● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람I
● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
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대장경 열람은 위 부분을 참조해주십시오.
● 자료출처 불교학술원 기금 후원안내페이지
『사위국왕몽견십사경』 ♣0734-001♧
♥아래는 현재 작성 및 정리 중인 미완성 상태의 글입니다♥
[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]
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○ 2020_0907_130550_nik_ori_rs
○ 2020_0907_155330_can_ori_rs
○ 2020_0908_163431_nik_ori_rs
○ 2020_0910_141608_can_ori_rs
○ 2020_1017_160719_can_exc
○ 2020_1017_155227_can_ori_rs
○ 2018_1024_163114_can_ori
○ 2018_1023_125133_can_ori
○ 2018_1023_155643_nik_ori
○ 2020_1114_135504_can_ori
○ 2020_1114_142409_can_exc
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● [pt op tr] fr
○ 2020_0905_114244_can_ori_rs
❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
『사위국왕몽견십사경』 ♣0734-001♧
◎◎[개별논의] ♥ ❋본문
◈Lab value 불기2566/11/30 |
○ 2018_0419_125114_can_ct27.jpg ○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Claude-Monet-poppy-field-in-giverny Artist: Claude-Monet from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude_Monet Title : poppy-field-in-giverny Info Permission & Licensing : Wikiart ● [pt op tr] fr ○ 2020_0525_181044_can.jpg ○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 ○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Grace_O'Malley00 English: Gráinne Ní Mháille or Grace O'Malley, Sea Queen of Connemara, meeting Elizabeth I Date Unknown date but ancient Author Unknownwikidata:Q4233718 Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr ♥KINTEX 제1전시장 ○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 ●With Naver 지도 Marie Laforet - Manchester Y Liverpool ♥단상♥ |
문서정보 ori https://buddhism0077.blogspot.com/2022/11/2566-11-30-k0734-001.html#1467 sfed--사위국왕몽견십사경_K0734_T0146.txt ☞사위국왕몽견십사경 sfd8--불교단상_2566_11.txt ☞◆vonj1467 불기2566-11-30 θθ |
■ 선물 퀴즈
방문자선물 안내페이지
다음에 해당하는 단어를 본 페이지 에 댓글로 적어주시면 됩니다.
인명(因明)에서 종(宗) 9과(過)의 하나. 3지(支) 중의 종에서 종의 후명사(後名辭)를 능별(能別)이라 하며, 불극성(不極成)이란 입론자(立論者)나 대론자(對論者)가 이 종을 인정하지 않는다는 것을 말한다. 이를테면, 무종교인(無宗敎人)에 대해서 “사회의 도의를 유지하는 것은[前名辭] 종교다[後名辭]”하면, 무종교인은 종교를 부인하므로, 이런 경우 종(宗)의 허물을 말한다.
답 후보
● 능별불극성과(能別不極成過)
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
○ [pt op tr]
■ 음악
TELEPHONE - Ca (C'est Vraiment Toi)
Marie-Annick Lepine - A La Nuit
Benjamin Biolay - Nuage Noir
Yves Duteil - Tarentelle
CALOGERO - Prendre Racine
Enrico Macias - L'oriental
■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈
毋 ■ ( 말 무 / 관직 이름 모 )
022▲ 毛木朩毋无 ■ 모목빈무무 22 ( 터럭 모 )(나무 목 )( 삼줄기 껍질 빈 )( 말 무 / 관직 이름 모 )( 없을 무 )
009▲ 亠干巾彐彑 ■ 두간건계계 9 ( 돼지해머리 두 )( 방패 간 / 줄기 간, 마를 건, 들개 안, 일꾼 한 )( 수건 건 )( 돼지 머리 계 / [彐,⺕] 튼가로왈 )( 돼지 머리 계 ) 재춘법한자
【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
번역연습(기계적 번역내용 오류수정 연습)
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Buddhism in Finland
[san-chn] ekâdaśa-vihāra 十一住
[san-eng] dhāma $ 범어 one who has the abode
[pali-chn] arūpāvacara-samādhi 無色定
[pal-eng] bhaya-bherava $ 팔리어 adj.appalling and terrible.
[Eng-Ch-Eng] real wisdom 實智
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 水梭花 スイサカ fish
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] DELUSION☞
Syn: Ignorance.
See also: Delusions of Views and Thoughts; Surangama Sutra;
Wrong Views.
