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● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
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● 자료출처 불교학술원 기금 후원안내페이지
『대지도론』 ♣0549-005♧
♥아래는 현재 작성 및 정리 중인 미완성 상태의 글입니다♥
[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]
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○ 2019_1105_115926_nik_exc
○ 2019_1106_114745_can_exc
○ 2019_1201_151112_can_exc_s12
○ 2020_0905_120403_can_ori_rs
○ 2020_0906_102926_nik_ori_rs
○ 2020_0907_143610_can_ori_rs
○ 2020_0908_161103_can_ori_rs
○ 2020_0910_140523_nik_ori_rs
○ 2020_0910_182155_nik_ori_rs
○ 2020_1017_161022_can_ori_rs
○ 2020_1017_165310_can_ori_rs
○ 2018_1024_175522_can_ori
○ 2018_1024_164427_nik_ori
○ 2018_1024_175645_nik_ori
○ 2019_1104_114344_nik_exc
● [pt op tr] fr
○ 2019_1104_121746_can_fix
❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
『대지도론』 ♣0549-005♧
◎◎[개별논의] ♥ ❋본문
◈Lab value 불기2567/01/05 |
○ 2019_1004_154823_can_CT27.jpg ○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Peter-Paul-Rubens-mars-and-rhea-silvia.jpg!HD Artist: Peter-Paul-Rubens from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Paul_Rubens Title : mars-and-rhea-silvia.jpg!HD Info Permission & Licensing : Wikiart ● [pt op tr] fr ○ 2016_1008_150252_can.jpg ○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 ○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Luanda1883 ♡도림사 ○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe' ■https://buddhism007.tistory.com/3889 Yves Simon - Aux Fenetres De Ma Vie (Avec Francoise Hardy) ♥단상♥ |
문서정보 ori https://buddhism0077.blogspot.com/2023/01/2567-01-05-k0549-005.html#6656 sfed--대지도론_K0549_T1509.txt ☞제5권 sfd8--불교단상_2567_01.txt ☞◆vcgn6656 불기2567-01-05 θθ |
■ 선물 퀴즈
방문자선물 안내페이지
다음에 해당하는 단어를 본 페이지 에 댓글로 적어주시면 됩니다.
부처님에게만 있는 10력의 하나. 지난 세상의 일을 기억함에 따라 다 아는 지혜.
답 후보
● 숙주수념지력(宿住隨念智力)
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
○ [pt op tr]
■ 음악
Aldebert - L'inventaire
PASCAL OBISPO - Tu Vas Me Manquer
Tete - Fils De Cham
Shy'm - Et Si
KYO - Je Cours
Dalida - Oh! La La!
Tete - Aise
■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈
匚 ■ ( 상자 방 )
005▲ 匚卜匕冫厶 ■ 방복비빙사 5 ( 상자 방 )( 점 복/ 무 복, 짐바리 짐 )( 비수 비 )( 얼음 빙 )( 사사 사 / 아무 모 ) 재춘법한자
【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
번역연습(기계적 번역내용 오류수정 연습)
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Sarvastivada
[san-chn] sarva-kleśa-kośa 一切煩惱藏, 無量煩惱藏
[san-eng] anabhisandhāya $ 범어 without desiring
[pali-chn] ti-saraṇa-gamana 三歸依
[pal-eng] bhuutapati $ 팔리어 m.lord of demons.
[Eng-Ch-Eng] past 過去
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 顯密圓通成佛心要集 ケンミツエンツウジョウブツシンヨウシュウ Collection of Essentials for Becoming a Buddha Through the Perfect Penetration of the Exoteric and Esoteric
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] GURU☞
Syn: Teacher.
See also: Good Spiritual Advisor; Lama; Unsolicited Friend.
“Sanskrit term most often rendered as ‘teacher.’ In some Buddhist
traditions, the guru represents the spiritual teacher who guides the
adept on the Buddhist path. Precisely because of the significance of
the role of the guru in helping the student make spiritual progress,
the student must place complete confidence in the guru’s knowledge,
and thus obediently follow the guru’s instructions, however unusual
or eccentric they may appear.
The trust required in the guru’s guidance has raised curious questions, especially in modern Buddhism, about the authenticity of some
rather ‘colorful’ and unorthodox teachers who have appeared on the
Buddhist landscape.”
【book-page-314 315】
Preb: 132-133
‘Whether a teacher is female or male, it is very risky to begin teaching,
much more adapting techniques, before we have fully mastered fundamental Buddhist teachings and learned to put them into practice.
Without sufficient preparation, there are dangers of misinterpreting
the Dharma and of misguiding others in their spiritual development.
