri spoke to all the public.
"There's a lot of fear in the world
The Bodhisattva, who died of many fears,
It is to leave your parents and all your rights and stay in Aranya to cultivate the path of losing far away.
[translated by Kakao]
At this time, the Bodhisattva to Paradise told all the public.
“All the time, there is a lot of fear
The Bodhisattva who left the house
Leaving parents and all the books, staying in Arranya and wiping the line away.

어떤 보살은 이런 생각을 짓는 이도 있으니
‘내가 두려움을 느끼니,
일체 번뇌가 나로부터 생기는 까닭이다’라고 하며,
어떤 보살은 ‘나의 것(我所)이 바로 공포가 되니,
일체의 번뇌가 나의 것에서 생기기 때문이다’라고 말하는 이도 있으며,
[translated by Google]
There are some Bodhisattvas who think like this.
‘Am I afraid,
It is because all defilements arise from me.”
Some Bodhisattvas say, ‘Mine is the very thing that becomes fear,
Some say it is because all defilements arise from mine.”
[translated by Papago]
Some bodhisattva has this idea
'Do I feel afraid,
for I am the cause of trouble."
One Bodhisattva said, "My thing is fear
For all the troubles arise from me."
[translated by Kakao]
Some Bodhisattvas have thought of this
'When I feel afraid,
That's why all the troubles come from me. "
Some Bodhisattvas say, 'My (I) is a fear,
Some say that all the anguish comes from my own. "

일곱 가지 아만
[translated by Google]
seven amans
[translated by Papago]
seven kinds of Aman
[translated by Kakao]
seven amans

[translated by Google]
Three poisons
[translated by Papago]
Samdok (Three Poisons)
[translated by Kakao]
Samdok ()

[translated by Google]
5 baths
[translated by Papago]
Five Bathing
[translated by Kakao]
Five baths ()

많은 재물을 탐하는 것
[translated by Google]
coveting a lot of wealth
[translated by Papago]
an avarice of wealth
[translated by Kakao]
a great deal of wealth

이런 인연으로 목숨을 마친 뒤에 큰 지옥에 떨어져 한량없는 괴로움을 받으니,
이와 같이 괴로운 과보를 제1정감과(第一正感果)라고 한다.
[translated by Google]
After dying through this relationship, he fell into a great hell and suffered infinite suffering.
Such a painful result is called the first emotion.
[translated by Papago]
After the end of his life, he fell into a great hell and suffered endlessly
This painful fruit is called the first persimmon.
[translated by Kakao]
After this relationship, I fell into a big hell and suffered a lot of pain,
Such a distressing overview is called the first emotion (one-on-one).

지옥으로부터 나와서는 축생의 몸으로 태어나
항상 수고롭고 괴로우며 물과 풀도 부족하여
많은 때를 지내는 가운데 손상시켰던 남의 재물을 갚나니,
이와 같은 모든 괴로움을 제2정감과라고 하는 것이다.
[translated by Google]
After coming out of Hell, I am born as a body of a beast
They are always toiling and suffering, and lack of water and grass.
I repay the riches of others I have damaged in many years,
All such suffering is called the second sense of affection.
[translated by Papago]
You're born from hell, you're born as a reaper
It's always hard and painful, and there's not enough water and grass
I have paid back the riches of others that I have damaged in many years
All of these sufferings are called second sensitivity.
[translated by Kakao]
from hell, born into the body of a consecrated child
It's always hard and painful and lacks water and grass
After a lot of time, I've paid off the wealth that I've damaged,
All such suffering is called the second emotion department.

이 죄를 받고서는 아귀(餓鬼)가운데 태어나
굶주리며 목마른 고통으로 곤란을 겪으며
[translated by Google]
After receiving this sin, I was born in the midst of a devil.
suffering from hunger and thirst
[translated by Papago]
He was born in the middle of a monkfish
suffering from hunger and thirst
[translated by Kakao]
He was born in the middle of a man (a man)
starving and suffering from thirst

이와 같이 괴로운 몸을 제3정감과라고 하는 것이다.
[translated by Google]
Such a painful body is called the Third Emotional Gamma.
[translated by Papago]
This painful body is called the third feeling.
[translated by Kakao]
This painful body is called the third emotion department.

인간에 와서 태어나지만 빈궁하고 하천(下賤)하여
[translated by Google]
Born as a human, but poor and poor
[translated by Papago]
He was born into a human being, but he was poor and downstream
[translated by Kakao]
born in human beings, but in poverty and rivers ()

이와 같이 남은 과보를 상사과(相似果)라고 하는 것이다.
[translated by Google]
The result remaining in this way is called a similar result.
[translated by Papago]
In this way, the remaining fruitfulness is called the Sangsang department.
[translated by Kakao]
The remaining overtures are called bosses ().

몹시 사랑하는 마음
[translated by Google]
very loving heart
[translated by Papago]
a feeling of great love
[translated by Kakao]
a heart of love

나와 나의 것이라는 견해
[translated by Google]
the view that it is me and mine
[translated by Papago]
the view that it belongs to me and me
[translated by Kakao]
the view that it is mine and me

모든 법견(法見)
[translated by Google]
all the laws
[translated by Papago]
all legal opinions
[translated by Kakao]
All Laws (Acts)

[translated by Google]
62 dogs
[translated by Papago]
[translated by Kakao]
62 dogs ()

의심하는 것
[translated by Google]
to doubt
[translated by Papago]
a doubt
[translated by Kakao]
doubting thing

저 단견(斷見)
[translated by Google]
that short view
[translated by Papago]
That short dog
[translated by Kakao]
That short dog ()

[translated by Google]
Sanggyeon (常見)
[translated by Papago]
a mutual acquaintance
[translated by Kakao]
Interview ()