“Delusion refers to a belief in something that contradicts reality. In
Buddhism, delusion is a lack of awareness of the true nature or Buddhanature of things, or of the true meaning of existence. According to the
Buddhist outlook, we are deluded by our senses – among which intellect (discriminating, discursive thought) is included as a sixth sense.
Consciousness, attached to a sense, leads us into error by causing us
to take the world of appearances for the world of reality, whereas in
fact it is only a limited and fleeting aspect of reality.”
(Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen.)
“[Delusion is] the fundamental error which brings about existence.
The word is used in the common sense of the most basic cause in the
development of discriminations. It is the initial perception of either
existence or non-existence when in reality there is neither one nor
the other. This topic is treated at very great length in the Surangama
Hua: 230
Buddhism of Wisdom & Faith – excerpts:
“Delusion (ignorance) is the source of all afflictions. Greed and anger
stem from delusion, as do pride, doubts and ‘wrong views’. For example, when we have such thoughts as: ‘I have few equals in hard and
assiduous cultivation, even among the ranks of monks and nuns’
– this is the affliction of pride and self-love. If, on the other hand,
we develop such thoughts as: ‘The Land of Ultimate Bliss is so welladorned, while I have heavy karma and few merits; how do I know
I will achieve rebirth there?’ – this is the affliction of doubt. Wrong
views consist of seeing and understanding in a wicked and grasping
manner. They include five types: Wrong Views of the Body, OneSided Views, Wrong Views Not Consistent with the Dharma, Wrong
Views Caused by Attachment to one’s own Erroneous Understanding
and Wrong Views (understanding) of the Precepts. For example,
during cultivation a thought suddenly arises: ‘My health has always
been poor, and today I feel tired, worn out; if I continue to recite
the Buddha’s name, I may fall ill.’ This is an example of a Wrong
View of the Body. Or else, we think: ‘Death is like a candle which has
gone out; if there was a previous life, how come I cannot remember
it? It is better for me to follow Taoism, to prolong my life and avoid
death.’ This is an instance of a One-Sided View. Or else, we wonder
why someone who had performed only good deeds had a short life
and met a violent death, while others who had committed numerous
transgressions lived long lives and died peacefully; thus, cultivation
brings no benefit whatsoever! These are instances of Wrong Views Not
Consistent with the Dharma, and failure to understand that the law of
cause and effect spans many lifetimes. Or else, someone might think,
‘I used to follow the externalist practice of circulating energy currents,
and was achieving results in barely a few months. How is it that I have
been reciting the Buddha’s name for a long time, but have not yet seen
any change?’ This is an instance of Attachment to one’s own Erroneous
Understandings. Or else, we may think: ‘In other religions, people
who hurt and kill other sentient beings can still be reborn in paradise;
therefore, in seeking rebirth in the Pure Land, there is no need to
keep the precept against killing.’ This is an instance of Wrong View of
the Precepts. The karma of delusion takes numerous forms. The Pure
Land practitioner should, first and foremost, follow the sutras and put
his entire faith in them. If he fails to understand certain passages, he
should seek out good spiritual advisors for an explanation. Delusion
can easily lead the practitioner astray when he is challenged by other
teachings and ideologies.”
Tam: 161-162
Notes: According to Mahayana teaching there are, in total, 52 levels
of ignorance (delusion), in ascending order of subtlety.
Editor / Tam: 146
“The real problem for Buddhist practitioners is… spiritual ignorance,
which is not just an intellectual defect but a lack of understanding of
reality which can be overcome by meditational insight.”
Larousse: 136 #1334
See also next entry.
[fra-eng] connectâmes $ 불어 connected
■ 암산퀴즈
319* 858
421968 / 447
■ 다라니퀴즈
구족수화길상광명대기명주총지 9 번째는?
자비주 22 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 10 번째는?
09 자구(資具)를 증장시키며,
아로가참포, 阿路迦讖蒱<九>
aloka ksam bhu,
출세간 지장,
다시 부처님께 사루어
모든 인간과 천상에서
대비신주를 외우고 지니는 자는
15가지 좋은 삶을 누리며,
15가지 나쁘게 죽지 않을 것입니다.
