● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람I
● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
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● 자료출처 불교학술원 기금 후원안내페이지
『대승장엄경론』 ♣0586-008♧
♥아래는 현재 작성 및 정리 중인 미완성 상태의 글입니다♥
[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]
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○ 2019_1201_161536_nik_Ab27 원주 구룡사
○ 2018_1024_140134_can_ar24 공주 칠갑산 장곡사
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❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
『대승장엄경론』 ♣0586-008♧
◎◎[개별논의] ♥ ❋본문
◈Lab value 불기2567/02/02 |
○ 2018_0419_140321_can.jpg ○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Utagawa-Kuniyoshi-women-1.jpg!HD Artist: Utagawa-Kuniyoshi from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utagawa_Kuniyoshi Title : women-1.jpg!HD Info Permission & Licensing : Wikiart ● [pt op tr] fr ○ 2018_0419_140600_can.jpg ○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 ○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 wreckers-coast-of-northumberland ♥Örkény ,Hungary ○ 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe' ○상세정보=> https://buddhism007.tistory.com/5341 Maxime Le Forestier - Portrait De Fille ♥단상♥ |
문서정보 ori https://buddhism0077.blogspot.com/2023/02/2567-02-02-k0586-008.html#2139 sfed--대승장엄경론_K0586_T1604.txt ☞제8권 sfd8--불교단상_2567_02.txt ☞◆vpkj2139 불기2567-02-02 θθ |
■ 선물 퀴즈
방문자선물 안내페이지
다음에 해당하는 단어를 본 페이지 에 댓글로 적어주시면 됩니다.
【범】vaiśya 또는 폐사(吠奢)ㆍ비사(鞞舍ㆍ毘舍). 인도 4성(姓) 가운데 제3위. 농업ㆍ공업ㆍ상업 등의 직업을 가지는 평민 계급.
답 후보
● 폐사(吠舍)
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
○ [pt op tr]
■ 음악
BENABAR - Le der
Arletty - Coeur De Parisienne
Mireille Mathieu - Doch Ich Habe Dich Geliebt
Jacques Brel - La Ville S'endormait
Jean Ferrat - Berceuse
Charles Trenet - Gilles Je T'achete Une Automobile
MAD IN PARIS - Paris A Le Blues
■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈
支 ■ ( 지탱할 지 )
033▲ 支辶尺天艹 ■ 지착척천초 33 (( 지탱할 지 )( 쉬엄쉬엄 갈 착 )( 자 척 )( 하늘 천 ) 초두머리 초 ) 재춘법한자
【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
번역연습(기계적 번역내용 오류수정 연습)
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] I Ching (monk)
[san-chn] mahā-karuṇika-citta-dhāraṇī 大悲咒
[san-eng] rudhira $ 범어 blood
[pali-chn] sacca-vāda 實語
[pal-eng] pasiidati $ 팔리어 pa + sad + abecomes bright; pleases or purifies; is clear or devoted.
[Eng-Ch-Eng] 光 (kirana). (1) Light, brightness, splendor. (2) Sunlight. (3) Manifestation, appearance (a^bha^sa). (4) The opposite of dullness; wisdom. (5) Halo, aura.
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 波羅利弗多羅 ハラリフタラ Pāṭaliputra
See also: Five Periods and Eight Teachings (Tien Tai School).
“A comparative classification of Buddhist sutras set forth by the
Avatamsaka (Hua-yen / Kegon) school.
This classification was established by Fa-tsang (643-712) during the
T’ang dynasty, the third patriarch of the Hua-yen school. He categorized the sutras into five groups according to their level of teaching,
and the Buddhist schools into ten according to the content of their
The five teachings are (1) the Theravada, (2) the elementary Mahayana,
(3) the final Mahayana, (4) the Sudden teaching and (5) the Perfect
teaching. The Theravada teaching corresponds to the Agama sutras.
