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❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
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구글 파파고
부처님께서 범지의 마음속 생각을 아시고 여러 사문들에게 말씀하셨다.
“무릇 인간의 행에는 스물한 가지 악행이 있으니 그런 행을 하는 이들은 맛있는 음식과 좋은 옷을 받을 수 없다.
The Buddha was aware of the thoughts of Beomji's● mind and spoke to several monks.
“There are twenty-one evil deeds in every human deed, and those who practice such deeds cannot receive good food or good clothes.
The Buddha knew the thoughts of Beomji in his heart and told various envoys.
There are twenty-one evil deeds in the line of man, so those who do such deeds cannot receive delicious food and good clothes.
첫 번째는 음행과 방탕함에 뜻을 두는 것이고,
두 번째는 성냄[瞋恚]에 뜻을 두는 것이며,
세 번째는 어리석음에 뜻을 두는 것이고,
네 번째는 누워 자는 데 뜻을 두는 것이며,
다섯 번째는 의혹의 번뇌에 뜻을 두어 법도[儀]에 상응하지 않는 것이고,
The first is to focus on fornication and debauchery,
The second is to focus on anger,
The third is to focus on foolishness,
The fourth is to focus on lying down and sleeping,
Fifth, it does not correspond to the law by focusing on the defilements of suspicion.
The first is to focus on music● and debauchery.
The second is to put a meaning on the smell of the castle.
The third is to put a meaning on foolishness.
Fourth, it is about lying down and sleeping.
Fifth, it is intended to be anguish of suspicion and does not correspond to the law.
여섯 번째는 자신을 높이는데 뜻을 두는 것이며,
일곱 번째는 교만함에 뜻을 두는 것이고,
여덟 번째는 질투에 뜻을 두는 것이며,
아홉 번째는 인색함에 뜻을 두는 것이고,
열 번째는 흉악함에 뜻을 두어 측은한 마음이 없는 것이다.
The sixth is to focus on self-exaltation,
The seventh is to set your mind on arrogance,
Eighth is the purpose of jealousy,
The ninth is to focus on stinginess,
The tenth is that there is no pity in the mind with a sense of ugliness.
The sixth is to put a will to raise yourself.
The seventh is to put a meaning on pride.
The eighth is to put a will on jealousy.
The ninth is to put a meaning on stingyness.
The tenth is that there is no pitiful heart as it is meant to be brutal.
열한 번째는 허위(虛僞)에 뜻을 두어 안과 밖이 서로 어긋나는 것이고,
열두 번째는 참회하지 않는데 뜻을 두어 부끄러워하는 마음이 없는 것이며,
열세 번째 더러운 행에 뜻을 두어 스스로 수치스럽고 비루하게 생각하지 않는 것이고,
열네 번째는 다른 사람을 나쁘다고 여기고 자신은 그렇다고 여기지 않는 것이며,
열다섯 번째는 음란하고 방탕함에 뜻을 두어 정조를 지키는 일을 칭찬하지 않는 것이고,
The eleventh is that the inside and the outside are at odds with each other by setting the meaning of falsehood.
The twelfth is that there is no repentance, and there is no shame in having a will,
The thirteenth filthy line is to not think of yourself as shameful and mean,
The fourteenth is to regard others as bad and not yourself.
Fifteenth is not to praise the keeping of chastity by focusing on lewdness and debauchery.
The eleventh is that the inside and outside are contrary to each other with the intention of falsehood, and
The twelfth is not to repent, but to have no intention of being ashamed,
You don't think of yourself as shameful and boring by putting your meaning on the 13th dirty line,
The 14th is to regard others as bad and not to yourself.
The fifteenth is not to praise the work of protecting King● Jeongjo● with the will of obscene and debauchery.