These dangers are magnified in the case of transmitting Dharma in
new lands and to fresh minds where there is little background against
which to weigh and measure what is being presented. In such a climate, students need to exercise maximum discretion in choosing a
teacher. These days there are many concepts, practices, and styles of
behavior being marketed under the label ‘Dharma’ that have little or
nothing whatsoever to do with Dharma. Even allowing for human
error, there is a code of ethics involved in giving teachings. Likewise,
there is a degree of individual responsibility incumbent upon those
receiving teachings. Thoughtful people would do well to consider
these matters and to be clear about what is involved in their choice
of teachers, for their own psychological well-being as well as for positive development of Buddhism in the West. There are times when it
is wise and virtuous to suspend judgment and other times when it
can be disastrous. It is therefore essential to allow ample opportunity
for assessing a path and a teacher. Well-reasoned adaptation of the
Buddhist teachings and traditions to Western situations will be of
great benefit to Western people, but slipshod importation, gullible
acceptance, baseless fabrication, and shoddy conduct can lead to an
altogether mistaken amalgam which may do more harm than good
… We should be ever so much more discerning when choosing a
spiritual teacher, not judging by superficial matters such as attractive
appearance, charisma, eloquence, or language proficiency. Particularly
in America these days, anybody can set up shop and teach practically
anything. There is no way to certify the person’s character, however,
and no assurance of where the path may lead. Experimentation may
【book-page-316 317】
prove harmless, but in the case of spiritual development, dabblers run
the risk of creating much inner confusion. At this critical juncture, it
is advisable to see beyond nationality and other external criteria, and
to rely upon a qualified teacher with a traceable lineage that has been
known to produce enlightened beings in the past. Confidence in the
path and the guide are as important as confidence in oneself, and
confidence should be based on sound judgment, remembering the
fallibility of even that. Until full enlightenment is reached, we are liable
to err in our perceptions of both self and others. In all Buddhist traditions, perfect morality is the most fundamental of all qualifications
for a teacher. It is the basis of all other accomplishments. For example,
there are eight specific qualities required for Vinaya instructors, ten
qualities enumerated for a Mahayana guru, and ten further qualities
for a guru expounding tantra, pure morality being prerequisite in
all cases. To refrain from harming, misappropriation, sexual misconduct, untruthfulness, and intoxication are the precepts for ordinary
lay Buddhists and are fairly elemental behavioral guidelines for all
decent human beings. It goes without saying that those who claim
to be spiritual teachers should be above such misbehavior. Since
abuses of authority are unfortunately rampant these days, it behoves
spiritual seekers to be judicious in their choice of guidance. In the
case of the Tantric school, the matter is far more serious, since one
is bound by certain commitments once the master /disciple link is
formed. Even the receiving of a simple initiation puts one under these
commitments, so great care must be taken to assess the qualities of a
teacher before attending such ceremonies. One is allowed up to twelve
years to observe the conduct and examine the qualities of a potential
teacher before establishing a master /disciple relationship.” (Karma
Lekshe Tsomo, ed., Daughters of the Buddha /proceedings of the first
International Conference on Buddhist Nuns: 1987 – H.H. Dalai
Lama: Keynote speaker.)
Tsomo: 323-325
【book-page-316 317】
Note: “The Indian spiritual teacher is often seen as the embodiment of
the holy, the presence of the divine in human form. Contrary to the
assumption of several generations of Western scholars, in the Indian
view of a human religious teacher, if he is in the ranks of spiritual
masters, he may have many superhuman traits and faculties (such as
wonder-working powers, omniscience, mind reading). Moreover, his
disciples may believe in the presence of such traits even during the
master’s lifetime.”
Gomez / Land: 11 #0335
【book-page-318 319】
[fra-eng] informâmes $ 불어 informed
■ 암산퀴즈
30* 246
13440 / 96
■ 다라니퀴즈
구족수화길상광명대기명주총지 5 번째는?
자비주 5 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 5 번째는?
05 신체를 증장하게 하며,
바가라참포, 縛羯洛讖蒱<五>
vakra ksam bhu,
적개(敵慨) 지장,
일체 나쁜 업과 큰 죄를 멸해주기 위함이며,
● 마하사다바야 摩訶薩跢婆耶<五> ma hā sa t vā ya
바리가사 나바바삼유아나
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
차우 $ 005▲● 락차=(십만) 세존 설송 ○□□,不,爾,心,不
□□, 不可說不可說 為 一 不可說不可說轉。」
爾時,世尊 為 心王菩薩 而 說頌 曰:
□□, 불가설불가설 위 일 불가설불가설전。」......(수단위 나열 끝 + 게송시작부분 )
이시,세존 위 심왕보살 이설송 왈:
(수의 단위 끝부분 +게송시작부분)....이것을 또
'말할 수 없이 말할 수 없는 것'이
한 '말할 수 없이 말할 수 없는 제곱'이니라.”
