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● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
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● 자료출처 불교학술원 기금 후원안내페이지
『법계도기총수록』 ♣1502-001♧
♥아래는 현재 작성 및 정리 중인 미완성 상태의 글입니다♥
[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]
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○ 2020_1114_135504_can_ori
○ 2019_1104_161642_can_fix
● [pt op tr] fr
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❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
『법계도기총수록』 ♣1502-001♧
◎◎[개별논의] ♥ ❋본문
◈Lab value 불기2567/03/01 |
○ 2020_0904_135338_nik_ab41.jpg ○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Edward-Weston-garden-chair-autumn-1941 Artist: Edward-Weston from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Weston Title : garden-chair-autumn-1941 Info Permission & Licensing : Wikiart ● [pt op tr] fr ○ 2020_0606_190548_can.jpg ○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 ○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 PLW-Diving-Wreck ♥San Cristóbal de la Vega ,Spain ○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe' Charles Aznavour - Et Moi Dans Mon Coin ♥단상♥ |
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■ 선물 퀴즈
방문자선물 안내페이지
다음에 해당하는 단어를 본 페이지 에 댓글로 적어주시면 됩니다.
이숙인(異熟因)으로 생긴 것. 〓이숙과.
답 후보
● 이숙생(異熟生)
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
○ [pt op tr]
■ 음악
LES ENFOIRES - Le Temps Qui Court
Arthur H - Petite Reine
Jean Guidoni - Comme Ils Disent
Jane Birkin - Haine Pour Aime
Indochine - Les silences de Juliette
Frank Michael (Collector Edition) - Les Gens D'ici
Jacques Brel - Il Nous Faut Regarder
■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈
朿 ■ ( 가시 자 / 가시나무 극 )
060▲ 朿自在舟朱 ■ 자자재주주 60 ( 가시 자 / 가시나무 극 )( 스스로 자 ) ( 있을 재 ) ( 배 주 ) ( 붉을 주 ) 재춘법한자
【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
번역연습(기계적 번역내용 오류수정 연습)
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Three spheres
[san-chn] amala-vijñāna 如來識, 庵摩羅識, 淨識, 無垢識, 無漏識, 第九識, 阿末羅識
[san-eng] āsane $ 범어 on the seat
[pali-chn] pacceka-niraya 孤地獄, 孤獨地獄
[pal-eng] pariyattisaasana $ 팔리어 nt.code of the Holy Texts.
[Eng-Ch-Eng] essence of the precepts 戒體
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 聖理 ショウリ holy principle; sagely truth
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] JODO SCHOOL☞
Syn: Japanese Pure Land School.
See also: Genshin; Honen; Jodo Shinshu School; Namu Amida
Butsu; Pure Land Buddhism (Summary).
“ ‘Pure Land school’ of Japanese Buddhism. Headed by patriarch
Honen (1133-1212). Although originally a Tendai monk, Honen
embraced the Pure Land ideal primarily through the teachings of
Shan-tao after having become convinced that the Tendai path was
becoming increasingly unworkable as a means for attaining salvation.
Of course Pure Land teachings had been in Japan at least since the
time of Ennin (794-864), who had studied it and other traditions
while in China, but Honen is regarded as the founder.
The textual basis of the school was the Larger and Smaller
Sukhavativyuha Sutras, as well as the Meditation Sutra, and the religious practice focused on the recitation of the Buddha’s name, thus
identifying it as an ‘other-power’ or ‘easy path’ (q.v.) approach to
salvation. For Honen the formula ‘Namu Amida Butsu’ was a means
of strengthening one’s faith in Amitabha, not merely an expression of
trust, and was considered by him an appropriate religious practice in
a period of Dharma decline (Dharma-Ending Age). Unlike its later
offshoot, Jodo Shinshu, Honen’s school continued the Buddhist monastic tradition. Honen’s school was both threatening and alienating to
the more formal and established Buddhist schools of the time, resulting in Honen’s five-year exile, terminated only one year prior to his
Preb: 149-150
(I) Background:
“Having a deep desire to obtain salvation and with faith in the teaching of the various scriptures, I practiced many forms of self-discipline
… But the fact is I do not keep even the precepts, nor do I succeed
in any one of the many forms of meditation … Unless one gets free
from evil conduct and evil passion how shall he obtain deliverance
from the bondage of birth and death? Alas! Alas! What shall I do?