[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
[translated by Kakao]
Jealousy ()

마음이 들떠 있는 것
[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
the state of one's
[translated by Kakao]
a hearty thing

믿지 않는 마음
[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
a disbelieving mind
[translated by Kakao]
an unbelievable mind

뉘우침이 없는 것
[translated by Google]
no remorse
[translated by Papago]
an unrepentant state
[translated by Kakao]
a thing of no remorse

부끄러운 마음이 없는 것
[translated by Google]
having no shame
[translated by Papago]
the state of being free from shame
[translated by Kakao]
a shameless thing

화내고 한하는 것
[translated by Google]
getting angry
[translated by Papago]
the act of anger and regrettable
[translated by Kakao]
an angry and lame thing

화내고 한을 갖는 것
[translated by Google]
to be angry and have a grudge
[translated by Papago]
To be angry and have a grudge
[translated by Kakao]
to be angry and to have a temper

잊어버리는 것
[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
[translated by Kakao]

일체의 착하지 못한 어두운 업[黑業]
[translated by Google]
Any unkind dark karma
[translated by Papago]
any ill-natured dark work
[translated by Kakao]
All of the dark ups []

다섯 가지 덮임[蓋]
[translated by Google]
Five Covers
[translated by Papago]
five kinds of coverings
[translated by Kakao]
Five Covers []

증오하는 마음
[translated by Google]
hate heart
[translated by Papago]
a feeling of hatred
[translated by Kakao]
a hateful mind

계(戒)를 깨뜨리는 때[구垢]
[translated by Google]
When to break the rules
[translated by Papago]
a time to break the rules
[translated by Kakao]
When the system () is broken [former]

어떤 보살은 ‘계(戒)를 깨뜨리는 때[구垢]이 두려움이 되니,
[translated by Google]
Some Bodhisattvas say, ‘When you break the precepts, you become fearful,
[translated by Papago]
One Bodhisattva is afraid of breaking the system
[translated by Kakao]
Some Bodhisattvas fear when they break the system (old),

저 근심하고 고뇌하는 것
[translated by Google]
that worry and anguish
[translated by Papago]
That worry and anguish
[translated by Kakao]
That anxious and agonizing thing

악으로 마음을 짓는 것
[translated by Google]
making up one's mind with evil
[translated by Papago]
building one's mind with evil
[translated by Kakao]
building one's mind with evil

미칠 정도로 취하는 것
[translated by Google]
crazy drunk
[translated by Papago]
a maddening drunkenness
[translated by Kakao]
a crazy drunk

때 아닌 죽음
[translated by Google]
untimely death
[translated by Papago]
an untimely death
[translated by Kakao]
nontime death

망령된 말의 업
[translated by Google]
The karma of the ghost horse
[translated by Papago]
the work of a dead horse
[translated by Kakao]
a spectre of words

네 가지 뒤바뀜[四顚倒]
[translated by Google]
Four twists and turns
[translated by Papago]
the four reverses
[translated by Kakao]
Four Duvas []

악한 벗
[translated by Google]
evil friend
[translated by Papago]
an evil friend
[translated by Kakao]
a bad friend

5온(蘊)의 마(魔)
[translated by Google]
5 Ons (蘊) Demon
[translated by Papago]
a five-on-one
[translated by Kakao]
5-on () horse ()

번뇌의 마
[translated by Google]
devil of affliction
[translated by Papago]
the devil of trouble
[translated by Kakao]
agonizing horse

죽음을 싫어하는 마
[translated by Google]
don't hate death
[translated by Papago]
Don't hate death
[translated by Kakao]
Don't hate death

모든 하늘의 마
[translated by Google]
all the heavens
[translated by Papago]
The Devil in the Sky
[translated by Kakao]
the horse of all heavens

[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
a spirit of insensitivity
[translated by Kakao]
Inertio (no)

[translated by Google]
8 columns
[translated by Papago]
8th column
[translated by Kakao]
8 ore ()

지옥을 보는 것
[translated by Google]
seeing hell
[translated by Papago]
Seeing the hell
[translated by Kakao]
seeing hell

축생의 길을 보는 것
[translated by Google]
seeing the path to blessing
[translated by Papago]
To see the way of life
[translated by Kakao]
looking at the path of birth

아귀의 도를 보는 것
[translated by Google]
Seeing the Way of the Anglerfish
[translated by Papago]
the act of seeing the way of the Tao of Monkfish
[translated by Kakao]
a view of the abyss

욕계에 태어남을 생각하는 것
[translated by Google]
Thinking of being born in the sensual realm
[translated by Papago]
Thinking about being born in the world of desire
[translated by Kakao]
Thinking of Being Born in the Bath

[translated by Google]
color system
[translated by Papago]
a color system
[translated by Kakao]
chromatic system ()

[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
a colorless system
[translated by Kakao]
colorless system

자주 자주 나고 죽는 것
[translated by Google]
frequent birth and death
[translated by Papago]
a frequent birth and death
[translated by Kakao]
frequent occurrence and death

생사를 싫어하는 것
[translated by Google]
dislike of life
[translated by Papago]
an abomination of life and death
[translated by Kakao]
a thing of life and death

세간의 말
[translated by Google]
words of the public
[translated by Papago]
public speaking
[translated by Kakao]
a public remark

마음과 뜻의 알음알이
[translated by Google]
Knowing the heart and the will
[translated by Papago]
The knowledge of heart and meaning
[translated by Kakao]
the grains of mind and meaning