열여섯 번째는 말을 비교하는 데 뜻을 두어 헐뜯어서 두 가지 악을 이루는 것이며,
열일곱 번째는 모여서 다투는 데 뜻을 두어 다투는 양쪽을 풀어주지 않는 것이고,
열여덟 번째는 무례한데 뜻을 두어 스스로 겸손하지 않는 것이며,
열아홉 번째는 잘못을 완성하는데 뜻을 두어 현명한 이의 충고를 받아들이지 않는 것이고,
스무 번째는 불효하는데 뜻을 두어 자애로운 마음을 없애고 거스르기를 좋아하는 것이며,
스물한 번째는 사도(邪道)를 좋아하는데 뜻을 두어 요사스러운 이를 공양하여 받들어서 가산을 탕진하고 부모를 곤궁하게 만드는 것이니 항상함[常]이 없다는 것을 깨닫지 못하고 3존(尊)에 귀의하지 않으며 맛있는 음식과 좋은 옷을 바라고 욕심을 좇아 사치하는 것이다.
The sixteenth is to slander with the purpose of comparing words, thereby accomplishing two evils;
The seventeenth is to not release both sides of the quarrel by focusing on fighting together.
The eighteenth is to be rude and not humble yourself,
The ninth is to not accept the advice of a wise man with the intention of perfecting a mistake,
The twentieth is to be filial, to get rid of benevolence, and to like disobedience;
The twenty-first is that he likes the Sado● (邪道), and he has the intention of offering and serving a noble person, squandering his family and impoverishing his parents. It is to pursue luxury in pursuit of greed, hoping for delicious food and good clothes.
The 16th is to achieve two evils by slandering words with the intention of comparing words.
The seventeenth is not to release both sides of the dispute with the will to gather and fight.
The 18th is to be rude but not humble on your own.
The nineteenth is not to accept the advice of the wise, with the intention of completing the wrongdoing,
The 20th is to get rid of the benevolent heart and like to go against it with the will to be unfaithful.
The 21st is to love the apostle, and to honor and support the humble, waste his family fortune, and make his parents suffer, so he does not always return to the 3rd zone without realizing that there is no mercy, but to pray for delicious food and good clothes.
이 스물한 가지 악은 마음을 더럽히고 어지럽게 만든다.
마치 청결한 것이 더러움에 물들어 색(色)이 되는 것과 같다.
만 가지 중에 한 가지도 이익이 없다.
이 갖가지 악을 품으면 죽어서 지옥이나 아귀나 축생에 들어갈 것이니 그 고통은 헤아리기 어렵다.
These twenty-one evils defile the mind and make it dizzy.
It is as if a clean thing is stained with dirt and becomes color.
Not one out of ten thousand is profitable.
If you embrace these kinds of evil, you will die and go to hell, a demon or an animal, and the suffering is hard to fathom.
These twenty-one evil makes the mind dirty and dizzy.
It's like being clean is colored by dirt and becomes color.
None of the 10,000 are profitable.
If you embrace these various evils, you will die and enter hell, monkfish, or rebirth, so the pain is hard to understand.
부처님께서 바라문에게 말씀하셨다.
“이 땅에는 많은 시내가 있으니,
사람들이 그 안에 들어가 목욕을 하면 괴로움에서 벗어날 수 있는가?
천 번 목욕한 사람은 몸의 때는 제거할 수 있을지언정 마음의 때는 어찌하겠는가?
우리 사문들은 마음속의 욕구를 끊어 생각이 공(空)하여 3계(戒)에 몸을 받아 나는 것을 바라지 않고,
마음의 때[垢]를 고요히 멸하여 청정한 도를 얻는데,
그대는 어떤 스승으로부터 법을 받았기에 물속에서 목욕하면 마음속의 때를 제거할 수 있다고 하느냐?”
The Buddha said to the Brahman:
“There are many streams in this land,
If people go into it and take a bath, can they get rid of suffering?
A person who has taken a thousand baths can get rid of the dirt on the body, but what about the dirt on the mind?
We monks do not wish to cut off the desires in our hearts, and our thoughts to become empty and to receive and be born in the third realm.
Quietly destroying the times of the heart and attaining the pure Way,
What kind of teacher taught you that you can get rid of dirt in your mind by bathing in water?”
Buddha said to Baramun●.