그 나쁘게 죽지 않음이란,
첫째는 굶주리거나 곤한 어렵거나 괴로움으로 죽지 않고,
둘째는 형틀에 결박을 당하거나 매를 맞아 죽지 않으며,
셋째는 원수 맺은 이에게 보복을 당하여 죽지 않고,
넷째는 군대에서 서로 살해함으로 죽지 않음이요,
다섯째는 호랑이나 늑대 등
악한 짐승에게 해침을 당하여 죽지 않으며,
여섯째는 독사나 지네 등
독한 곤충에게 물려죽지 않으며,
일곱째는 불에 태워 죽거나
물에 빠져 죽지 않으며
여덟째는 독한 약에 의해서 죽지 않음이요,
아홉째는 기생충 또는 무당의 저주에 의해 죽지 않으며,
열째는 미치거나 기억을 잃어 죽지 않음이요,
열한째는 산이나 나무, 절벽, 언덕에서 떨어져 죽지 않으며,
열두째는 나쁜 사람이나 도깨비한테 죽지 않음이요,
열세째는 삿된 귀신이나 악귀가 홀려 죽임을 당하지 않으며,
열네째는 나쁜 병에 걸려서 죽지 않음이요,
열다섯째는 분에 맞지 않게 죽거나 자살로 죽지 않습니다.
이 대비신주를 외우고 가진 자는
이와 같은 열다섯가지 나쁘게 죽는 일을 받지 않나이다.
● 이혜리 夷醯唎<二十二> e hṛe
살- 바 지 도 바세바라마바 라미다바라 바다
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
보살법력불가설 $ 076▲睥羅睥羅為 一 ● 謎羅, ○□□□□,菩,彼,彼,修
□□□□□□□, 菩薩法住不可說,
彼諸正念不可說, 彼諸法界不可說,
□□□□□□□, 보살법주불가설,
피제정념불가설, 피제법계불가설,
보살의 법력을 말할 수 없고
보살의 법에 있음 말할 수 없고
저들의 바른 생각 말할 수 없고
저들의 모든 법계 말할 수 없고
수방편지불가설 $ 077▲謎羅謎羅為 一 ● 娑攞荼, ○□□□□,學,無,究,彼
□□□□□□□, 學甚深智不可說,
無量智慧不可說, 究竟智慧不可說,
□□□□□□□, 학심심지불가설,
무량지혜불가설, 구경지혜불가설,
방편 지혜 닦는 일 말할 수 없고
깊은 지혜 배우는 일 말할 수 없고
한량없는 지혜를 말할 수 없고
끝까지 이른 지혜 말할 수 없고
●K1019_T1505.txt★ ∴≪A사아함모초≫_≪K1019≫_≪T1505≫
●K0734_T0146.txt★ ∴≪A사위국왕몽견십사경≫_≪K0734≫_≪T0146≫
●K1010_T0617.txt★ ∴≪A사유약요법≫_≪K1010≫_≪T0617≫
76 *무지 마름
77 *무지 첫마디
9 맹장 【맹장】
22 엄지 첫마디 [ 썸 넉클 THUMB knuckle]
10 손목 WRIST
○ 2018_1025_164833_nik_ar24
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○ 2018_1025_171937_can_ct8_s12
○ 2018_1025_175200_can_ct19
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○ 2020_1126_153637_can_CT27
○ 2020_1126_155103_nik_ar5
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○ 2020_1126_160527_nik_BW22
○ 2020_1126_160556_nik_Ab35
○ 2020_1126_160805_nik_AB4_s12
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○ 2016_0123_173422_nik_ar47부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2016_0411_174100_nik_AB7하동_지리산_쌍계사
○ 2016_0412_165149_nik_CT28진안_마이산_탑사
○ 2016_0505_125807_nik_ct8춘천_오봉산_청평사
○ 2019_0317_152501_can_BW17서울_도봉산_광륜사
○ 2020_0228_173704_can_AB7서울_북한산_화계사
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○ 2021_0211_154832_nik_exc_s12서울_북한산_진관사
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○ 2021_0214_130730_nik_ct9_s12춘천_오봉산_청평사
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○ 2021_0215_155200_can_exc_s12안성_칠현산_칠장사
○ 2021_0215_173806_can_Ab31_s12안성_서운산_석남사
○ 2021_0216_110658_can_AR35_s12석모도_낙가산_보문사
○ 2021_0216_120129_can_ct9_s12석모도_낙가산_보문사
○ 2021_0216_132809_can_Ab31_s12강화도_전등사
○ 2021_0217_105139_nik_BW21_s12서산_운산면_마애삼존불
○ 2021_0217_133431_nik_ar47서산_상왕산_개심사
○ 2021_0217_140952_nik_exc_s12서산_상왕산_개심사
○ 2021_0217_141755_nik_ct8서산_상왕산_개심사
○ 2021_0217_171751_can_AR35_s12서산_간월암_간월사
○ 2021_0217_191707_can_AR35_s12서산_간월암_간월사
○ 2021_0717_165837_can_CT27서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_170230_can_ct8서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_171346_can_ct19_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_171650_can_bw0_s12서울 동대문디자인센터
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○ 2021_0717_173556_can_BW17서울 동대문디자인센터
○ 2021_0717_173719_can_AB7서울 동대문디자인센터
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○ 2021_1001_123418_can_exc안동_천등산_봉정사
○ 2021_1001_141622_can_ar38_pc봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1001_144930_can_BW17봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1001_151516_nik_ab41_s12_pc봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1001_152448_nik_CT38_s12_pc봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1001_162308_can_ct26_s12봉화_청량산_청량사
○ 2021_1002_115945_nik_Ar26_s12영천_팔공산_은해사
○ 2021_1002_125214_can_exc영천_팔공산_은해사