만일 속가(俗家)에 있으면 이런 두려움으로 말미암아 밤낮으로 선한 마음을 흔들어 어지럽게 해서
능히 두려움이 없는 법을 증득하지 못하지만,
과거에는 보살이 아란야에 머물러 모두 능히 두려움이 없는 법을 증득하였으니
바로 이것이 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리이며,
미래 보살도 아란야에 머물러 모두 다 두려움이 없는 법인 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리를 얻을 것이며,
현재 10방의 모든 큰 보살들도 아란야에 머물러 일체 업장을 끊고 두려움이 없는 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리를 얻었느니라.
[translated by Google]
If you are in the inner family, because of this fear, day and night, your good heart is shaken and you are dizzy.
not able to attain the fearless dharma,
In the past, Bodhisattvas stayed in Aranya, and all were able to learn the fearless dharma.
This is the Anyotdara-sammyak-sambori,
Future Bodhisattvas will also remain in Aranya, and all will receive the fearless corpus Anyotdara-sammyak-sambodhi.
All the great Bodhisattvas in the present ten rooms have also stayed in Aranya, cut off all karma, and have attained the fearless Anyotdara-sammyaksambodhi.
[translated by Papago]
If you're in the inner house, you're afraid to shake your good heart day and night, making it dizzy
You can't win the law without fear
In the past, the Bodhisattva stayed in Araniah, and all were able to demonstrate the law of fearlessness
This is Anikdara Sammyak Sambori
The future Bodhisattva will stay in Araniah, and all will receive the fearless Anikhara Sammaek Sambori
All the great Bodhisattva of the present ten rooms stayed in Araniah, cutting off all businesses and obtaining fearless Anikdara Sammaek Sambori.
[translated by Kakao]
If you are in a family, you will be disturbed by this fear and shake your good heart day and night
I can't gain a law that is fearless,
In the past, Bodhisattva stayed in Arranya and gained a law that was not fearful.
This is the adarasambori,
The future Bodhisattva will also stay in Arranya and all will get the Adarasambori, a corporation that has no fear,
All the big Bodhisattvas of the current 10 rooms also stayed in Arranya, cutting off all business and getting the fearless Adara Sambori.

만일 내가 아란야에 머물러 있으면서도
능히 나와 나의 것이란 집착을 여의지 못하면
아란야 가운데 머무는 것이 되지 못하여
도리어 백의(白衣)의 집에 머무르는 것만 같지 못할 것이다.
[translated by Google]
If I stay in Aranya,
If you can't get rid of the attachment that's mine and me
It was not possible to stay in the midst of Aranjah.
On the contrary, it wouldn't be like staying in a white coat's house.
[translated by Papago]
If I stay in Araniah,
If you can't lose your obsession with me and mine,
I couldn't stay in the middle of Aranya
Rather, it would not seem like staying in a white house.
[translated by Kakao]
If I stayed in Arranya
If you can not grasp my obsession with me and my own
I can not stay in the middle of the Arranya
It would not be like staying in the house of the white ().

이 아란야는 비바시(毘波尸) 부처님이 니구타(尼俱陀)나무 아래에서 도를 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 시기(尸棄) 여래께서 시리사(尸利沙)나무 아래에서 도를 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 비사(毘舍) 여래께서 아시사다(阿尸娑多)나무 아래에서 도를 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 구류손(俱留孫) 부처님이 무우수(無優樹) 아래에서 등정각(等正覺)을 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 구나함모니(俱那含牟尼) 여래께서 우담(優曇) 나무 아래에서 등정각을 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 가섭(迦葉) 여래께서 바타(婆陀)나무 아래에서 등정각을 이루신 곳이며,
이 아란야는 석가(釋迦) 여래께서 필발라(畢鉢羅)나무 아래에서 도를 이루신 곳이다.
[translated by Google]
This Aranya is the place where Buddha Bibashi attained the Way under the Niguta tree.
This Aranya is the place where the Shigi Tathagata achieved the Way under the Shirisa tree.
This Aranya is the place where the Bisha Tathagata accomplished the Way under the Asashida tree.
This Aranya is the place where Buddha Guryu-son achieved his enlightenment under the incessant water.
This Aranya is the place where Gunahammoni Tathagata attained the summit under the Udam tree.
This Aranya is the place where the Tathagata of Kasup reached the summit under the Bata tree.
This Aranya is the place where the Sakyamuni Tathagata achieved the Way under the Pilbala tree.
[translated by Papago]
This Aranya is the place where Buddha Vibashi established his asceticism under the tree of Niguta
This Aranya is the place where Jeerae made his way under the Sirisa tree
This Araniah is the place where Bisa Jerae established his way under the Ashesada tree
This Aranya is the place where the Buddha Guryu Son achieved the summit under Muusu
This Aranya is the place where the Buddha of Gunahammoni made a summit under the Udam tree
This Araniah is the place where Gaseop Jerae made a summit under the tree of Batah
This Aranya is the place where Sakyamuni Yeorae formed a province under the Pilbala tree.
[translated by Kakao]
This aranya is the site where the Buddha of Vivasi () formed a province under the tree of Niguta (),
This aranya is the place where the time () and the lady formed the province under the Sirissa () tree,
This aranya is the site of the Visa () Lady's Tao under Assisada () trees,
This Aranya is where the Restoration Son () Buddha achieved an ascent angle () under the Muscule (no)
This aranya is where the lady of Gunahammoni () climbed under the tree of Udam ()
This aranya is where the Gasup () lady has achieved an ascent angle under the Bata () tree,
This Aranya is where the Buddha () and Lady of the Buddha formed the province under the Pilbala () tree.