이 때 세존께서 심왕보살에게 게송으로 말씀하셨다.
불가언설불가설 $ 006▲● 도락차=(백만) 불충불설 ○□□□□,充,不,說,不
□□□□□□□, 充滿一切不可說,
不可言說諸劫中, 說不可說不可盡。
□□□□□□□, 충만일체불가설,
불가언설제겁중, 설불가설불가진。
말할 수 없이 말할 수 없는 것이
말로 할 수 없는 온갖 곳에 가득 찼으니
말할 수 없는 온갖 겁 가운데서
말할 수 없이 말해 다할 수 없고
●K1058_T2153.txt★ ∴≪A대주간정중경목록≫_≪K1058≫_≪T2153≫
●K0549_T1509.txt★ ∴≪A대지도론≫_≪K0549≫_≪T1509≫
●K1339_T0404.txt★ ∴≪A대집대허공장보살소문경≫_≪K1339≫_≪T0404≫
5 목 ●
6 쇄골 【쇄골】
5 목 ●
5 목 ●
5 목 ●
○ 2019_1106_105435_nik_exc 화순 영구산 운주사
○ 2019_1106_120004_nik_exc 화순 영구산 운주사
○ 2019_1105_155142_nik_fix 순천 조계산 송광사
○ 2019_1105_171422_nik_exc 순천 조계산 송광사
○ 2019_1106_092129_can_exc 화순 영구산 운주사
○ 2019_1106_110455_can_exc_s12 화순 영구산 운주사
○ 2019_1105_114851_can_exc 순천 조계산 선암사
○ 2019_1105_160219_can_exc_s12 순천 조계산 송광사
○ 2020_0904_135522_nik_ori_rs 원주 구룡사
○ 2020_0904_142626_can_ori_rs 원주 구룡사
○ 2020_0905_145843_can_ori_rs 오대산 적멸보궁
○ 2020_0908_154856_nik_ori_rs 합천 해인사
○ 2020_1002_124807_nik_exc_s12 파주 고령산 보광사
○ 2018_1022_122357_can_ori 공주 계룡면사무소 영규대사비
○ 2018_1023_123547_can_ori 예산 덕숭산 수덕사
○ 2019_0106_154459_nik_ori 의정부 도봉산 망월사
○ 2020_1114_141453_can_ori 삼각산 도선사
○ 2020_1114_141810_can_exc 삼각산 도선사
○ 2020_1114_142343_can_exc 삼각산 도선사
○ 2019_1104_113705_nik_exc 구례화엄사 구층암
○ 23_August_Lane_Kharkov_ab41_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ 1280px-Panorama_of_Saint_Petersburg_from_Palace_Bridge_Ar28_adapted_from_wiki
○ 2007_-_700_Block_Hamilton_Street_North_Side_ct9_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ 2010_0124_120956_CT38_s12남천사
○ 2013_0309_085051-OLYMPUS_BW17강화도_보문사_전등사
○ 2014_0407_125439_nik_exc_s12완주_송광사
○ 2014_0407_125625_can_exc_s12완주_송광사
○ 2014_0808_154427_can_exc속리산_법주사
○ 2014_0808_162227_nik_ar47속리산_법주사
○ 2014_0808_163354_nik_ar22속리산_법주사
○ 2014_0927_101224_nik_Ab27서울잠실_불광사
○ 2014_1112_145614_nik_Ar28초안산_선학원_인과선원
○ 2014_1129_121820_can_exc_s12서울_북악산_성불사
○ 2015_0727_103233_nik_exc부산_금정산_범어사
○ 2016_0411_180547_can_exc하동_지리산_쌍계사
○ 2016_0412_152529_can_exc진안_마이산_탑사
○ 2016_0505_114626_can_BW25춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2016_0508_165858_can_AB7서울_남산_동국대정각원
○ 2016_0508_165954_can_ct36_s12서울_남산_동국대정각원
○ 2017_1107_100934_can_ct19_s12정읍_내장산_내장사
○ 2017_1107_111207_nik_exc정읍_내장산_내장사
○ 2018_0925_143819_can_bw24
○ 2019_0317_152852_can_BW21_s12서울_도봉산_광륜사
○ 2019_0317_152852_can_exc_s12서울_도봉산_광륜사
○ 2019_0428_180453_can_exc_s12서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2019_0428_181236_nik_BW21_s12서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2020_0430_131743_can_AB7서울_북악산_성불사
○ 2021_0211_161333_nik_ar45_s12서울_북한산_진관사
○ 2021_0214_121904_can_AR35_s12춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2021_0215_102732_can_Ab35용인_연화산_와우정사
○ 2021_0215_111116_can_exc용인_연화산_와우정사
○ 2021_0215_113108_nik_exc용인_연화산_와우정사
○ 2021_0215_113540_nik_bw24용인_연화산_와우정사
○ 2021_0215_114552_can_exc용인_연화산_와우정사
○ 2021_0215_174721_can_CT33안성_서운산_석남사
○ 2021_0216_110220_nik_BW21_s12석모도_낙가산_보문사
○ 2021_0216_115136_nik_Ar28석모도_낙가산_보문사
○ 2021_0216_120136_nik_Ab27석모도_낙가산_보문사
○ 2021_0216_132821_can_exc강화도_전등사
○ 2021_0216_163218_nik_ar45_s12강화도_전등사
○ 2021_0217_103610_can_exc_s12서산_운산면_마애삼존불
○ 2021_0217_115802_nik_exc서산_상왕산_문수사
○ 2021_0217_140855_nik_exc_s12서산_상왕산_개심사
○ 2021_0217_170404_can_ar38서산_간월암_간월사
○ 2021_0320_143638_can_ct19_s12포천_왕방산_왕산사
○ 2021_0320_143750_nik_exc포천_왕방산_왕산사
○ 2021_0717_165542_nik_CT27서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_170148_can_ct36서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_170253_can_ct19_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_170904_can_Ar26_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_171710_can_Ab31_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_172238_can_ab41_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_173501_can_BW21_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_173612_can_ct20서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_174001_can_BW25서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_184438_can_BW3_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0928_162919_nik_exc_s12인제_설악산_백담사