These teachings generally hold that the self is without substance,
the separate elements (dharmas) are real, and Nirvana is their total
The elementary Mahayana teaching is divided into two. The first is
the teaching which analyzes the specific and distinct character of the
dharmas, and the second is the teaching that all dharmas are nonsubstantial (ku). The former is found in the Yogachara Sutra and the
latter in the Wisdom Sutras.
The final Mahayana teaching maintains the essentially unchanging true nature of all things and the ability of all beings to attain
Buddhahood. This teaching is found in the Lankavatara Sutra and
the Awakening of the Faith.
The Sudden teaching expounds the abrupt realization of the ultimate
truth without relying upon verbal explanations or progression through
various stages of practice. This teaching is found in the Vimalakirti
The Perfect teaching is taught by the Avatamsaka and Lotus Sutras
which expound the One Vehicle (the Buddhas’ vehicle).”
Sokk: 110
“The ‘perfect teaching’ is further divided into two: the One Vehicle
(Buddha vehicle) of the Identical Doctrine and the One Vehicle of the
Distinct Doctrine. The former teaches the One Vehicle in a method
identical or similar to that of the three vehicles (Theravada, preliminary Mahayana and Sudden). This corresponds to the Lotus Sutra.
The Distinct Doctrine on the other hand sets forth the One Vehicle
as entirely distinct or separate from the other three. This corresponds
to the Avatamsaka Sutra and is held to be superior the Identical
Doctrine. Thus the Avatamsaka school asserts the superiority of the
Avatamsaka over the Lotus Sutra.”
Sokk: 111
Note: Pure Land Buddhism
“Han-shan (q.v.) did not write any commentary on the [two Amitabha
Sutras], and it is not clear how he placed [them] in the Hua-yen classification scheme. On the one hand, he regards the Western Paradise as
the most expedient land in the immumerable Hua-yen pure lands.
On the other hand, he seems to have considered the Pure Land
teaching as a special teaching that lies outside the usual scheme of
Hanshan: 149 #0244
[fra-eng] fertilisa $ 불어 fertilized
■ 암산퀴즈
200* 289
163664 / 386
■ 다라니퀴즈
구족수화길상광명대기명주총지 33 번째는?
자비주 33 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 33 번째는?
33 천상에 나는 일과 열반을 증장시키겠습니다.
바라, 播囉<三十三>
(~!~) 어떠한 파괴로부터도 보호해주는 이시여!
대비심을 갖춘 이(관세음보살)는
범왕을 위해 다시
재앙을 멀리 여의는
청량(淸凉)한 게송을 말씀하셨다.
"넓은 들을 가거나, 산과
못을 가는 중에
늑대와 모든 나쁜 짐승과
뱀과 도깨비 귀신을 만나도
이 주문을 듣거나 외우면
해치지 못하며
● 자라자라 遮囉遮囉<三十三> ca la ca la
아닥가라 보 바오차마리디니 아미다 바
惹咤迦囉<引>布<引>波虞嗏沒哩地你<三合>阿彌哆<引>婆<三十三 >
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
어피일일법문중 $ 033▲稱量稱量為 一 ● 一持, ○□□□□,又,於,調,或
□□□□□□□, 又說諸法不可說;
於彼一一諸法中, 調伏眾生不可說。
□□□□□□□, 우설제법불가설;
어피일일제법중, 조복중생불가설。
저러한 하나하나 법문 가운데
모든 법문 또 설함도 말할 수 없고
저러한 하나하나 모든 법 중에
중생을 조복함도 말할 수 없어
혹부어일모단처 $ 034▲一持一持為 一 ● 異路, ○□□□□,不,如,所,其
□□□□□□□, 不可說劫常安住,
如一毛端餘悉然, 所住劫數皆如是。
□□□□□□□, 불가설겁상안주,
여일모단여실연, 소주겁수개여시。
혹은 다시 한 터럭 끝만한 데에
말할 수 없는 겁이 항상 있나니
한 터럭 끝과 같이 모두 그러해
그러한 겁의 수효 다 그러니라.