7. 염신품(厭身品)
[translated by Google]
7. Yeomshin product (厭身品)
[translated by Papago]
7. New products (身品))
[translated by Kakao]
7. New and salted goods ();

이때 미륵보살마하살이 곧 자리에서 일어나 오른쪽 어깨를 드러내고 오른 무릎을 땅에 대어 합장하고 공경히 부처님께 아뢰었다.
[translated by Google]
At this time, Maitreya Bodhisattva Mahasal immediately rose from his seat, exposed his right shoulder, put his right knee to the ground, put his hands together, and said in reverence to the Buddha.
[translated by Papago]
At this time, Maitreya Bodhisattva Mahasal soon rose from his seat, revealed his right shoulder, put his right knee on the ground, and told the Buddha respectfully.
[translated by Kakao]
At this time, Mireuk Bosalma Hajal soon rose from his seat, exposed his right shoulder, and joined his right knee on the ground and bowed to the Buddha.

보살이 텅 비어 한적한 곳에 머물러
스스로 이 몸에 대하여 어떤 관(觀)을 지어야 하나이까?”
[translated by Google]
Bodhisattva stays in an empty, secluded place
What kind of view should we build on this body?”
[translated by Papago]
The Bodhisattva is empty and stays in a quiet place
What kind of coffin should I build for this body?”
[translated by Kakao]
Bodhisattva is empty and stays in a quiet place
What tube () should I build for myself about this body?”

이때 부처님께서 미륵보살에게 말씀하셨다.
“착하고 착하도다, 선남자여.
그대가 중생을 위하여
큰 동정심을 일으켜
여래께 성지관묘행법문(聖智觀妙行法門)에 들어감을 청하여 물었으니,
그대는 마땅히 잘 들어라.
이제 그대를 위하여 말하겠노라.”
[translated by Google]
At this time, the Buddha said to Maitreya Bodhisattva.
“You are good and kind, good man.
for you to live
cause great sympathy
He asked the Tathagata to enter the Holy Land Gwan Myohaeng Beopmun Gate,
you should listen carefully
Now I will speak for you.”
[translated by Papago]
At this time, the Buddha said to Maitreya Bodhisattva.
"Good boy, good boy.
For the sake of all living things
with great sympathy
I asked Yeorae to enter the Temple of the Holy Land and the Temple of the Holy Land
You ought to listen carefully.
I will speak for you now."
[translated by Kakao]
At this time, the Buddha told the Maitreya Bodhisattva.
“Good and good, good man.
for your regeneration
with great sympathy
I asked her to enter the Holy Land Museum Act (Act),
You must listen.
I will speak for you now.”

마땅히 이 몸을 보기를 아직 굽지 않은 질그릇같이 보라.
[translated by Google]
You should see this body as an unbaked earthen vessel.
[translated by Papago]
Look at this body as if it were not yet baked.
[translated by Kakao]
Look at this body like a bowl that has not yet been baked.

죽은 개[狗]
[translated by Google]
dead dog
[translated by Papago]
a dead dog
[translated by Kakao]
Dead Dog []

[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
an ant colony
[translated by Kakao]
ant house

[translated by Google]
Pacho (芭蕉)
[translated by Papago]
Pacho (초))
[translated by Kakao]
Pacho ()

강한 힘이 없다
[translated by Google]
no strong power
[translated by Papago]
have no strength
[translated by Kakao]
have no strong power

독사를 길러 해침을 당하는 것
[translated by Google]
Raising poisonous snakes to be harmed
[translated by Papago]
the act of breeding vipers and being harmed
[translated by Kakao]
to be bred by a serpent

[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
a foe
[translated by Kakao]
raw water

[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
a bubble
[translated by Kakao]
a bubble

물 위의 물방울
[translated by Google]
water drops on water
[translated by Papago]
drops of water on the water
[translated by Kakao]
water drops on water

건달바(乾闥婆) 성
[translated by Google]
Gundalba Castle
[translated by Papago]
Gangdalba Castle
[translated by Kakao]
Gundalva () Castle

[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
[translated by Kakao]

나라 밖의 강성한 원적
[translated by Google]
A strong enemy outside the country
[translated by Papago]
a strong enemy outside the country
[translated by Kakao]
a strong enemy outside the country

썩은 집
[translated by Google]
rotten house
[translated by Papago]
a rotten house
[translated by Kakao]
a rotten house

원수의 나라 성읍(城邑)
[translated by Google]
The Enemy's Country City
[translated by Papago]
a city in the land of enemies
[translated by Kakao]
Nara Seong-eup ()

맹렬한 불
[translated by Google]
fierce fire
[translated by Papago]
a raging fire
[translated by Kakao]
a fierce fire

새로 낳은 아들
[translated by Google]
new born son
[translated by Papago]
a newly born son
[translated by Kakao]
a new son

본성이 청정하지 못하다
[translated by Google]
nature is not pure
[translated by Papago]
be ill-natured
[translated by Kakao]
be unnatural

기름으로 섶을 적시어 불로 태우
[translated by Google]
Wet the shank with oil and set it on fire
[translated by Papago]
Damp the leaves with oil and burn them with fire
[translated by Kakao]
Wet the oil and burn it

악한 질병
[translated by Google]
evil disease
[translated by Papago]
an evil disease
[translated by Kakao]
a vicious disease

덧없는 곳
[translated by Google]
ephemeral place
[translated by Papago]
an ephemeral place
[translated by Kakao]
a fleeting place

[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
a still life
[translated by Kakao]
amorphous []

[translated by Google]
river water
[translated by Papago]
the water of water
[translated by Kakao]
river water

기름 짜는 것
[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
an oil squeeze
[translated by Kakao]

의지할 데 없는 것
[translated by Google]
nothing to depend on
[translated by Papago]
an irrelevance
[translated by Kakao]
something unreliable

구호할 이 없는 것
[translated by Google]
nothing to save
[translated by Papago]
a lack of relief
[translated by Kakao]
a thing of no relief