○ 2021_0929_093639_can_exc양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_095721_can_ct28_pc양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_101115_can_Ar26_s12_pc양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_101720_can_ab41_s12_pc양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_103039_can_ab41_s12양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_110830_can_BW21_s12양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0929_110942_can_bw24_pc양양_오봉산_낙산사
○ 2021_0930_104640_can_Ab35삼척_두타산_천은사
○ 2021_0930_180803_can_exc_s12영월_사자산_법흥사
○ 2021_0930_182243_nik_exc영월_사자산_법흥사
○ 2021_1001_145129_nik_Ar26_s12_pc봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1002_120359_can_Ab35_pc영천_팔공산_은해사
○ 2021_1002_135724_nik_ar38영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_141306_can_bw24_pc영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_142322_can_CT38_s12_pc영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_160258_nik_exc영천_만불사
○ 2021_1002_161856_can_ab47영천_만불사
○ 2021_1002_180713_can_exc_s12경주_함월산_골굴사
○ 2021_1002_181903_nik_ar38경주_함월산_골굴사
○ 2021_1002_183140_nik_CT38_s12경주_함월산_골굴사
○ 2021_1002_184916_nik_ar13경주_함월산_골굴사
○ 2021_1003_095300_can_CT27_pc밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_123401_can_exc밀양_만어산_만어사
○ 2021_1003_125409_nik_Ab31_s12_pc밀양_만어산_만어사
○ 2021_1003_131424_can_AB7_pc밀양_만어산_만어사
○ 2021_1003_142845_nik_CT27밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_145958_nik_ct31_s12_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_150806_nik_ct18_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_172432_nik_ar45_s12밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_173359_can_ab41_s12_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_174412_can_CT38_s12_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_174713_can_ar41_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_180913_nik_ar47밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1004_094431_nik_exc의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_100604_can_exc_s12의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_133317_nik_exc산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_134745_nik_Ar26_s12_pc산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_141230_nik_CT28_pc산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_141853_nik_Ab27산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_173544_nik_ct19_s12하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_174627_nik_ar45_s12_pc하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1005_113205_can_CT38_s12여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_160817_can_bw0_s12장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1006_103241_nik_AR35_s12_pc해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_103258_nik_ar47_pc해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_110456_nik_CT27_pc해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_114022_can_ct8해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_141721_can_Ab27_pc해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_143109_nik_ar11해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_145756_nik_BW17해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_145923_nik_AB7해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_173450_nik_ct1_s12_pc영광_모악산_불갑사
○ 2021_1006_180327_nik_CT28_pc영광_모악산_불갑사
○ 2021_1006_181231_nik_ar12_s12영광_모악산_불갑사
○ 2021_1007_100844_nik_AR35_s12영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_103724_can_ar5_s12영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_104004_nik_ab6_s12_pc영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_110024_nik_ct20_pc영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_143756_nik_CT38_s12부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2021_1007_144817_nik_ct25부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2021_1007_145325_can_ar38부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2021_1007_162247_nik_CT28_pc부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_164541_nik_ar40_s12부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1008_125258_nik_CT38_s12_pc완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_125306_can_bw24_s12_pc완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