●K0161_T0672.txt★ ∴≪A대승입능가경≫_≪K0161≫_≪T0672≫
●K0586_T1604.txt★ ∴≪A대승장엄경론≫_≪K0586≫_≪T1604≫
●K0620_T1578.txt★ ∴≪A대승장진론≫_≪K0620≫_≪T1578≫
■요가자세 익히기
요가_엎드린 악어 자세
34 복숭아뼈 [멀리 얼어스 malleolus]
33 종아리 [캪]calf
■ 오늘의 경전 [이야기, 게송,선시 등]
2567_0203_121720 :
대장경 내 게송
직하直下라도 알기 어렵거늘
말을 좇으면 더욱 멀어진다.
만약 부처와 조사를 논한다면
특히나 천지 현격하게 될 것이다.[이상 영자함纓字函 제8권]
한글대장경 K1504_Txxxx
대장일람집(大藏一覽集) 송 진실찬
大藏一覽集 【宋 陳實撰】
출처 불교기록문화유산아카이브 통합대장경
○ 2011_0606_144333_ct8서울_북한산_화계사
○ 2012_0522_105905_AB7남양주_운길산_수종사
○ 2012_0522_124140_BW17남양주_운길산_수종사
○ 2013_0309_102028-can_exc강화도_보문사_전등사
○ 2013_0309_135804-OLYMPUS_exc_s12강화도_보문사_전등사
○ 2014_0407_125821_can_exc_s12완주_송광사
○ 2014_1118_162049_can_BW3_s12서울_동국대_정각원
○ 2015_0423_154219_can_BW25
○ 2015_0423_155841_nik_ar38
○ 2015_0505_171603_can_ar32전주_완산_정혜사
○ 2016_0123_155829_nik_CT38_s12부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2016_0222_174334_nik_BW21_s12서울_혜광사
○ 2016_0411_170834_nik_AR35_s12하동_지리산_쌍계사
○ 2016_0411_180830_can_Ab35하동_지리산_쌍계사
○ 2016_0411_181634_can_AB7하동_지리산_쌍계사
○ 2016_0412_155727_nik_ar38진안_마이산_탑사
○ 2016_0505_125545_nik_exc춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2017_1107_081010_can_ar21정읍_내장산_내장사
○ 2017_1107_102327_can_CT38_s12정읍_내장산_내장사
○ 2017_1107_112438_nik_ab38정읍_내장산_내장사
○ 2019_0317_163637_nik_exc_s12서울_도봉산_광륜사
○ 2021_0211_154915_can_Ar26_s12서울_북한산_진관사
○ 2021_0211_155832_nik_exc서울_북한산_진관사
○ 2021_0214_120951_can_BW25춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2021_0214_121940_can_ct36춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2021_0215_113532_can_exc_s12용인_연화산_와우정사
○ 2021_0215_120520_nik_AR35_s12용인_연화산_와우정사
○ 2021_0215_124549_can_BW17용인_문수산_법륜사
○ 2021_0215_125049_nik_ct9_s12용인_문수산_법륜사
○ 2021_0215_131745_can_exc_s12용인_문수산_법륜사
○ 2021_0215_150131_can_exc_s12안성_칠현산_칠장사
○ 2021_0215_152441_nik_AR35_s12안성_칠현산_칠장사
○ 2021_0215_172757_nik_exc_s12안성_서운산_석남사
○ 2021_0215_180527_nik_ar7_s12안성_서운산_석남사
○ 2021_0216_120105_can_Ar28석모도_낙가산_보문사
○ 2021_0216_143855_can_CT38_s12강화도_전등사
○ 2021_0216_203044_can_ct19_s12강화도_전등사
○ 2021_0217_120431_can_BW3_s12서산_상왕산_문수사
○ 2021_0217_130759_nik_ct9_s12서산_상왕산_개심사
○ 2021_0217_133935_nik_BW21_s12서산_상왕산_개심사
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○ 2021_0217_174156_can_ar38서산_간월암_간월사
○ 2021_0320_140331_can_CT38_s12포천_왕방산_왕산사
○ 2021_0717_170050_can_BW21_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_170104_can_CT27서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_170412_can_Ab31_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_170420_can_bw1서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_170614_can_CT33서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_171127_can_bw0_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_172423_can_CT38_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_173431_nik_AB7서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_173641_can_exc서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_173955_can_bw0_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0927_175602_can_Ar26_s12_pc서울_북한산_화계사
○ 2021_0929_094044_nik_ar45_s12_pc양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_094157_nik_ct9_s12양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_110830_can_ar44_s12양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_114649_nik_AB7_pc양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_115339_can_exc_s12양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_133010_can_BW21_s12_pc양양_휴휴암
○ 2021_0929_163033_nik_CT27강릉_괘방산_등명낙가사
○ 2021_0930_105242_can_ct2_pc삼척_두타산_천은사
○ 2021_0930_105815_can_BW17_pc삼척_두타산_천은사
○ 2021_0930_140638_nik_bw0_s12_pc정선_태백산_정암사
○ 2021_0930_141901_can_ct8_pc정선_태백산_정암사
○ 2021_0930_141905_nik_bw0_s12_pc정선_태백산_정암사
○ 2021_0930_144801_nik_ar48_s12_pc정선_태백산_정암사
○ 2021_0930_170841_can_exc영월_사자산_법흥사
