● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람I
● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
○ 통합대장경 사이트 안내
○ 해제[있는경우]
● TTS 음성듣기 안내
※ 이하 부분은 위 대장경 부분에 대해
참조자료를 붙여 자유롭게 연구하는 내용을 적는 공간입니다.
대장경 열람은 위 부분을 참조해주십시오.
● 자료출처 불교학술원 기금 후원안내페이지
『입능가경』 ♣0160-006♧
♥아래는 현재 작성 및 정리 중인 미완성 상태의 글입니다♥
[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]
○ [pt op tr]
○ 2019_1105_165910_nik_exc 순천 조계산 송광사
○ 2019_1105_110610_can_exc_s12 순천 조계산 선암사
○ 2019_1105_133412_can_fix 순천 조계산 선암사
○ 2019_1201_154726_nik_exc 원주 구룡사
○ 2020_0211_141902_can_exc_s12 불암산 천보사
○ 2020_0905_151430_nik_ori_rs 오대산 적멸보궁
○ 2020_0906_113859_can_ori_rs 천축산 불영사
○ 2020_0907_143610_can_ori_rs 양산 통도사
○ 2020_0909_133057_nik_ori_rs 무주 백련사
○ 2020_0910_120938_nik_ori_rs 속리산 법주사
○ 2020_1002_121955_can_exc_s12 파주 고령산 보광사
○ 2020_1017_160429_can_exc 삼각산 화계사
○ 2020_1017_151724_can_exc_s12 삼각산 화계사
○ 2020_1017_150158_can_ori_rs 삼각산 화계사
○ 2020_1017_174158_nik_ori_rs 삼각산 화계사
○ 2018_1023_144548_can_ori 예산 덕숭산 수덕사
○ 2020_1114_131003_nik_ori 삼각산 도선사
○ 2019_1104_131408_can_exc_s12 구례 화엄사 연기암
○ 2019_1104_121049_nik_exc 구례 화엄사
● [pt op tr] fr
○ 2020_0908_170245_can_ori_rs 합천 해인사 백련암
❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
『입능가경』 ♣0160-006♧
◎◎[개별논의] ♥ ❋본문
◈Lab value 불기2567/01/23 |
○ 2016_1008_133451_can_ar45.jpg ○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Salvador-Dali-zzz-lady-louis-mountbatten-1940-salvador-dali Artist: Salvador-Dali from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvador_Dalí Title : zzz-lady-louis-mountbatten-1940-salvador-dali Info Permission & Licensing : Wikiart ● [pt op tr] fr ○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Rosa_Cesar_1 English: Rosa 'César' in the Volksgarten in Vienna. Identified by sign. Author Anna reg Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr ○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 060_Cave_4,_Main_Shrine_(34280369085) ♥Pampliega ,Spain ○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe' Marie Laforet - Por Que Fingir (Tu Fais Semblant) ♥단상♥ |
문서정보 ori https://buddhism0077.blogspot.com/2023/01/2567-01-23-k0160-006.html#2509 sfed--입능가경_K0160_T0671.txt ☞제6권 sfd8--불교단상_2567_01.txt ☞◆vdbg2509 불기2567-01-23 θθ |
■ 선물 퀴즈
방문자선물 안내페이지
다음에 해당하는 단어를 본 페이지 에 댓글로 적어주시면 됩니다.
원교이면서 돈교란 뜻. 천태종에서 『화엄경(華嚴經)』을 말함. 그 교상판석(敎相判釋)인 화의(化儀)ㆍ화법(化法)에 각각 4교가 있는데 화의 4교 중의 돈교와 화법 4교 중의 원교는 화엄의 교법이란 뜻으로 원돈교라 함.