○ 2021_1002_141023_can_ab41_s12영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_141153_can_BW21_s12영천_팔공산_거조사
○ 2021_1002_152928_nik_bw0_s12영천_만불사
○ 2021_1002_153133_nik_ar25_s12영천_만불사
○ 2021_1002_223028_can_bw0_s12밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_104359_nik_exc밀양_재악산_표충사
○ 2021_1003_123952_can_bw24_pc밀양_만어산_만어사
○ 2021_1003_125705_nik_ct31_s12_pc밀양_만어산_만어사
○ 2021_1003_142845_nik_exc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_150118_nik_CT38_s12밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_150214_can_ar43_s12_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_151706_nik_AR35_s12_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_152216_can_bw0_s12_pc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_152548_nik_bw0_s12밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_152641_can_exc밀양_삼량진_금오산_여여정사
○ 2021_1003_170822_nik_ct8_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_171053_can_AB7밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_171911_nik_exc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_173930_can_ct18_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_175436_can_ar23_s12_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1003_182420_nik_Ar26_s12_pc밀양_영축산_영산정사
○ 2021_1004_101621_nik_Ar26_s12_pc의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_101854_nik_exc의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_102656_can_AB7의령_봉황산_일붕사
○ 2021_1004_132010_nik_exc_s12산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_132033_can_Ab31_s12산청_지리산_대원사
○ 2021_1004_161528_can_CT38_s12하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_170100_can_ct8_pc하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_170735_nik_CT27하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_173254_nik_BW21_s12_pc하동_고성산_약천사
○ 2021_1004_193109_can_ab50_s12_pc여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_104636_can_exc_s12여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_111606_can_bw24여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_111625_nik_exc여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1005_115138_nik_Ab31_s12_pc여수_금오산_향일암
○ 2021_1006_095705_nik_ar1_pc해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_095730_nik_ab41_s12해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_111217_nik_ct19_s12해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_112544_nik_CT33해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_113915_can_ar2해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_125711_can_BW21_s12_pc해남_봉화산_대흥사
○ 2021_1006_135400_nik_ab21해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_144143_can_ar38해남_달마산_미황사
○ 2021_1006_173554_nik_exc_s12영광_모악산_불갑사
○ 2021_1006_174332_nik_bw0_s12영광_모악산_불갑사
○ 2021_1006_175713_can_BW17영광_모악산_불갑사
○ 2021_1006_175733_can_AB7_pc영광_모악산_불갑사
○ 2021_1007_102640_nik_ar2영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_104118_can_ct12_s12_pc영광_법성포_백제불교최초도래지_마라난타사
○ 2021_1007_140614_nik_ab41_s12부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2021_1007_142254_nik_ar38_pc부안_능가산_내소사
○ 2021_1007_163658_nik_ar8_pc부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1007_165706_can_ct31부안_능가산_개암사
○ 2021_1008_122622_nik_exc_s12완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_123649_nik_CT28완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_124442_can_CT38_s12_pc완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_124458_nik_exc_s12완주_화암사
