● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람I
● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
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❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
○ [pt op tr]
대보적경 제91권
대당 삼장 보리류지 한역
송성수 번역
25. 발승지락회(發勝志樂會) ①
[translated by Google]
Daebo Red Ascension● Vol. 91
Three● chapters● barley-ryu-ji● Korean station●
Translated by Song Seong-soo
25. Balseungjirakhoe● ①
● Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra
● (25 )Adhyāśayasañcodana
[translated by Papago]
Daebojeokgyeong Book 91.
Daedang Samjang Barleyuji Han Station.
Translation of Song Sung Soo.
Integrated viewer.
25. Balseungjirakhoe ( 25勝 25 25) 25
[translated by Kakao]
Great Boryung Book 91
daedang three-jang barley-riji han station
song sung-soo translation
integrated viewer
25. A foot-and-mouth event (House) 1;
부처님께서 미륵 보살에게 말씀하셨다.
만일 어떤 보살이 이 뒤의 말세 5백 년 동안에 법이 소멸하려 할 때에 네 가지의 법을 성취하여야 안온하고 괴로움이 없으면서 해탈하게 되느니라.
어떤 것이 네 가지인가 하면,
이른바 모든 중생에 대하여 그의 잘못을 찾아 구하지 않고,
모든 보살이 계율을 위반하여 범한 일이 있음을 보더라도 끝내 들추어내지 않으며,
친한 벗과 시주(施主)의 집에 대하여 집착을 내지 않고,
영원히 추악한 말을 끊는 것이니라.
이것이 보살이 이 뒤의 말세 5백 년 동안에 법이 소멸하려 할 때에 네 가지의 법을 성취하면 안온하고 괴로움이 없으면서 해탈하게 되는 것이니라.”
[translated by Google]
The Buddha said to Maitreya Bodhisattva.
If a Bodhisattva ●dharma is about to cease to exist in the next five hundred years of the last days, he must fulfill the four dharmas so that he can be liberated without suffering.
If there are four things,
Without seeking and seeking his fault in all so-called sentient beings,
Even if he sees that all Bodhisattvas have done something in violation of the precepts, he never reveals them.
Without being obsessed with ● the house of close friends and the house● of the owner,
To stop talking ugly forever.
This is when the Bodhisattva is about to cease to exist in the next 500 years of the last days, and if the four dharmas are fulfilled, there will be peace and liberation without suffering.”
[translated by Papago]
Buddha said to Maitreya Bodhisattva.
"Mireuk, you'really.
If a Bodhisattva tries to extinguish the law for 500 years after this, he must achieve four laws to be relieved, free of suffering, and give up.
There are four things.
He did not seek and seek his faults for all so-called people,
Even if all the Bodhisattva have committed in violation of the rules, they will not be revealed.
He did not obsess about the house of his close friend and Siju,
It is to cut off ugly words forever.
This is when the four laws are about to be extinguished in the 500 years after this, and if the four laws are achieved, the Bodhisattva will be relieved, free from suffering, and will be given up."
[translated by Kakao]
The Buddha told the Maitreya Bodhisattva.
If a bodhisattva is to achieve four laws when the law is about to disappear for five hundred years at the end of this, it will be relieved and painful.
If there are four things,
without seeking his fault for all the so-called rebirths,
If all the Bodhisattvas have committed a violation of the law, they will not be overruled.
without obsessing about the house of the close friend and Siju (),
I will never say anything ugly.
This is what happens when the Bodhisattva is about to die down in the last five hundred years of this, and if it achieves four laws, it will be relieved and sufferingless. "
게으른 이를 버리고
모든 시끄러움을 멀리 여의며
고요한 곳에서 항상 만족할 줄 알아야 하나니
이런 사람이라야 해탈하게 되느니라.
[translated by Google]
let go of the lazy
far away from all the noise
Should I always be content in a quiet place?
Only such a person will be liberated.
[translated by Papago]
Let go of the lazy.
All the noise is far away.
Should I always be satisfied in a quiet place?
Rather than this kind of person giving up.
[translated by Kakao]
I'm gonna throw away my lazy teeth
with all the noises away
You should always be satisfied in a quiet place
This man is better off than to be.
부처님께서 미륵에게 말씀하셨다.