답 후보
● 원돈교(圓頓敎)
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
○ [pt op tr]
■ 음악
Mireille Mathieu - Je Veux Te Dire
Nicolas Peyrac - L'amour Avec Toi
Jean-Louis Murat - Venus
Accordeon De L'amour - Tango Verano
Enzo Enzo & Kent - Quelle Belle Entente
French Anthology Chanson And Breathe Of Jazz - La Belle Vie
Julien Doré - Kiss Me Forever
■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈
勿 ■ ( 말 물, / 털 몰 )
023▲ 文勿反方攴 ■ 문물반방복 23 ( 글월 문 )( 말 물, / 털 몰 )( 돌이킬 반 / 돌아올 반, 어려울 번, 삼갈 판 )( 모 방 / 본뜰 방, 괴물 망 )( 칠 복 ) 재춘법한자
【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
번역연습(기계적 번역내용 오류수정 연습)
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Apadāna
[san-chn] cāmi-kara 金, 黃金
[san-eng] upātta $ 범어 obtained
[pali-chn] cattāro phalā 四果
[Eng-Ch-Eng] 印相 Skt. mu^dra; Pali mudda^, transcribed as 牟陀羅 and 母陀羅. A sign or gesture made with the hands of a buddha or bodhisattva, representing some message of the Buddhist teaching, as seen in Buddhist iconography. Such gestures correspond to natural gestures (of teaching, protecting, and so on) and also to certain aspects of the Buddhist teaching or particular buddha depicted. Mu^dras became especially relevant in Maha^ya^na esoteric schools 密教, where they were used to accompany the performance of liturgies and the recitation of mantras 咒. Although mu^dras are made by joining the fingers together in a variety of ways, sometimes objects held in the hand such as a lotus flower, sword, and so forth, a regarded as being part of the mu^dra.
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 見諍 ケンジョウ wrangling over views
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] ATTACHMENT☞
Syn: Grasping; Clinging.
See also: Love-attachment; Self.
“Attachment, grasping (upadana) or, as sometimes translated,
‘clinging’, is according to Buddhist thought an intensified form of
craving. It is of four kinds: (1) sensuous-clinging, i.e., clinging to
sensuous desires and pleasures, (2) clinging to views (false or mistaken), (3) clinging to rules and rituals, with the idea that one may
through them gain salvation, (4) clinging to the notion of individual
personality. The Anagamin is regarded as entirely free from all these
manifestations of grasping or clinging.”
Ling: 131
“In the Four Noble Truths, Buddha Shakyamuni taught that attachment to self is the root cause of suffering: ‘From craving [attachment]
springs grief,/ From craving springs fear; / For him who is wholly
free from craving,/ There is no grief, much less fear.’ ” (Dhammapada
Hua: xxx
Specifically for monks and nuns, Buddhist cultivation entails ridding
themselves ultimately of all attachments, beginning with attachment
to their own body and mind (Mark of Self). Once this is achieved,
they will be able to transcend attachment to family and friends
(Mark of Others), attachment to sentient beings other than family
and friends (Mark of Sentient Beings) and finally, attachment to the
duration of their life (Mark of Lifespan). The more successful their
cultivation is, the more detachment they achieve, the calmer their
mind becomes and the closer they are to the Way (i.e. salvation).
Editor / Tam: 307-308
For the seasoned practitioner, even the Dharma (teachings of the
Buddha) must not become an attachment. As an analogy, to clean
one’s shirt, it is necessary to use soap. However, if the soap is not then
rinsed out, the garment will not be truly clean. Similarly, the practitioner’s mind will not be fully liberated until he severs attachment to
everything, including the Dharma itself.
Editor / Van Hien: 214
Pure Land Buddhism
“Question: I venture to think that the True Mind has always been
equal, clear and even. If there is still revulsion for the Saha World and
fondness for the Pure Land, then there is still love and hate, grasping
(attachment) and rejection. Are we not still in error?
Answer: ‘You raise this question because you still do not understand
【book-page-52 53】
the issue in depth. This revulsion and fondness is not the mundane
mind of love and hate, but is rather the common method employed by
all the Buddhas of the Ten Directions, to transform ordinary beings
into sages. If there is no revulsion and rejection, how can common
mortals be transformed? If there is no fondness and grasping, how can
sagehood be attained? Therefore, in the span of cultivation from ordinary person to sagehood and from sagehood to Equal Enlightenment,
everything is within the cycle of grasping and rejection, revulsion and
fondness. Only when the practitioner has attained the highest level
of Wonderful Enlightenment (the stage immediately before Buddhahood) will he be free of such feelings and enter the state of Equal
Thusness [Buddhahood]. For this reason, the ancients have said: At
the beginning, cultivators should have feelings of grasping and rejection,
in order to arrive at the point of no grasping and no rejection. When
that grasping and rejection have reached the ultimate stage, they will be
found to be the same as non-grasping and non-rejection. Moreover, the
Pure Land method was taught by Buddha Sakyamuni and Buddha
Amitabha, with Buddha Sakyamuni exhorting people to seek rebirth
and Buddha Amitabha playing the role of welcoming and escorting.