밑 없는 굴[無底窟]
[translated by Google]
bottomless oyster
[translated by Papago]
a bottomless pit
[translated by Kakao]
the oyster [no bottom] having no bottom

항상 만족함을 알지 못하니
[translated by Google]
Don't you know you're always satisfied
[translated by Papago]
You don't always know that you're satisfied
[translated by Kakao]
I don't always know how satisfied

항상 자재롭지 못하니
[translated by Google]
I'm not always free
[translated by Papago]
It's not always easy
[translated by Kakao]
It's not always material

부끄러워하는 마음을 내지 않으니
[translated by Google]
I don't feel ashamed
[translated by Papago]
You don't show your shyness
[translated by Kakao]
I don't feel ashamed

죽은 시체
[translated by Google]
dead body
[translated by Papago]
a dead body
[translated by Kakao]
dead body

오직 모든 괴로움을 받으니
[translated by Google]
only suffering from all
[translated by Papago]
I'm only suffering from all the suffering
[translated by Kakao]
Only to suffer all the suffering

괴로움이 의지하는 바가 되니
[translated by Google]
Suffering becomes something to depend on
[translated by Papago]
It's because the pain is what I rely on
[translated by Kakao]
It is what suffering relies on

빈 취락(聚落)
[translated by Google]
empty village
[translated by Papago]
an empty settlement
[translated by Kakao]
Empty Village ()

마침내 텅 비어 고요한 것
[translated by Google]
Finally empty and quiet
[translated by Papago]
Finally empty and still
[translated by Kakao]
the finally empty, still thing

골짜기 가운데 메아리
[translated by Google]
echo in the middle of the valley
[translated by Papago]
an echo in the middle of the valley
[translated by Kakao]
echo in the valley

[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
[translated by Kakao]

큰 수레에 재물과 보배를 싣고 운전하는 것
[translated by Google]
Driving a large wagon with wealth and treasure
[translated by Papago]
Driving with wealth and treasure in a large cart
[translated by Kakao]
Driving with wealth and treasures in a large cart

출가한 보살은 밤낮으로 관찰하여 이와 같은 몸일지라도 사랑하고 아끼는 것은
중생들이 생사의 바다를 벗어나서 저 언덕에 이르도록 하고자하기 때문이니라.”
[translated by Google]
good man,
A Bodhisattva who has attained enlightenment observes day and night, and even with a body like this, it is impossible to love and cherish.
This is because the sentient beings want to get out of the sea of ​​life and death and reach that hill.”
[translated by Papago]
Good man,
The Bodhisattva, who became a Buddhist monk, observed day and night, and loved and cherished the body even though it was like this
For the people of the world want to escape from the sea of life and death and reach that hill."
[translated by Kakao]
The Bodhisattva, which has been devoted to the day and night, observes this body,
Because they want to get the middle men out of the waters of life and death and into that hill.”

만일 어떤 불자가 보리의 마음을 발하여
아뇩다라삼먁삼보리를 구하기 위해 아란야에 머물러 이와 같이 37관(觀)을 닦으며,
또한 남을 가르쳐 이와 같은 법요를 닦게 하며,
풀어 말하고 쓰며 받아 지니고 읽고 익혀서
일체 나와 내 것이란 집착을 멀리 여의고,
영원히 5욕의 세간의 즐거움에 탐착함을 끊으면
무너지지 않는 믿음의 마음을 빨리 성취할 수 있어서
큰 보리를 구하여 몸과 목숨을 아끼지 않을 것인데,
하물며 세간에 있는 보배임에랴.
[translated by Google]
If a Buddhist gives off the heart of barley,
He stayed in Aranya in order to save the Agnodara Sammya Sambori, and in this way, he polished the 37 crowns.
He also teaches others to practice the same Dharma,
Unravel, speak, write, receive, hold, read and learn
Let go of all attachments that are mine and mine,
If we stop craving for worldly pleasures of the five lusts forever,
Because I can quickly achieve the heart of unbreakable faith
I will not spare my body and my life to find great barley,
How much less is it a treasure in the world?
[translated by Papago]
If a Buddhist exudes the heart of barley,
He stayed in Araniah to save the three hundred and seventy-seven coffins,
He also teaches others to practice these laws
I'll talk, write, receive, read, and learn
Everything that belongs to me and mine is far away from obsession
If you stop exploring the world of five curses forever,
I hope you can achieve the trust that doesn't break down quickly
I will spare my body and life for the great barley
What's more, it's a treasure in the world.
[translated by Kakao]
If a Buddhist man is a man who has a heart
Stay in Aranya to save the Adarasam Sambori and thus wipe the 37 tubes ()
They teach others to write these laws,
I'm going to write, write, take, read, and learn
I'm all my obsession,
forever, if you stop being so indecent to the high pleasures of five baths
I can quickly achieve the heart of faith that does not collapse
I'm not saving my body and my life by saving a big barley,
Is it a treasure in the world?

현재의 몸이 반드시 구경에 일체 여래의 금강지인(金剛智印)을 성취하여
위없는 도에서 영원히 물러나지 않고,
6도만행(度萬行)에 빨리 원만함을 얻어 빨리 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리를 얻을 것이다.”
[translated by Google]
The present body must be able to achieve the enlightenment of all the Tathagata,
never withdrawn from the supreme way,
You will quickly achieve satisfaction in the six-way man’s journey, and you will quickly attain the Agnodhara, Sammy, and Sambori.”
[translated by Papago]
The current body must achieve the Geumgangjinji of Yeorae in the sights
Never withdraw from the path of no man:
I will quickly get amicable with the six-degree atrocities and quickly get Anikdara Sammyak Sambori."
[translated by Kakao]
the present body must achieve the gold river land person () of the whole in caliber
without ever stepping back from the unscathed,
“We’ll get the goodness of six degrees (and then we’ll get the Adarasambauri quickly.”