○ 2021_0930_172514_nik_CT38_s12_pc영월_사자산_법흥사
○ 2021_1001_112758_can_exc안동_천등산_봉정사
○ 2021_1001_143323_nik_Ar28봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1001_161637_nik_Ab35_pc봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1001_163822_can_ct18봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1002_140703_can_AB7_pc영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_140730_nik_CT33_pc영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_141317_nik_CT33_pc영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_142155_can_ar45_s12영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_154157_can_BW25_pc영천_만불사
○ 2021_1002_175622_nik_CT33_pc경주_함월산_골굴사
○ 2021_1002_221322_can_CT28_pc밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_100733_can_exc밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_101328_nik_ct9_s12_pc밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_104008_nik_Ar28밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_131424_can_exc밀양_만어산_만어사
○ 2021_1003_143109_nik_Ar26_s12밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_144318_can_bw0_s12_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_145501_nik_bw28_s12_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_150142_can_Ar28밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_152715_can_exc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_172248_nik_ab41_s12_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_172624_can_ar38밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_174537_can_Ab27밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_182213_nik_BW25_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_183427_can_CT28밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1004_110105_nik_Ab35_pc의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_170333_can_exc_s12하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_171217_nik_exc_s12하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_174754_nik_ct18_pc하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_175836_nik_Ab35_pc하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1005_154442_can_ct9_s12_pc장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1005_154819_can_exc_s12장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1005_161202_can_exc_s12장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1005_163354_can_CT33장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1005_164616_nik_AB7_pc장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1006_112023_nik_ct4해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_140437_nik_BW17_pc해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_143552_nik_AB7해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_144301_nik_CT38_s12_pc해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_154408_can_exc_s12해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_180852_nik_exc영광_모악산_불갑사
○ 2021_1007_100254_nik_ct9_s12_pc영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_111948_nik_AR35_s12_pc영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_140330_nik_exc부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2021_1007_165650_can_ar24부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_170118_nik_ct8부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1008_123804_nik_bw24_pc완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_124457_can_bw24_pc완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_144736_can_Ab27계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_151100_nik_Ab27_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_152411_nik_Ar26_s12계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_153207_nik_CT33_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_155513_nik_CT27_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1112_142310_can_ar1_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_143348_can_exc_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_144406_nik_CT38_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_150041_nik_Ar28setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_155731_nik_CT28setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_165754_nik_CT27setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_174348_nik_exc_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1113_152322_nik_ct36경기도광주_남한산성_청량산_장경사