If the Pure Land cultivator does not have feelings of revulsion and
rejection, how can he leave the Saha World? If he does not have feelings of fondness and seeking, how can he be reborn in the Western
Pure Land? To achieve rebirth is nothing more than to rely on the
auspicious environment of that Land to achieve Buddhahood swiftly.
Therefore, such grasping and rejection, revulsion and fondness are of
great benefit; how can they possibly be considered liabilities?’ ”
P. L. DIA: 76
“As stated in the Pure Land classic Direct Pointing to the Source (Kuei
Yuan Chih Chih / Qui-Nguyên Trực-Chi): ‘If your illness becomes
serious, and you are facing the end, your relatives should not weep
or wail or utter sounds of lamentation and distress. This may throw
your mind into confusion and make you lose correct mindfulness.
【book-page-52 53】
They should just join together and recite the Buddha-name to help
you go to the Pure Land. Only after your breathing has stopped for
a long time can they weep and wail. As soon as there is the least bit
of longing for the world, it immediately becomes an obstruction, and
you will not achieve liberation. If you find people who clearly understand the Pure Land [i.e. good spiritual advisors], let them come
frequently to urge you on and encourage you. This would be a great
good fortune.’ ” (J. C. Cleary, Pure Land, Pure Mind).
Note: Love-attachment is, along with killing, one of the two major
impediments to rebirth in the Pure Land.
Editor / Tam: 322 #2023
[fra-eng] rattrapé $ 불어 overtaken
■ 암산퀴즈
249* 982
29632 / 463
■ 다라니퀴즈
구족수화길상광명대기명주총지 23 번째는?
자비주 23 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 23 번째는?
23 일체의 선법(善法)을 증장시키며,
셤미, 睒謎<二十三>
(~!~)악한이의 마음을 조복하여 평온케 하고,
열다섯 가지 좋은 삶을 누린다는 것은,
첫째는 태어나는 곳마다 선한 왕을 만나고,
둘째는 항상 선한 나라에 태어나고,
세째는 항상 좋은 시절을 만나고,
네째는 항상 착한 벗을 만나게 되고,
다섯째는 몸에 모든 기관이 구족하고,
여섯째는 도의 마음[道心]이 순일하게 익게 되고,
일곱째는 계율을 어기지 않게 되고,
여덟째는 딸린 식구가 항상 은헤롭고 의로우며 화목하여 따르고
아홉째는 살림살이 재물과 음식이 항상 풍족하고,
열째는 항상 다른 사람에게 공경과 보살핌을 받고,
열한째는 가진 재산과 보물을 남에게 뺏기지 않으며,
열두째는 의욕하여 구하는 바가 뜻대로 다 이루어지고,
열세째는 용과 하늘과 선신(善神)이 항상 옹호하여 지켜주며,
열네째는 나는 곳마다 부처님을 뵈옵고 법을 들으며,
열다섯째는 듣게 된 올바른 법의 깊고 깊은 이치를 깨닫게 되옵니다.
대비심 다라니를 외우고 수행하는 자는
이와 같은 열다섯 가지 좋은 삶을 누리게 되므로
일체 사람과 하늘과 용과 귀신들은
항상 외우고 지니되
게으름을 내지 말아야 되나이다.
이렇게 말씀하시고
법회에 모인 대중 앞에
합장하고 바로 서서
모든 중생에게 대비의 마음을 일으키시고
얼굴에 미소를 머금고
곧 이와 같은 광대원만무애대비심대다라니(廣大圓滿無大悲心大陀羅尼)
신묘장구다라니(神妙章句陁羅尼)를 설하셨으니,
곧 주를 설하되,
[ 위에 기재~~ ]
● 마하보리살타 摩訶菩提薩埵<二十三> ma hā bo dhi sa tva
미아다모 하
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
어피일일광명내 $ 023▲毘攞伽毘攞伽為 一 ● 毘伽(上)婆, ○□□□□,現,一,一,光
□□□□□□□, 現不可說師子座,
一一嚴具不可說, 一一光明不可說。
□□□□□□□, 현불가설사자좌,
일일엄구불가설, 일일광명불가설。
저 하나하나 광명 속에서
말로 할 수 없는 사자좌를 나타내나니
하나하나 장엄거리 말할 수 없고
하나하나 광명도 말할 수 없어
어피일일련화내 $ 018▲界分界分為 一 ● 普摩, ○□□□□,悉,不,各,彼
□□□□□□□, 悉有眾葉不可說,
不可說華眾葉中, 各現色相不可說。
□□□□□□□, 실유중엽불가설,
불가설화중엽중, 각현색상불가설。
저러한 하나하나 연꽃 속마다
말할 수 없이 많은 잎새가 있고
말할 수 없는 연꽃 잎새 가운데
나타내는 빛깔이 말할 수 없어
●K0509_T0183.txt★ ∴≪A일체지광명선인자심인연불식육경≫_≪K0509≫_≪T0183≫
●K0160_T0671.txt★ ∴≪A입능가경≫_≪K0160≫_≪T0671≫
●K0621_T1634.txt★ ∴≪A입대승론≫_≪K0621≫_≪T1634≫
■요가자세 익히기
요가_정뇌 호흡
18 아래팔뚝 (forearm)
23 엄지 (THUMB)
■ 오늘의 경전 [이야기, 게송,선시 등]
2567_0118_205821 :
대장경 내 게송
【답】또한 번뇌라 하기도 하고
수음(受陰)및 쟁(諍)이라 하기도 한다.