_150710_nik_BW21_s12계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_155244_nik_BW17_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1112_142537_can_AB7setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_142847_can_exc_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_143614_can_BW25setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_151526_can_AB7setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_152206_can_excsetec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_153408_nik_ab41_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_155053_nik_ar47setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_155102_nik_Ab27setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_165754_nik_ct8setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_165935_nik_CT38_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_173410_can_ar14setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_173834_can_exc_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2022_0411_152101_can_exc장안벚꽃길
○ 2022_0827_141935_nik_exc_s12의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0827_142251_can_AB7의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0909_135222_can_ct8꽃과 장식
○ 2022_0909_145100_can_ab41_s12꽃과 장식
○ 2022_1024_133359_nik_Ab31_s12서울_삼각산_화계사
○ 2022_1025_144616_nik_AR35_s12서울_조계사
○ 2022_1026_170857_nik_ct8서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2022_1028_161232_nik_ar38서울_구룡산_능인선원
○ 2022_1029_164339_can_ct22_s12서울_삼각산_도선사
○ 2022_1030_134757_nik_CT27북한산_진관사
○ 2022_1030_143855_nik_CT38_s12북한산_봉은사
○ 2022_1031_145158_nik_Ab35서울_구룡산_구룡사
○ 2022_1031_150903_can_exc서울_구룡산_구룡사
○ 2022_1108_112808_can_BW21_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_113134_can_CT27창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_114157_can_Ab31_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_123133_can_AR35_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1109_123658_can_ab41_s12인천대공원_인천수목원
○ 2022_1116_154722_HP_BY_YJ_ar34과천공원
○ 2022_1116_154808_HP_BY_YJ_CT28과천공원
○ 2022_1116_155616_can_bw22_s12과천공원
○ 2022_1116_164155_can_ar13_s12과천공원
○ 2022_1122_154143_can_CT33서울_개운산_개운사
○ 2023_0119_160642_nik_CT33소요산_자재암
○ Barcelona._View_from_Tibidabo_Ab27_adapted_from_wiki
○ Bosquet_des_Trois_Fontaines_14_ct4_adapted_from_wiki
○ Bullabessa_BW21_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Central_Zarqa__October_2012_ct19_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Chateau_de_Versailles_1668_Pierre_Patel_ct19_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ CSIRO_ScienceImage_4569_Cutting_hay_at_Aldinga_south_of_Adelaide_in_South_Australia_1992_AB7_adapted_from_wiki
○ Dunster_Castle_gate_exc_adapted_from_wiki
○ Entree_fort_stAndre_ct6_adapted_from_wiki
○ Fuente_de_los_Jardines_de_Colon_%28Cordoba__Spain%29_ab3_adapted_from_wiki
○ Galway_Christmas_market_2016_BW17_adapted_from_wiki
○ Giorcescivitavecchia3_ar47_adapted_from_wiki
○ Hafen_von_Marseille-Saint_Laurent_Ab27_adapted_from_wiki
○ IITDelhiMath_CT28_adapted_from_wiki
○ Instalaciones_MIRAT_S.A._Salamanca_ct8_adapted_from_wiki
○ KUTNA_HORA_%28js%29_11_Ab31_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Liberia_%28Costa_Rica%29_CT28_adapted_from_wiki
○ Malta-Turner-_24042008_ar38_adapted_from_wiki
○ Rua_em_Silves_Ar26_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ San_Fernando__Trinidad_&_Tobago_3_ct9_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ San_Rafael_Lempira_4_ct9_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Shaffer_Art_Building__Syracuse_University_Ar26_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ STAPP_008_San_Fernando_Independence_Avenue_%28cropped%29_BW25_adapted_from_wiki
○ STAPP_045_San_Fernando_Skinner_Park_Velodrome_ar45_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ TramMoskovskiyeVorotaSquare2008-04-12-1103c_cut_exc_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Версаль_-_panoramio_(4)_bw0_s12_adapted_from_wiki
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○ 2022_1028_160828_nik_ar47서울_구룡산_능인선원
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