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■ 선물 퀴즈
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ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
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■ 음악
Julien Clerc - C'est Une Andalouse
Michel Polnareff - Une Simple Mélodie
NOIR DESIR - Le Vent Nous Portera
Jean-Louis Murat - Qui Est Cette Fille
Mistinguett - Ca C'est Paris
Les Charlots - Je M'enerve
■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈
【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
ajāta-pūrva 本不生
bhramati $ 범어 (1 pp) to roam, to wander
phassa 觸
sammissa $ 팔리어 adj.mixed.
五百集法 The Council of the Five Hundred (Arhats). 【參照: 第一結集】
玄贊 ゲンサン (title) Xuanzan
Syn: Expedients; Skillful Means; Skill-in-means; Upaya.
See also: Paramita; Practice.
A. “Temporary or provisional teachings as a means to lead sentient
beings to the final doctrine.
B. The seventh of the ten Paramitas (q.v.).”
Dait: 118
Refers to strategies, methods, devices targeted to the capacities, circumstances, likes and dislikes of each sentient being, so as to rescue
him and lead him to Enlightenment. “All particular formulations
of the Teaching are just provisional expedients to communicate the
Truth (Dharma) in specific contexts” (J. C. Cleary).
“The Buddha’s words were medicines for a given sickness at a given
time,” always infinitely adaptable to the conditions of the audience.
Editor / Van Hien: 221-222
“The practice of skillful means is the Buddhist approach to teaching
the Dharma. Each method (Pure Land, Zen …) ‘has its own area of
emphasis. Those who advocate a Dharma door direct all expedient
teaching toward that method.’ ”
(Master Thích Thiền Tâm, Buddhism of Wisdom & Faith, Preface.)
I. Unfavorable expedients
An expedient which at first sight seems adverse but which in fact
serves to awaken the practitioner to the Truth, for example, of
Impermanence. See the following passage from a Zen text, the
Vimalakirti Sutra:
“They [Bodhisattvas] demonstrate the burning of the earth / In the
consuming flames of the world’s end, / In order to demonstrate impermanence/ To living beings with the notion of permanence… They
play with illusory manifestations / In order to develop living beings, /
showing themselves to be old or sick,/ And even manifesting their
own deaths.”(Robert Thurman, tr.)
【book-page-246 247】
Editor /Zen: 190
A severe illness, a sudden death or even loss of a job may sometimes
jolt the practitioner out of his usual complacency and remind him of
the need to cultivate. Note: whether an unfavorable event is good or
bad for one’s cultivation depends, in the final analysis, on one’s own
outlook, one’s mind. It can be either an expedient, to help one attain
the Way or a “demon,” hindering cultivation (see also Buddhism of
Wisdom & Faith, sect. 63, para. 4).
Editor / Thich: 307
Feigning shortcomings and weaknesses is a common expedient of
leading disciples of Sakyamuni Buddha. For example, Ananda was
allegedly “lured” into the house of the most beautiful courtesan of
Vaisali, thus providing the setting for the Surangama Sutra. In this
key Mahayana text, the Buddha warned cultivators of the various
temptations and obstructions to be expected on the way to Enlightenment. Following this example, some monks and nuns at times
expediently confess to various transgressions they did not actually
commit. This is for the express purpose of providing the assembly
with an opportunity to learn and grow. These instances, albeit rare,
reflect the essence of Bodhisattva practice.
Editor /Zen: 134
II. One / Many Teachings
See also the following passage from D. T. Suzuki:
“Buddhist theology has a fine comprehensive theory to explain the
manifold types of experience in Buddhism, which look so contradictory to each other. In fact the history of Chinese Buddhism is a
series of attempts to reconcile the diverse schools … Various ways of
classification and reconciliation were offered, and … their conclusion
was this: Buddhism supplies us with so many gates to enter into the
truth because of such a variety of human characters and temperaments and environments due to diversities of karma. This is plainly
depicted and taught by the Buddha himself when he says that the
【book-page-248 249】
same water drunk by the cow and the cobra turns in one case into
nourishing milk and in the other into deadly poison, and that medicine is to be given according to disease. This is called the doctrine of
[skillful] means …” (The Eastern Buddhist, Vol. 4, No. 2, p.121.)
Editor: na
A question that arises is how two methods seemingly so opposite as
Pure Land and Zen can lead to the same goal of Buddhahood. As an
analogy, supposing a patient is admitted to the hospital with a high
fever. The physician will, of course, prescribe a medication to lower
the fever. However, if later in the day, her temperature has dropped
to a dangerously low level, he will attempt to raise it with another
prescription. The immediate goal is different in each case, but the
ultimate goal in both is the same: to normalize the temperature of
the patient. The Buddha, as the master physician, likewise employs
84,000 methods to treat the 84,000 afflictions of sentient beings.”
Editor: na
“Studying Zen, Buddha Recitation, even reading and reciting sutras,
all are aids in the path toward seeing the Way. They are like the staves
that travelers use to aid them in their journeys. (Zen Master Hakuin
Dumou / 90: 387
Another interpretation is that the teachings themselves are not simplified, but rather the audience was not ready to understand them to the
full extent. As an analogy, the rain may fall equally on big trees and
small but the larger ones absorb more water.