번민과 수음과 다툼이 생기기 때문이니
이것은 여러 성현들께서 설하신 바이다.
한글대장경 K0960_T1552
잡아비담심론(雜阿毘曇心論) 존자법구조.
류송 승가발마등역
雜阿毘曇心論 【尊者法救造.
劉宋 僧伽跋摩等譯】
출처 불교기록문화유산아카이브 통합대장경
○ 2019_1106_155605_nik_AB7 화순 계당산 쌍봉사
○ 2019_1105_123045_nik_Ab31_s12 순천 조계산 선암사
○ 2019_1105_165659_nik_ab26_s12 순천 조계산 송광사
○ 2019_1106_130635_can_CT28 화순 영구산 운주사
○ 2019_1106_160031_can_AR35_s12 화순 계당산 쌍봉사
○ 2019_1105_131452_can_bw0_s12 순천 조계산 선암사
○ 2019_1201_163858_nik_CT38_s12 원주 구룡사
○ 2020_0905_155157_can_bw5 오대산 적멸보궁
○ 2020_0905_171558_can_BW25 오대산 적멸보궁
○ 2020_0907_143043_can_ar45 양산 통도사
○ 2020_0908_145306_can_ab10 합천 해인사
○ 2020_0909_145415_can_ar25 무주 백련사
○ 2020_0910_152234_nik_ar45 속리산 법주사
○ 2020_1114_132550_nik_ct19 삼각산 도선사
○ 2020_1114_142128_can_bw4_s12 삼각산 도선사
○ 2019_1104_091817_can_CT27 구례 화엄사
○ 2019_1104_103907_nik_ar38 구례 화엄사
○ 2019_1104_131817_nik_ar44 구례 화엄사 연기암
○ 2019_1104_132951_nik_ct32 구례 화엄사 연기암
○ 78-Versailles-chapelle-royale-choeur-orgue_ab41_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ 2012_0522_122439_CT27남양주_운길산_수종사
○ 2012_0522_162404_Ab35남양주_운길산_수종사
○ 2013_0309_094912-can_exc강화도_보문사_전등사
○ 2013_0309_151811-OLYMPUS_BW25강화도_보문사_전등사
○ 2014_0302_174344_can_ct9_s12서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2014_1118_151655_can_CT27서울_동국대_정각원
○ 2014_1129_122102_can_ct18서울_북악산_성불사
○ 2015_0415_155010_nik_CT28서울_정릉_봉국사
○ 2015_0727_111425_can_BW3_s12부산_금정산_범어사
○ 2015_1025_125703_nik_exc서울_조계사
○ 2016_0123_161208_can_ct34부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2016_0123_163216_can_exc부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2016_0123_173415_nik_ar38부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2016_0411_173555_nik_ar39하동_지리산_쌍계사
○ 2016_0412_152753_can_exc진안_마이산_탑사
○ 2016_0412_160515_nik_BW3_s12진안_마이산_탑사
○ 2016_0505_125357_can_exc_s12춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2016_0505_130659_nik_exc춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2016_0505_131027_can_exc춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2017_1107_105659_nik_ab41_s12정읍_내장산_내장사
○ 2017_1107_151926_can_CT27정읍_내장산_내장사
○ 2019_0106_160523_nik_ar47서울_도봉산_망월사
○ 2019_0317_152650_can_exc서울_도봉산_광륜사
○ 2020_0430_131904_can_exc_s12서울_북악산_성불사
○ 2021_0214_133845_can_CT33춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2021_0214_175006_can_ct24_s12홍천_공작산_수타사
○ 2021_0215_104504_can_ct8용인_연화산_와우정사
○ 2021_0215_130322_nik_ct9_s12용인_문수산_법륜사
○ 2021_0215_132940_nik_BW3_s12용인_문수산_법륜사
○ 2021_0215_153319_can_Ab35안성_칠현산_칠장사
○ 2021_0216_141248_can_exc강화도_전등사
○ 2021_0216_163010_can_exc_s12강화도_전등사
○ 2021_0217_113931_nik_BW21_s12서산_상왕산_문수사
○ 2021_0217_114058_can_CT28서산_상왕산_문수사
○ 2021_0217_134918_can_ct19_s12서산_상왕산_개심사
○ 2021_0217_141218_nik_Ab31_s12서산_상왕산_개심사
○ 2021_0320_152111_can_ar13포천_백운산_흥룡사
○ 2021_0717_170009_can_ct19_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_170618_can_ar45_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_171513_can_ar18_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_171701_can_Ar26_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_172245_can_AR35_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_172601_can_exc서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_173712_can_AB7서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_174014_can_bw24서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_174139_can_BW17서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_182943_can_Ab35서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0928_144546_can_ar47인제_설악산_백담사
○ 2021_0928_160221_can_AR35_s12인제_설악산_백담사
○ 2021_0928_162601_nik_BW3_s12인제_설악산_백담사
○ 2021_0928_162611_can_AR35_s12인제_설악산_백담사
○ 2021_0929_095234_nik_Ar28_pc양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_102655_nik_exc_s12양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_103251_nik_Ab27양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_110244_can_ct9_s12_pc양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_165141_nik_AB7강릉_괘방산_등명낙가사
○ 2021_0930_104021_can_ar45_s12_pc삼척_두타산_천은사
○ 2021_0930_104311_nik_ar10_s12_pc삼척_두타산_천은사
○ 2021_0930_180230_nik_ar1_s12_pc영월_사자산_법흥사