What shall I do? The like of us are incompetent to practice the three
disciplines of the Precepts, Samadhi, and Wisdom. And so I inquired
of a great many learned men and priests whether there is any other
way to salvation than these disciplines, but no one could either teach
me the way or even suggest it. At last I went into the library where all
the Scriptures were, all by myself, and with a heavy heart read them
all through. I hit upon a passage in Zendo’s Commentary, which
runs as follows: ‘Only repeat the name of Amitabha with all your heart,
whether walking or standing, whether sitting or lying: never cease the
practice of it for a moment. This is the very work which unfailingly
issues in salvation; for it is in accordance with the Original Vow of
Amida Buddha.’ ” (Coates and Ishizuka, Honen, pp.185-187.)
Prat: 480
(II) Note
Pure Land Buddhism, based on the three elements of Faith, Vows
and Practice, is currently practiced throughout East Asia – in China,
Vietnam, Korea and other countries. In the case of Japan, Pure Land
is mainly divided into two branches, the Jodo (Pure Land) School
and the Jodo Shinshu (True Pure Land) School. The teachings of
the Jodo School (founded by Honen, 1133-1212) are substantially the
same as the teachings of traditional Pure Land. In the case of Jodo
Shinshu (founded by Honen’s best known disciple, Shinran, 1173-
1262, and represented in the United States by the Buddhist Churches
of America), overwhelming emphasis is placed on Faith.
Editor: na #1037
[fra-eng] flatulence $ 불어 flatulence
■ 암산퀴즈
954* 537
60326 / 434
■ 다라니퀴즈
구족수화길상광명대기명주총지 60 번째는?
자비주 60 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 60 번째는?
60 자세히 말하면, 나아가 일체의 수용하는 자구(資具)들까지 다 증장시킵니다.
미리뎨, 彌[口*李]綻<六十徒 界反>
(~!~) 적들을 파괴하고 없애 행복케 하소서. 망상을 소멸 근절케 하소서
마땅히 알라.
이 사람은 묘한 말씀[妙語]을 지닌 곳간이니,
입 가운데 다라니 음성이
끊어지지 않는 까닭이니라.
● 사바하 娑婆訶<六十> s vā hā
마라 하마 암비라사바 라하리 나암아마
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
지기업과불가설 $ 060■ ■知 知知菩見現 處清清修持
060▲ 阿麼怛羅阿麼怛羅為 一 ● 勃麼怛羅, ○□□□□,知,知,知,知
□□□□□□□, 知其意解不可說,
知其品類不可說, 知其種性不可說,
□□□□□□□, 지기의해불가설,
지기품류불가설, 지기종성불가설,
업과 과보 아는 일을 말할 수 없고
그 뜻을 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
그 종류 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
그 종성(種性) 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
지기수신불가설 $ 061▲勃麼怛羅勃麼怛羅為 一 ● 伽麼怛羅, ○□□□□,知,知,知,知
□□□□□□□, 知其生處不可說,
知其正生不可說, 知其生已不可說,
□□□□□□□, 지기생처불가설,
지기정생불가설, 지기생이불가설,
받는 몸 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
태어나는 처소도 말할 수 없고
바로 남을 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
난 뒤를 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
●K0032_T0322.txt★ ∴≪A법경경≫_≪K0032≫_≪T0322≫
●K1502_T1887B.txt★ ∴≪A법계도기총수록≫_≪K1502≫_≪T1887B≫
●K1008_T0611.txt★ ∴≪A법관경≫_≪K1008≫_≪T0611≫
■요가자세 익히기
요가_의자 자세
61 액와(腋窩) ~ 겨드랑이
60 완수[腕首] - 손목
■ 오늘의 경전 [이야기, 게송,선시 등]
2567_0301_225212 :
대장경 내 게송
살생하지 말고 도둑질하지 말며
음행하지 말고 거짓말을 하지 말며
술을 피하고 향과 꽃을 멀리 하라.
맛에 집착해 재법을 범하는 이
노래하고 춤을 추며 창기(倡伎)가 된다.
아라한처럼 버리기를 배우고
이제 8관재를 가져서
밤낮으로 그것을 잊지 않으면
거기는 나고 죽는 고통 없으리.
다시는 돌아 나올 기약이 없으리니
사랑하는 이들과 모이지 말고
미워하는 이들과 만나지 말라.