■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Five Dhyani Buddhas
[san-chn] ātmahita-pratipatti-saṃpad 自利行滿
[san-eng] sandehaḥ $ 범어 (m) doubt
[pali-chn] gaha-pati 居士
[Eng-Ch-Eng] 一切如來諸法本性滿淨蓮華三昧 A lotus-sama^dhi 蓮華三昧 of Vairocana from which Amita^bha was born. It is a Tatha^gata meditation, that the fundamenta1 nature of all existence is pure like the 1otus.
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 自說 ジセツ explain on one's own accord, without the prompt of a question
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] MEDITATION ON CORPSES☞
See: Meditation on Death.

[fra-eng] aviser $ 불어 inform, let know, notify

■ 암산퀴즈

762* 207
10972 / 26

■ 다라니퀴즈

구족수화길상광명대기명주총지 54 번째는?
자비주 41 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 11 번째는?

54 제가 과거에 항하의 모래알 수만큼 많은 부처님으로부터 직접 받아 지닌 것입니다.
돈구례, 敦具隸<五十四>
tud kule,
(~!~) 성스러운 가문에 출생 토록 전진 전진케 하소서.

중생들이 악해서
착하지 않은 일을 일으키고
도깨비로 비방하고 저주하여
원수가 맺어질 때
지성으로 대비주를 소리내 외우면
도깨비 귀신은 도리어
본인에게 돌아가 붙으며
● 호로호로마라 呼嚧呼嚧摩囉<四十一> hu ru hu ru ma ra

바리보라나 아나 나삼바 라

■ 삼매_게송퀴즈

■ 오늘의 게송
왕예중찰불가설 $ 119▲不可數不可數為 一 ● 不可數轉, ○□□□□,了,精,智,於

□□□□□□□, 了達諸佛不可說,
精進勇猛不可說, 智慧通達不可說。
□□□□□□□, 료달제불불가설,
정진용맹불가설, 지혜통달불가설。

모든 세계 가는 일을 말할 수 없고
부처님을 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
용맹하게 정진함도 말할 수 없고
지혜를 통달함도 말할 수 없고

어법비행비불행 $ 120■ ■於 方於毛通國-
120▲ 不可數轉不可數轉為 一 ● 不可稱, ○□□□□,入,不,恒,方

□□□□□□□, 入諸境界不可說,
不可稱說諸大劫, 恒遊十方不可說。
□□□□□□□, 입제경계불가설,
불가칭설제대겁, 항유십방불가설。

저 법을 행하지도, 않지도 않고
경계에 들어감을 말할 수 없고
말로 할 수 없는 여러 큰 겁에
시방에 다니는 일 말할 수 없고

●K1145_T0437.txt★ ∴≪A대승보월동자문법경≫_≪K1145≫_≪T0437≫
●K1385_T0159.txt★ ∴≪A대승본생심지관경≫_≪K1385≫_≪T0159≫
●K0125_T0158.txt★ ∴≪A대승비분다리경≫_≪K0125≫_≪T0158≫


119 (알너 - ULNA) 자뼈
120 (MIDDLE) 가운데(손가락)
54 입 mouth 口脣 【구순】
41 발뒤꿈치 (발굽) the heel
11 위팔 upper arm