○ 2021_0930_182317_nik_BW25_pc영월_사자산_법흥사
○ 2021_1002_141410_can_ar47영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_152938_can_exc영천_만불사
○ 2021_1002_152959_can_exc_s12영천_만불사
○ 2021_1002_154128_nik_ar41_s12_pc영천_만불사
○ 2021_1002_175251_can_ar47경주_함월산_골굴사
○ 2021_1002_175359_can_bw0_s12경주_함월산_골굴사
○ 2021_1002_180533_can_bw24경주_함월산_골굴사
○ 2021_1002_181514_can_ct9_s12경주_함월산_골굴사
○ 2021_1002_220952_can_ab41_s12밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_095400_can_CT27_pc밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_132329_can_exc밀양_만어산_만어사
○ 2021_1003_152019_can_ct8밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_152046_nik_exc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_152226_nik_ar47밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_172551_nik_Ab27밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_173623_can_ar33_s12_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_174009_can_AB7밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_175121_can_BW25_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_182428_can_ct19_s12밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_183605_nik_exc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1004_100457_nik_BW17_pc의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_105200_nik_BW25의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_105419_can_bw24_s12_pc의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_134339_nik_exc산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_135133_nik_Ar28_pc산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_135200_nik_ct18산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_140055_nik_exc산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_165102_can_BW17하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_175740_nik_bw0_s12_pc하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_175830_can_ct26_s12하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1005_003202_nik_exc여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_114613_can_exc_s12여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_154533_can_Ab31_s12_pc장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1005_161641_nik_exc_s12장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1005_162609_can_bw24_s12_pc장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1006_095817_nik_ct18_pc해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_101343_nik_CT33_pc해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_104923_nik_ar47해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_112553_nik_ab53_s12_pc해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_120123_can_Ar26_s12_pc해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_143336_nik_ar47_pc해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_145439_nik_Ab35_pc해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_183452_nik_ct20_pc영광_모악산_불갑사
○ 2021_1007_101149_can_ct9_s12영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_104430_can_CT28_pc영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_105919_can_exc영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_144216_can_Ab35_pc부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2021_1007_161537_nik_CT27_pc부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_161623_nik_ar40_s12_pc부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_163839_nik_ar18_s12부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_164813_can_exc_s12부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_170954_nik_exc부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1008_124308_can_exc완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_125032_can_exc_s12완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_125406_can_exc완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_143316_can_bw0_s12_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_151601_nik_exc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_153207_nik_ct18_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_153350_nik_BW25계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_154717_nik_bw24_s12_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