○ 2021_1008_151535_nik_exc_s12계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_152604_nik_Ab35계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_154838_nik_AR35_s12_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_155844_can_BW21_s12계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1008_170136_can_AB7_pc계룡산_신원사
○ 2021_1112_143510_can_exc_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_150544_can_AB7setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_155144_nik_AR35_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_171213_can_CT38_s12setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1112_173345_can_Ar28setec_서울국제불교박람회
○ 2021_1113_160649_nik_exc경기도광주_남한산성_청량산_망월사
○ 2021_1113_161253_nik_Ab27경기도광주_남한산성_청량산_망월사
○ 2021_1113_161357_nik_ar38경기도광주_남한산성_청량산_망월사
○ 2021_1113_162130_nik_ct18경기도광주_남한산성_청량산_망월사
○ 2022_0131_164254_nik_CT38_s12논산_천호산_개태사
○ 2022_0827_141706_nik_exc_s12의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0827_143046_can_CT38_s12의정부_도봉산_회룡사
○ 2022_0909_143940_can_ar47꽃과 장식
○ 2022_0909_145643_can_CT33꽃과 장식
○ 2022_1024_133414_can_bw24서울_삼각산_화계사
○ 2022_1024_134511_can_ar47서울_삼각산_화계사
○ 2022_1025_150032_can_ct29_s12서울_조계사
○ 2022_1025_151217_can_ab41_s12서울_조계사
○ 2022_1025_154723_nik_ab41_s12서울_조계사
○ 2022_1026_161659_can_BW25서울_수도산_봉은사
○ 2022_1028_144252_can_AB7서울_구룡산_능인선원
○ 2022_1108_104841_can_bw1창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_113022_can_ct18창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_113508_can_BW17창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_114623_can_bw0_s12창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_120214_can_exc창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_120842_can_CT27창덕궁
○ 2022_1108_151733_can_bw24인천_차이나타운
○ 2022_1108_164328_can_ar38인천_차이나타운
○ 2022_1108_204835_can_ct8인천_차이나타운
○ 2022_1109_135244_can_CT27인천대공원_인천수목원
○ 2022_1116_154443_HP_BY_YJ_CT28과천공원
○ 2022_1116_163412_nik_ab25과천공원
○ 2022_1122_153958_nik_exc서울_개운산_개운사
○ Alex_wong_2015_%28Unsplash%29_ab41_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Almeria_Zinnen_der_Alcazaba_fcm_exc_adapted_from_wiki
○ Around_zeelandbrug_%2854%29_ct18_adapted_from_wiki
○ AvUniversidadSLP02_Ab35_adapted_from_wiki
○ Basrah_corniche_AR35_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Cazinoul_din_Constanta_vedere_laterala_bw24_adapted_from_wiki
○ Dundicha_ar45_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ F1_Circuit_de_Catalunya_-_Tribuna_ar47_adapted_from_wiki
○ Fontana_Rimski_exc_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Giorcescivitavecchia3_exc_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ GothafossWinter_exc_adapted_from_wiki
○ Hradec_kralove_river_BW17_adapted_from_wiki
○ Kantoh_Junior_College_exc_adapted_from_wiki
○ Karazin_univer2_%283%29_BW3_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Kazanskiy_Ar26_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Kokurasta_Ab27_adapted_from_wiki
○ Old_town11_AB7_adapted_from_wiki
○ Port_Authority_Barcelona_2013_CT28_adapted_from_wiki
○ Pytheas_ar32_adapted_from_wiki
○ Royal_Garden_in_Podgorica_ct1_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Salamanca._Cerro_de_San_Vicente_-_2_bw24_adapted_from_wiki
○ Sant%27Angelo_bridge__dusk__Rome__Italy_Ab31_s12_adapted_from_wiki
○ Shambles_shopper_8686_BW25_adapted_from_wiki
○ Small_basilica_ct16_adapted_from_wiki
● [pt op tr] fr
™善現智福 키워드 연결 페이지
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● 사위국왕몽견십사경_K0734_T0146 [문서정보]- 일일단상키워드
『사위국왕몽견십사경』 ♣0734-001♧
■ 본 페이지 ID 정보
sfed--사위국왕몽견십사경_K0734_T0146.txt ☞사위국왕몽견십사경
sfd8--불교단상_2566_11.txt ☞◆vonj1467
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