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=> ■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
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○ 2020_0910_183026_can_CT27 월악산 신륵사
● 사미 - novice
삶을 살아갈 때는 사미와 같은 마음으로 살아가야 한다.
● 모든 유정(생명,중생)들을
크게 가엾이 여기는 마음으로
고통을 없애고 안락케 하려는 마음을 갖는다.
모든 생명들을 크게 가엾이 여기는 마음으로
고통을 없애고 안락케 하려는 마음을 갖는다.
(with google)
With a heart of great pity for all living beings,
I want to get rid of the pain and make them comfortable.
(with papago)
With great mercy on all living beings,
I have a mind to relieve pain and make them comfortable.
With great mercy on all living beings,
I want to relieve them of pain and make them comfortable.
일체중생 一切衆生
all living beings[things],
all creatures,
all life[flesh],
the whole of (all) mankind
[Kor]자비[Chn]慈悲[San]maitrī-karuṇā[Tib]byams snying rje
[Eng]pity and kindness
문서정보 ori https://buddhism007.tistory.com/#6798
sfed--보현금강살타약유가염송의궤_K1317_T1124.txt ☞염송의궤
sfd8--불교단상_2564_03.txt ☞◆vtxa6798
● 제개장보살님!
어떻게 번뇌를 남김없이 제거할 수 있습니까?
(with google)
Jegaejang bodhisattva mahasattva
How can I / get rid of / anguish /, entirely?
Sarvanīvaraṇaviṣkambhin bodhisattva mahasattva!
How can I / get rid of / anguish /, entirely?
removal, elimination, remove, eliminate, get rid of, do away with, take sb away
1.(formal) anguish, agony
1.all (together), wholly, entirely, without exception
removal, elimination, remove, eliminate, get rid of, do away with, take sb away
○ 제개장(除蓋障) 보살은 범어로
Sarva nīvaraṇa viṣkambhin bodhisattva mahasattva!
살바 니바라냐 비스깜부힌 보드히사뜨와 마하사뜨와
How can I / get rid of / anguish /, entirely?
Sarva nīvaraṇa viṣkambhin
nivaraNa => 蓋 ( 5개,,)
3[ ni-varaNa ] n. hindrance , disturbance , trouble
cf. SaddhP.
cf. [ sarva-niv-viSkambhin ] )
nivAraNa => 제거[除去]
3[ ni-vAraNa ] mfn. = prec. mfn.
cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr.
---> n. keeping back , preventing , hindering , opposing , refuting
cf. ib. cf. Pañc. cf. BhP.
3[ vi-Skambhin ] mfn. obstructing , impeding W.
---> m. the bolt or bar of a door ib.
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○ 2019_1106_161812_nik_exc 화순 계당산 쌍봉사

○ 2019_1106_102311_nik_exc_s12 화순 영구산 운주사
[업데이트 안내]
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™善現智福 키워드 연결 페이지
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● 불교_영어번역연습 [문서정보] 페이지 키워드
○ [pt op tr]
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