_210815_can_AB7_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1112_143514_nik_BW3_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_143944_nik_BW3_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_145842_can_ct25setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_150724_can_AB7setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_152901_nik_ar45_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_154234_nik_ct8setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_155731_nik_Ab31_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_165843_nik_ct19setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_171035_nik_BW21_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_172204_can_CT27setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1113_185211_can_BW21_s12경기도광주_남한산성_청량산_망월사
○ 2022_0827_162521_can_Ar28의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0909_143940_can_ct34_s12꽃과 장식
○ 2022_0909_150214_can_Ab31_s12꽃과 장식
○ 2022_1025_144153_nik_ar38서울_조계사
○ 2022_1026_154633_nik_exc서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2022_1026_155209_nik_exc서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2022_1026_160033_nik_ar2서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2022_1026_164548_can_Ab31_s12서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2022_1027_173105_nik_ct8서울_길상사
○ 2022_1028_150613_nik_Ar28서울_구룡산_능인선원
○ 2022_1028_161020_nik_AB7서울_구룡산_능인선원
○ 2022_1028_161333_nik_AR35_s12서울_구룡산_능인선원
○ 2022_1029_172944_can_CT38_s12서울_삼각산_도선사
○ 2022_1030_132954_nik_ct5북한산_진관사
○ 2022_1031_143930_nik_CT27서울_구룡산_구룡사
○ 2022_1108_104038_can_CT33창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_113644_can_BW25창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_130056_can_bw24창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_163312_can_ct18인천_차이나타운
○ 2022_1109_123522_can_ct8인천대공원_인천수목원
○ 2022_1109_123752_can_Ab31_s12인천대공원_인천수목원
○ 2022_1109_132659_can_ab22인천대공원_인천수목원
○ 2022_1116_155750_HP_BY_YJ_ab41_s12과천공원
○ 2022_1122_153951_nik_BW25서울_개운산_개운사
○ 2023_0122_125246_nik_AB7꽃과 장식
○ Ambleside_&_Waterhead_Panorama__Cumbria__England_-_Oct_2009_bw14_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Apsua_Holding_Apsny_Flag_ar45_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Bach_Mai_Communist_propaganda_in_2015_05_ct8_adapted_from_wiki
○ Barcelona_collage_CT28_adapted_from_wiki
○ Bulgaria_Bulgaria-0743_-_Plovdiv_Regional_Ethnographic_Museum_%287432394622%29_ar47_adapted_from_wiki
○ Carmelight_BW17_adapted_from_wiki
○ Casa_cu_Lei_3_ar45_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ CCM_Kirumba_Stadium_Mwanza_Ab35_adapted_from_wiki
○ Estatua_de_Lautaro_exc_adapted_from_wiki
○ France_Loir-et-Cher_Lavardin_chateau_donjon_01_AB7_adapted_from_wiki
○ Golden_Chedi_in_Wat_Phra_Kaew_bw0_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Kharkiv_montage_%282015%29_bw24_adapted_from_wiki
○ Luelsdorf_Burg1_ct19_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Marginal_Avenida_4_de_Fevreiro_Luanda_March_2013_%28cropped%29_ct19_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Newark_aerial_looking_northwest_bw0_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Niederkassel_Seniorenheim_1_BW25_adapted_from_wiki
○ Salihundam_Stupam__Srikakulam_district__Andhra_Pradesh_42_BW25_adapted_from_wiki
○ Ssangbongsa_Daeungjeon11-05155_bw24_adapted_from_wiki
○ StamfordCTRRstaLookingNE11112007_ar32_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ STAPP_005_San_Fernando_Naparima_College_%28cropped%29_ct9_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ UNIS01_Ab31_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Up_edificios_1_CT28_adapted_from_wiki
○ Velo3_ct18_adapted_from_wiki
○ 國立彰化生活美學館側面_BW21_s12_adapted_from_wiki
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○ 2020_1114_151828_can_bw4_s12 삼각산 도선사
™善現智福 키워드 연결 페이지
○ [pt op tr]
● 입능가경_K0160_T0671 [문서정보]- 일일단상키워드
『입능가경』 ♣0160-006♧
■ 본 페이지 ID 정보
sfed--입능가경_K0160_T0671.txt ☞제6권
sfd8--불교단상_2567_01.txt ☞◆vdbg2509
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