Editor: na
Even when the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are depicted as providing material assistance to the believer, this is always viewed as
an “expedient means” – the ultimate goal is to lead the believer to
Editor: na
【book-page-248 249】
III. Self-Benefit / Other-Benefit
See the following explanation of the expression “skillful means are
the ultimate” as seen by Kukai (774-835), the founder of the Japanese
Shingon, or Esoteric, school:
“Kukai interpreted this phrase in two ways. One stresses the imperative
sense that skillful means should lead to ultimate enlightenment. The
other emphasizes the declarative sense that skillful means themselves
are the ultimate. The former expresses the view of self-benefit in seeking enlightenment, and the latter, the view of enlightenment fulfilled
in compassion toward others.”
Yama: 105
IV. Note:
The Treatise on the Awakening of the Faith specifically recommends
Buddha Recitation for all but the most advanced practitioners: “Next,
suppose there is a man who learns this [Mahayana] teaching for the
first time and wishes to seek the correct faith but lacks courage and
strength. Because he lives in this world of suffering, he fears that he
will not always be able to meet the Buddhas and honor them personally, and that, faith being difficult to perfect, he will be inclined to
fall back. He should know that the Tathagathas have an excellent
expedient means by which they can protect his faith: that is, through
the strength of wholehearted meditation-recitation on the Buddha,
he will in fulfillment of his wishes be able to be born in the Buddhaland beyond, to see the Buddha always, and to be forever separated
from the evil states of existence…” (Asvaghosha, The Awakening of
the Faith, p.102.)
Editor /Zen: 67-68 #0072
adjoignez $ 불어 unite
■ 다라니퀴즈
자비주 22 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 40 번째는?
다시 부처님께 사루어
모든 인간과 천상에서
대비신주를 외우고 지니는 자는
15가지 좋은 삶을 누리며,
15가지 나쁘게 죽지 않을 것입니다.
그 나쁘게 죽지 않음이란,
첫째는 굶주리거나 곤한 어렵거나 괴로움으로 죽지 않고,
둘째는 형틀에 결박을 당하거나 매를 맞아 죽지 않으며,
셋째는 원수 맺은 이에게 보복을 당하여 죽지 않고,
넷째는 군대에서 서로 살해함으로 죽지 않음이요,
다섯째는 호랑이나 늑대 등
악한 짐승에게 해침을 당하여 죽지 않으며,
여섯째는 독사나 지네 등
독한 곤충에게 물려죽지 않으며,
일곱째는 불에 태워 죽거나
물에 빠져 죽지 않으며
여덟째는 독한 약에 의해서 죽지 않음이요,
아홉째는 기생충 또는 무당의 저주에 의해 죽지 않으며,
열째는 미치거나 기억을 잃어 죽지 않음이요,
열한째는 산이나 나무, 절벽, 언덕에서 떨어져 죽지 않으며,
열두째는 나쁜 사람이나 도깨비한테 죽지 않음이요,
열세째는 삿된 귀신이나 악귀가 홀려 죽임을 당하지 않으며,
열네째는 나쁜 병에 걸려서 죽지 않음이요,
열다섯째는 분에 맞지 않게 죽거나 자살로 죽지 않습니다.
이 대비신주를 외우고 가진 자는
이와 같은 열다섯가지 나쁘게 죽는 일을 받지 않나이다.
● 이혜리 夷醯唎<二十二> e hṛe
바라 아바 례다마니
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
극락세계일겁 $ 127▲不可說不可說為 一 ● 不可說轉, ○□□□□,袈,不,離,善
극락세계의 한 겁은 금강견불(金剛堅佛)이 계시는 가사당(袈裟幢) 세계의 하루 낮 하룻밤이요,
가사당 세계의 한 겁은 선승광명연화개부불(善勝光明蓮華開敷佛)이 계시는 불퇴전음성륜(不退轉音聲輪) 세계의 하루 낮 하룻 밤이요,
불퇴전음성륜 세계의 한 겁은 법당불(法幢佛)이 계시는 이구(離垢) 세계의 하루 낮 하룻밤이요,
이구 세계의 한 겁은 사자불이 계시는 선등(善燈) 세계의 하루 낮 하룻밤이요,
종종삼매불가설 $ 117▲無等無等為 一 ● 無等轉, ○□□□□,悉,於,所,得
□□□□□□□, 悉能經劫於中住,
於不可說諸佛所, 所行清淨不可說。
□□□□□□□, 실능경겁어중주,
어불가설제불소, 소행청정불가설。
가지가지 삼매 말할 수 없어
여러 겁 지내도록 머물러 있고
말할 수 없는 부처 계신 곳에서
청정하게 닦은 행을 말할 수 없고
●K0004_T0222.txt★ ∴≪A광찬경≫_≪K0004≫_≪T0222≫
●K1081_T2103.txt★ ∴≪A광홍명집≫_≪K1081≫_≪T2103≫
●K0600_T1611.txt★ ∴≪A구경일승보성론≫_≪K0600≫_≪T1611≫
127 [little finger-넉클knuckle] 새끼마디
117 [바이셉쓰biceps ] 알통
22 엄지 첫마디 [ 썸 넉클 THUMB knuckle]
40 중앙 발가락 [신조어 ] center part (middle) toe
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『광홍명집』 ♣1081-020♧
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sfed--광홍명집_K1081_T2103.txt ☞제20권
sfd8--불교단상_2564_09.txt ☞◆vpgi5680
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