○ 2019_1106_103900_can_fix

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○ 2019_1105_115854_can_exc

○ 2019_1201_133941_nik_exc_s12

○ 2019_1201_161556_nik_exc_s12

○ 2020_0211_134156_nik_exc

○ 2020_0904_135049_can_ori_rs

○ 2020_0906_115850_can_ori_rs

○ 2020_0908_152656_nik_ori_rs

○ 2020_0908_160406_nik_ori_rs

○ 2020_0910_122009_can_ori_rs

○ 2020_0930_142600_nik_ori_rs

○ 2016_0505_125257_nik

○ 2020_1017_151227_can_exc

○ 2020_1017_155316_can_ori_rs

○ 2018_1022_174949_nik_ori

○ 2019_1104_110939_nik_fix

○ 2019_1104_114533_nik_exc

○ 2019_1104_122417_nik_exc

○ 14-08-05-barcelona-RalfR-001_ar45_s12_adapted_from_wiki

○ 2012_0522_124140_exc남양주_운길산_수종사

○ 2012_0522_152528_exc남양주_운길산_수종사

○ 2013_0309_090824-can_ct22강화도_보문사_전등사

○ 2013_0309_172751-OLYMPUS_Ab27강화도_보문사_전등사

○ 2013_0408_124341-nik_CT33서울_개운산_장경연

○ 2013_0408_125233-nik_CT28서울_개운산_장경연

○ 2014_0407_123733_nik_exc완주_송광사

○ 2014_1118_165833_can_ct24서울_동국대불교학술원

○ 2014_1129_100903_nik_exc_s12서울_북악산_성불사

○ 2015_0415_154600_nik_ct8서울_정릉_봉국사

○ 2015_0415_160654_can_ar47서울_정릉_봉국사

○ 2015_0423_160255_can_BW3_s12

○ 2015_1025_130027_can_exc_s12서울_조계사

○ 2016_0123_162142_can_ar33_s12부안_능가산_내소사

○ 2016_0123_163647_can_exc_s12부안_능가산_내소사

○ 2016_0123_172911_nik_exc부안_능가산_내소사

○ 2016_0411_171636_can_exc_s12하동_지리산_쌍계사

○ 2016_0412_153138_can_exc진안_마이산_탑사

○ 2016_0412_163924_nik_ar40진안_마이산_탑사

○ 2016_0505_122200_nik_exc_s12춘천_오봉산_청평사

○ 2016_0505_131759_can_exc_s12춘천_오봉산_청평사

○ 2016_0508_165730_can_exc_s12서울_남산_동국대정각원

○ 2017_1107_101357_nik_ar47정읍_내장산_내장사

○ 2017_1107_125719_nik_exc정읍_내장산_내장사

○ 2018_0925_130017_can_Ab35

○ 2019_0317_162227_nik_ct4서울_도봉산_광륜사

○ 2019_0317_164033_nik_ct8서울_도봉산_광륜사

○ 2020_0430_125852_can_ct37_s12서울_북악산_성불사

○ 2021_0214_131656_can_Ar28춘천_오봉산_청평사

○ 2021_0215_102851_can_exc용인_연화산_와우정사

○ 2021_0215_103047_can_exc용인_연화산_와우정사

○ 2021_0215_105012_nik_exc용인_연화산_와우정사

○ 2021_0215_124921_can_bw0_s12용인_문수산_법륜사

○ 2021_0216_110522_can_Ab27석모도_낙가산_보문사

○ 2021_0216_120556_can_ct8석모도_낙가산_보문사

○ 2021_0216_122916_nik_CT38_s12석모도_낙가산_보문사

○ 2021_0216_160946_can_CT38_s12강화도_전등사

○ 2021_0216_161422_nik_ct18강화도_전등사

○ 2021_0217_104249_can_CT27서산_운산면_마애삼존불

○ 2021_0217_151347_can_ar47서산_상왕산_개심사

○ 2021_0320_142850_nik_BW3_s12포천_왕방산_왕산사

○ 2021_0717_164929_can_ab41_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_165947_can_CT28서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_170020_can_Ab27서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_170050_can_CT38_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_170148_can_ar45_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_170156_can_Ar28서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_170300_can_ct18서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_170326_can_bw0_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_170420_can_AR35_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_170514_can_Ar26_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_170755_can_CT28서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_170803_can_BW25서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_171152_can_ct18서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_171533_can_ab41_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_171536_can_ct8서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_171555_can_exc_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_171650_can_BW17서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_171719_can_ar2서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_172119_can_BW25서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_172130_can_ar27서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_172315_can_ct26_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_172608_can_bw24서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_172936_can_ar45_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_172957_can_ct19_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_173308_can_ct18서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_173548_can_Ar28서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_173757_can_ct19_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_173918_can_exc서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_174152_can_Ab35서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_181818_nik_AR35_s12서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0717_182943_can_bw26서울 동대문디자인센터

○ 2021_0928_163850_nik_CT28인제_설악산_백담사

○ 2021_0928_164509_can_exc_s12인제_설악산_백담사

○ 2021_0929_074146_can_ct18양양_오봉산_낙산사

○ 2021_0929_101720_can_BW17_pc양양_오봉산_낙산사

○ 2021_0929_102002_can_BW21_s12_pc양양_오봉산_낙산사

○ 2021_0929_140617_nik_exc_s12양양_휴휴암

○ 2021_0929_141100_can_ct37_s12_pc양양_휴휴암

○ 2021_0929_170156_nik_ct19_s12_pc강릉_괘방산_등명낙가사

○ 2021_0930_140036_can정선_태백산_정암사

○ 2021_0930_172207_nik_CT33_pc영월_사자산_법흥사

○ 2021_0930_174508_nik_ab41_s12영월_사자산_법흥사

○ 2021_0930_180745_nik_AB7_pc영월_사자산_법흥사

○ 2021_0930_182317_nik_bw24영월_사자산_법흥사

○ 2021_1001_144300_nik_Ar28봉화_청량산_청량사

○ 2021_1001_150009_nik_exc_s12봉화_청량산_청량사

○ 2021_1002_114326_nik_Ar28_pc영천_팔공산_은해사

○ 2021_1002_121412_can_ar38영천_팔공산_은해사

○ 2021_1002_125137_can_ct18_pc영천_팔공산_은해사

○ 2021_1002_134259_can_exc_s12영천_팔공산_거조사

○ 2021_1002_135724_nik_Ab27영천_팔공산_거조사

○ 2021_1003_110228_nik_exc_s12_pc밀양_재악산_표충사

○ 2021_1003_124253_can_bw0_s12밀양_만어산_만어사

○ 2021_1003_124606_nik_bw24밀양_만어산_만어사

○ 2021_1003_131329_nik_BW17밀양_만어산_만어사

○ 2021_1003_140610_nik_ct18밀양_만어산_만어사

○ 2021_1003_142834_nik_exc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사

○ 2021_1003_152608_nik_ar45_s12_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사

○ 2021_1003_165345_can_ar31_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사

○ 2021_1003_175036_can_ct24_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사

○ 2021_1003_182420_nik_ab39_s12_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사