원컨대 이 몸[五陰]의 괴로움과
온갖 병과 나고 죽는 고통 없애고
열반에 들어 모든 근심 없으리니
나는 이제 스스로 귀의하노라.
한글대장경 K0649_T0125
증일아함경(增壹阿含經) 동진 구담승가제바역
增壹阿含經 【東晋 瞿曇僧伽提婆譯】
출처 불교기록문화유산아카이브 통합대장경
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○ 2019_1004_174332_can_ct19
○ 2019_1004_133752_nik_ct34
○ 2019_1004_142332_can_ab37
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○ 2014_1129_134754_can_bw24서울_북악산_성불사
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○ 2016_0412_202140_nik_ar45_s12진안_마이산_탑사
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○ 2016_0505_125408_can_CT38_s12춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2017_1107_082326_can_BW3_s12정읍_내장산_내장사
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○ 2019_0106_153803_can_Ab31_s12서울_도봉산_망월사
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○ 2021_0214_121233_can_Ar28춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2021_0214_121245_can_CT38_s12춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2021_0214_122413_can_exc춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2021_0214_123854_can_exc춘천_오봉산_청평사
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○ 2021_0215_103808_can_exc_s12용인_연화산_와우정사
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○ 2021_0216_111239_can_Ar26_s12석모도_낙가산_보문사
○ 2021_0216_132942_can_exc_s12강화도_전등사
○ 2021_0216_133046_can_ar45_s12강화도_전등사
○ 2021_0216_165322_nik_exc강화도_전등사
○ 2021_0217_104455_nik_exc서산_운산면_마애삼존불
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○ 2021_0217_172526_nik_exc_s12서산_간월암_간월사
○ 2021_0717_172858_can_ct1서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_172912_can_ar45_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_173743_can_Ar28서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_181336_can_Ar28서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0926_182331_can_AB7서울_삼각산_도선사
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○ 2021_0927_172235_can_AB7_pc서울_북한산_화계사
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○ 2021_0928_140828_nik_ct4인제_설악산_백담사
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○ 2021_0929_162744_nik_CT27강릉_괘방산_등명낙가사
○ 2021_0929_163239_nik_Ar28_pc강릉_괘방산_등명낙가사
○ 2021_0929_165447_can_ar23_s12_pc강릉_괘방산_등명낙가사
○ 2021_0930_110034_can_exc_s12삼척_두타산_천은사
○ 2021_0930_134716_nik%20%2812%29정선_태백산_정암사
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○ 2021_0930_173858_can_exc_s12영월_사자산_법흥사
○ 2021_1001_115009_nik_ar13_s12안동_천등산_봉정사
○ 2021_1001_140729_can_bw17_s12_pc봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1001_143234_can_ct19_s12봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1001_145949_nik_BW25봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1001_175303_can_CT33봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1002_115707_can_ct19_s12_pc영천_팔공산_은해사
○ 2021_1002_115900_nik_AB7_pc영천_팔공산_은해사
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○ 2021_1002_122217_can_BW3_s12영천_팔공산_은해사
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○ 2021_1002_141520_can_Ab35영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_161351_can_BW25영천_만불사
○ 2021_1002_181343_can_Ab27_pc경주_함월산_골굴사
○ 2021_1003_103318_nik_ct34_s12_pc밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_105958_nik_exc_s12밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_111431_nik_Ar26_s12밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_124326_can_ab54_s12밀양_만어산_만어사
○ 2021_1003_143329_can_ct8_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_143912_nik_CT27_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_145809_nik_ct18_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_145943_nik_ar38밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_151817_can_ct26_s12_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_152207_can_ct19_s12_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_152453_can_ct9_s12_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_171302_nik_AB7_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_173954_can_ab49_s12_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_174636_can_ar45_s12밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_174636_can_ct30밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1004_102434_nik_ar38_pc의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_103144_nik_CT28_pc의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_132055_can_ct9_s12산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_135121_nik_AB7산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_163713_can_bw0_s12하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_175830_can_exc하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_181652_nik_ab48_s12하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1005_111936_nik_exc여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_113736_nik_CT38_s12여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_115731_nik_bw0_s12여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_120317_nik_Ar26_s12여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_161225_nik_bw24장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1005_162021_nik_exc_s12장흥_천관산_천관사