○ 2021_1113_152425_can_CT27경기도광주_남한산성_청량산_장경사
○ 2022_0411_154537_can_ar47장안벚꽃길
○ 2022_0411_162637_nik_ar47장안벚꽃길
○ 2022_0827_141433_nik_Ar28의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0909_151027_can_ct5_s12꽃과 장식
○ 2022_1025_150032_can_Ar26_s12서울_조계사
○ 2022_1026_161520_nik_exc서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2022_1029_172151_nik_exc서울_삼각산_도선사
○ 2022_1029_172757_nik_exc서울_삼각산_도선사
○ 2022_1029_174420_can_AB7서울_삼각산_도선사
○ 2022_1029_183125_nik_CT28서울_삼각산_도선사
○ 2022_1030_132830_nik_ct8북한산_진관사
○ 2022_1108_113316_can_BW25창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_113528_can_ar23_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_113952_can_AR35_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_114309_can_CT33창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_115905_can_ct9_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_150403_can_ct18인천_차이나타운
○ 2022_1109_124505_can_exc인천대공원_인천수목원
○ 2022_1116_155335_HP_BY_YJ_BW25과천공원
○ 2022_1116_155404_HP_BY_YJ_ar47과천공원
○ 2022_1116_155750_HP_BY_YJ_ar40_s12과천공원
○ 2022_1116_162203_nik_AB7과천공원
○ 2022_1116_162203_nik_BW25과천공원
○ 2022_1116_162717_nik_ct19_s12과천공원
○ 2022_1116_163700_nik_ar47과천공원
○ 2022_1116_164644_can_ab41_s12과천공원
○ 2023_0119_145702_nik_exc소요산_자재암
○ 2023_0119_155241_can_BW21_s12소요산_자재암
○ Barcelona_-_Castell_dels_Tres_Dragons_%282%29_CT27_adapted_from_wiki
○ Bispetorv_%28Aarhus%29_01_ct19_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Delfsiil_-_Delfzijl_%28Atlas_van_Loon%29_ar45_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Eys-Eyserweg_2_%281%29_ct36_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ France_Loir-et-Cher_Lavardin_chateau_01_exc_adapted_from_wiki
○ Gatehouse-courtyard_at_Alcazaba_of_Almeria_Ar28_adapted_from_wiki
○ Gentau_Pic_du_Midi_Ossau_AB7_adapted_from_wiki
○ Haitian_national_palace_earthquake_Ar28_adapted_from_wiki
○ Hermitage_of_Sant_Joan_ct20_adapted_from_wiki
○ Kawasaki_idai01_ct5_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Kokeizan-teien3_Ab27_adapted_from_wiki
○ LonghuaTemple_ct9_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Mahabodhitemple_Ab31_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Marseille_ChAteau_d%27If_26_bw0_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Mucem-Villa-de-la-Mediterannee-Marseille_ct8_adapted_from_wiki
○ NCUE_Jinde_Gezhi_Building_ct9_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Nuuk_city_below_Sermitsiaq_CT28_adapted_from_wiki
○ Palau_de_Congressos_de_Barcelona_2013_ar11_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Pulkovo_observatory_2004_ct25_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Royal_city_of_Cetinje_ct16_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Smog_in_the_skies_of_Delhi__India_ab41_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ St_Lazarus_Curtain_Ar28_adapted_from_wiki
○ TEIHalls_exc_s12_adapted_from_wiki
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● 대승장엄경론_K0586_T1604 [문서정보]- 일일단상키워드
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■ 본 페이지 ID 정보
sfed--대승장엄경론_K0586_T1604.txt ☞제8권
sfd8--불교단상_2567_02.txt ☞◆vpkj2139
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