○ 2021_1004_110546_nik_exc의령_봉황산_일붕사

○ 2021_1004_125646_can_AB7의령_봉황산_일붕사

○ 2021_1004_141701_can_exc산청_지리산_대원사

○ 2021_1004_163827_nik_AR35_s12_pc하동_고성산_약천사

○ 2021_1004_165032_can_exc_s12하동_고성산_약천사

○ 2021_1004_172817_nik_ar47_pc하동_고성산_약천사

○ 2021_1004_180946_nik_bw24_pc하동_고성산_약천사

○ 2021_1005_113829_nik_CT27_pc여수_금오산_향일암

○ 2021_1005_164112_nik_bw24장흥_천관산_천관사

○ 2021_1005_184600_nik_exc_s12해남_봉화산_대흥사

○ 2021_1006_094625_nik_Ar28해남_봉화산_대흥사

○ 2021_1006_100939_nik_CT27해남_봉화산_대흥사

○ 2021_1006_111306_nik_ar46해남_봉화산_대흥사

○ 2021_1006_112445_nik_ct18_pc해남_봉화산_대흥사

○ 2021_1006_143402_nik_ct8해남_달마산_미황사

○ 2021_1006_143516_nik_Ab31_s12_pc해남_달마산_미황사

○ 2021_1006_143710_nik_ar24_pc해남_달마산_미황사

○ 2021_1006_144601_nik_ar45_s12_pc해남_달마산_미황사

○ 2021_1006_144712_nik_CT33해남_달마산_미황사

○ 2021_1006_144809_nik_CT28_pc해남_달마산_미황사

○ 2021_1006_144926_nik_exc해남_달마산_미황사

○ 2021_1006_145625_nik_BW25해남_달마산_미황사

○ 2021_1006_173859_nik_exc영광_모악산_불갑사

○ 2021_1006_175053_nik_CT28영광_모악산_불갑사

○ 2021_1006_175141_can_bw6_s12영광_모악산_불갑사

○ 2021_1007_100726_nik_ct8영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사

○ 2021_1007_103452_can_Ab31_s12_pc영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사

○ 2021_1007_104158_can_ct9_s12영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사

○ 2021_1007_134649_nik_ct8_s12_pc부안_능가산_내소사

○ 2021_1007_135511_nik_ct7부안_능가산_내소사

○ 2021_1007_140149_nik_CT38_s12_pc부안_능가산_내소사

○ 2021_1007_140752_can_BW21_s12부안_능가산_내소사

○ 2021_1007_150545_can_exc_s12부안_능가산_내소사

○ 2021_1007_162849_nik_ar24_s12_pc부안_능가산_개암사

○ 2021_1007_164637_can_exc_s12부안_능가산_개암사

○ 2021_1007_165738_can_ct25_s12_pc부안_능가산_개암사

○ 2021_1008_123211_can_ar6완주_화암사

○ 2021_1008_123850_can_ct21_s12_pc완주_화암사

○ 2021_1008_124433_can_ar47완주_화암사

○ 2021_1008_130203_nik_CT33_pc완주_화암사

○ 2021_1008_131746_can_ar32_s12완주_화암사

○ 2021_1008_132324_can_BW25완주_화암사

○ 2021_1008_132357_can_exc_s12완주_화암사

○ 2021_1008_144757_nik_CT33계룡산_신원사

○ 2021_1008_154211_nik_ct9_s12_pc계룡산_신원사

○ 2021_1112_143531_can_excsetec_서울국제불교박람회

○ 2021_1112_151123_can_ab41_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회

○ 2021_1112_165955_nik_exc_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회

○ 2021_1113_141445_can_exc_s12경기도광주_남한산성_청량산_장경사

○ 2021_1113_163557_nik_exc경기도광주_남한산성_청량산_망월사

○ 2022_0411_152517_can_Ar28장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_152650_can_Ab27장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_152650_can_CT27장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_153150_can_Ar26_s12장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_153209_nik_CT27장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_153337_can_BW3_s12장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_153448_can_ar47장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_153524_can_exc_s12장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_153530_can_exc_s12장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_153550_can_ct18장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_154053_can_ar7장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_154147_can_BW25장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_154532_can_BW25장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_154958_can_bw0_s12장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_160043_nik_Ab35장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_164344_nik_bw0_s12장안벚꽃길

○ 2022_0411_174835_can_CT27장안벚꽃길

○ Arc_de_Triomf_Barcelona_2013_Ar28_adapted_from_wiki

○ Colosseo_di_Roma_panoramic_CT33_adapted_from_wiki

○ Donglin_Temple_Shanghai_19_ar47_adapted_from_wiki

○ Freie_Universitaet_Berlin_-_Otto-Hahn-Bau_2_CT38_s12_adapted_from_wiki

○ Instalaciones_MIRAT_S.A._Salamanca_ct36_s12_adapted_from_wiki

○ Lovers%27_Park_Ab31_s12_adapted_from_wiki

○ Marginal_Avenida_4_de_Fevreiro_Luanda_March_2013_10_ct21_s12_adapted_from_wiki

○ Mosque_Bey_Oran_ct37_s12_adapted_from_wiki

○ New_Meadowlands_Stadium_Mezz_Corner_CT27_adapted_from_wiki

○ Palacio_Nacional_de_Mafra2_ar4_s12_adapted_from_wiki

○ Penang_City_Hall_BW17_adapted_from_wiki

○ RUS-2016-Aerial-SPB-St_Michael%27s_Castle_02_ab13_adapted_from_wiki

○ Saint_Petersburg_Lakhta_center_03_Ab35_adapted_from_wiki

○ Salamanca._Cerro_de_San_Vicente_-_2_ct36_adapted_from_wiki

○ Samson_Fenster_aus_Alpirsbach_BW17_adapted_from_wiki

○ Spb_06-2012_Nevsky_various_02_Ab27_adapted_from_wiki

○ That_luang1_CT38_s12_adapted_from_wiki

○ UNIS01_exc_s12_adapted_from_wiki

○ Usp_ar47_adapted_from_wiki

○ 彰化市中正路一段_AB7_adapted_from_wiki

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™善現智福 키워드 연결 페이지

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● 대승본생심지관경_K1385_T0159 [문서정보]- 일일단상키워드

『대승본생심지관경』 ♣1385-006♧

■ 본 페이지 ID 정보
sfed--대승본생심지관경_K1385_T0159.txt ☞제6권
sfd8--불교단상_2566_04.txt ☞◆vmhr1068
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