○ 2021_1005_184801_can_AR35_s12해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_100146_nik_ct18해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_110408_nik_CT38_s12해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_135540_nik_ar38해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_141245_can_exc해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_144301_nik_bw24해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_145500_nik_ar38_pc해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_175909_nik_exc_s12영광_모악산_불갑사
○ 2021_1007_093442_can_bw0_s12영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_105742_nik_CT33영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_110808_nik_ct8영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_142824_nik_ar45_s12부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2021_1007_161411_nik_bw24_s12_pc부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_161631_nik_BW25부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_162241_can_ab49_s12_pc부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_163556_can_ct9_s12부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_170549_nik_CT33부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1008_131636_can_CT38_s12완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_151302_can_AB7_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_153126_can_Ar28_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_154830_nik_bw0_s12계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1112_142847_can_ar48setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_144028_can_ct9_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_145420_can_CT33setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_150225_can_ct18setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_151702_can_CT28setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_152016_can_BW25setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_153630_nik_ar38setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1113_173030_nik_exc경기도광주_남한산성_청량산_망월사
○ 2022_0827_135812_can_ar48의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0827_135916_nik_CT33의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0827_141846_nik_Ab31_s12의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0827_142332_can_ar47의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0827_144117_can_ar26의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0909_144539_can_AB7꽃과 장식
○ 2022_1026_162738_can_ct17서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2022_1027_171638_nik_ar45_s12서울_길상사
○ 2022_1027_173408_nik_ct9_s12서울_길상사
○ 2022_1029_174710_can_ar45_s12서울_삼각산_도선사
○ 2022_1030_131216_can_ar14북한산_진관사
○ 2022_1030_144304_nik_Ab27북한산_봉은사
○ 2022_1031_152348_can_Ab31_s12서울_구룡산_구룡사
○ 2022_1108_110118_can_ar12_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_112616_can_ct8_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_113809_can_BW3_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_115256_can_ar41_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_121826_can_ar36창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_124814_can_ct18창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_145225_can_ct38인천_차이나타운
○ 2022_1109_130325_can_ct9_s12인천대공원_인천수목원
○ 2022_1109_134514_can_BW3_s12인천대공원_인천수목원
○ 2022_1109_135436_can_Ab27인천대공원_인천수목원
○ 2022_1116_162203_nik_bw24과천공원
○ 2022_1116_163233_HP_BY_YJ_Ab27과천공원
○ 2022_1116_171220_nik_AR35_s12과천공원
○ 2023_0222_161956_can_exc양평_용문산_용문사
○ 2023_0223_151327_nik_bw0_s12꽃과 장식
○ 2023_0223_163848_nik_ar47꽃과 장식
○ Aletschgletscher-Eggishorn_ct18_adapted_from_wiki
○ Basrah_CT38_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Buddhist_Temple_at_Summer_Palace_Ab35_adapted_from_wiki
○ Castro_Pretorio_-_Colonna_di_Parigi_alle_Terme_di_Diocleziano_1010023_CT38_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Chemnitz-TU-StraNa_ar29_adapted_from_wiki
○ Construction_Site_Luanda_ct18_adapted_from_wiki
○ Eys-Eyserweg_2_%281%29_Ar26_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Fontana_della_Barcaccia_restaurata__guardando_verso_Piazza_Mignanelli_ab41_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Giant%27s_Causeway_%2814%29_CT28_adapted_from_wiki
○ Jicin1_Ar28_adapted_from_wiki
○ KUTNA_HORA_%28js%29_11_BW17_adapted_from_wiki
○ Longhuasi_ar44_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Palm_Greenhouse__St._Petersburg_Botanical_Garden_BW25_adapted_from_wiki
○ Podgorica_exc_adapted_from_wiki
○ PodgoricaOverview_CT27_adapted_from_wiki
○ Sedlec-Ossuary_bw7_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Unisfera_Flushing_ct8_adapted_from_wiki
○ View_from_the_Penang_Hill__Georgetown__Penang__Malaysia_bw0_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Vittoriano_Altare_della_Patria_2013-09-16_ct9_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ York_central_hall_ab41_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ York_central_hall_BW17_adapted_from_wiki
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○ 2020_0224_114814_nik_BW17
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sfed--법계도기총수록_K1502_T1887B.txt ☞상권
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