"There are many streams in this land.
Can people get out of the agony if they go into it and take a bath?
Those who bathe a thousand times can remove body dirt, but what about mind dirt?
Our private texts cut off the desire in our hearts and have empty thoughts.
I don't want to receive my body in the third phase.
The time of the heart is quietly destroyed to obtain cleanliness.
What kind of teacher did you receive the law from?
If you take a bath in the water, can you remove dirt from your heart?
● [pt op tr] fr
◎◎[개별논의] ♥ ❋본문
◈Lab value 불기2566/02/07 |
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답 후보
● 일합상(一合相)
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
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■ 음악
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Sandrine Kiberlain - Placebo
Weepers Circus - Un Revenant
Aldebert - L'inventaire (Electro)
Edith Piaf - Mon Apero (Juel-Malleron)
Indochine - College boy Victoires de la Musique 2014
■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈
【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Buddhism in Australia
[san-chn] durgandha-pūty-ambara 弊衣
[san-eng] udāsīnaḥ $ 범어 free from care
[pali-chn] pārimaṃ tīraṃ 彼岸
[pal-eng] pa.n.naku.ti $ 팔리어 f.a hut of leaves.
[Eng-Ch-Eng] Being-Time 有時
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 無愧 ムギ unscrupulousness\nlack of conscience\nheedlessness of blame
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] NICHIREN SHOSHU☞
See also: Soka-gakkai.
“Modern offshoot of the Nichiren School of Japanese Buddhism.
[fra-eng] avertissons $ 불어 warn
■ 암산퀴즈
159* 569
145542 / 573
■ 다라니퀴즈
자비주 38 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 38 번째는?
아기를 낳는 어려움에 처하여
삿된 귀신이 장애를 놓아
고통스럽고 참기 어려울 때
지성으로 대비주를 소리내 외우면
귀신은 물러나
흩어지고 편안히 낳게 되리라.
● 아라삼불라사리 阿囉嘇佛囉舍利<三十八> a rṣaṃ pra ca li
미보라톄 아
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
피제장엄불가설 $ 038▲毘覩羅毘覩羅為 一 ● 奚婆(上)羅, ○□□□□,彼,彼,彼,所
□□□□□□□, 彼諸神力不可說,
彼諸自在不可說, 彼諸神變不可說。
□□□□□□□, 피제신력불가설,
피제자재불가설, 피제신변불가설。
여러 가지 장엄도 말할 수 없고
저 여러 신통한 힘 말할 수 없고
여러 가지 자재함도 말할 수 없고
여러 가지 신통 변화 말할 수 없어
소유신통불가설 $ 039▲奚婆羅奚婆羅為 一 ● 伺察, ○□□□□,所,所,所,清
□□□□□□□, 所有境界不可說,
所有加持不可說, 所住世間不可說。
□□□□□□□, 소유경계불가설,
소유가지불가설, 소주세간불가설。
갖고 있는 신통을 말할 수 없고
갖고 있는 경계도 말할 수 없고
갖고 있는 가지함도 말할 수 없고
세간에 머무름도 말할 수 없어
●K1224_T1400.txt★ ∴≪A불설소제일체재장보계다라니경≫_≪K1224≫_≪T1400≫
●K0884_T0582.txt★ ∴≪A불설손다야치경≫_≪K0884≫_≪T0582≫
●K0710_T0070.txt★ ∴≪A불설수경≫_≪K0710≫_≪T0070≫
38 정강이[Shin]
39 아킬래스건 Achilles tendon
38 정강이[Shin]
38 정강이[Shin]

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○ 2018_0419_113944_nik_ab6

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○ 2016_1008_130529_nik
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™善現智福 키워드 연결 페이지
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● 불설손다야치경_K0884_T0582 [문서정보]- 일일단상키워드
■ 본 페이지 ID 정보
sfed--불설손다야치경_K0884_T0582.txt ☞손다야치
sfd8--불교단상_2566_02.txt ☞◆vtqu2457
● [pt op tr] fr
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