“만일 보살이 ‘보리분법을 원만하게 하기 위하여 생사를 섭취한다’고 말하고,
‘모든 번뇌가 보살의 이익되는 일이 된다’고 말하면 이와 같은 변재는 모든 부처님․여래께서 말씀하신 것이니라.
왜냐 하면 미륵아,
이 모든 보살은 얻은 법이 자재하므로 일으키는 번뇌에도 허물이 없기 때문이니,
이것은 보살의 선교방편이요,
모든 성문이나 연각의 경계가 아니니라.
[translated by Google]
The Buddha said to Maitreya.
“If the Bodhisattva says, ‘In order to achieve the smooth milling of barley, we eat raw and dead’,
This is what all Buddhas and Tathagata have spoken of when it is said that ‘all sufferings are beneficial to the Bodhisattva’.
Because Maitreya,
All these Bodhisattvas are free from their attained laws, so there is no fault in the defilements they cause.
This is the Bodhisattva's missionary means,
Not every gate or the boundary of the nave.
[translated by Papago]
Buddha said to Maitreya.
"If the Bodhisattva says, 'I eat life and death to make the barley powder smooth,'
If you say, "All anguish becomes the benefit of Bodhisattva," such reimbursement is what all Buddha and Buddha have said.
Because Maitreya,
Because all of these Bodhisattva are made of law, so there is no flaw in the anguish that causes it.
This is the missionary method of Bodhisattva.
It is not the boundary of all gates or angles.
[translated by Kakao]
The Buddha told Maitreya.
“If Bodhisattva says, ‘I eat life and death to make the barley powder smooth,’” he said.
If you say that all the anguish is the benefit of the Bodhisattva, this kind of degeneration is all Buddha.
Because, Maitreya,
All these bodhisattvas are made of the law, and there is no fault in the troubles that arise,
This is a mission of bodhisattva,
Not all gates or the border of the olfactory.
부처님께서 말씀하셨다.
그러므로 마땅히 모든 보살들은 방편의 행에 대하여 깊이 믿고 이해하여야 하느니라.
왜냐 하면 행이 지혜로운[慧行] 보살의 방편의 행은 믿고 이해하기 어렵기 때문이니라.
비유하면 마치 수다원(須陀洹)의 사람이 범부의 행동을 보일지라도 이러한 범부와 수다원의 지위와 저마다 차별되나니,
범부인 어리석은 사람은 탐냄․성냄․어리석음에 대하여 얽매여 있기 때문에 모든 3악도(惡道)에 떨어지지만,
수다원은 탐냄․성냄․어리석음을 환히 통달하여 있으므로 끝내 3악도에는 떨어지지 않는 것과 같으니라.
[translated by Google]
said the Buddha.
“It is so.
Therefore, all Bodhisattvas should deeply believe and understand the conduct of expedients.
Because the actions of a Bodhisattva with wise actions are difficult to believe and understand.
By analogy, even if a person in a chateau shows the behavior of a commoner, the status of these commoners and the chathouse is different from each other.
A foolish man, a common man, falls into all three evils because he is bound by covetousness, wrath, and foolishness.
Since the chateau has mastered covetousness, anger, and foolishness, it is like never falling into the 3rd Evil Path.
[translated by Papago]
Buddha said.
"That's what I'm saying."
Therefore, all Bodhisattva must deeply believe and understand the deeds of the means.
This is because it is difficult to trust and understand the deeds of the Bodhisattva, whose deeds are wise.
In comparison, even if the person of Sudawon shows the behavior of a Buddhist monk, it is differentiated from the status of such a Buddhist monk and Sudawon.
The foolish man, who is a Buddhist priest, falls into all three directions because he is bound by covetous smell, castle smell, and foolishness.
Sudawon is a master of covetous smell, castle smell, and foolishness, so it is the same as not falling to the third band.
[translated by Kakao]
The Buddha said.
“I do.
Therefore, all the Bodhisattvas should be deeply believed and understood about the path of the way.
Because the line is a wise [] way of bodhisattva, it is hard to believe and understand.
In comparison, even if a person of a chatterer () shows the behavior of a chatterer, it is different from the status of the chatterer and the chatterer,
The foolish man who is a woman falls into all three wickets (the road) because he is bound to covet, annoyance, and stupidity,
The chatter is like a good one, a good one, a good one, and a good one, so it does not fall to the third.
행이 지혜로운 보살의 중죄(重罪)는 지혜의 힘으로써 모두 다 꺾어 소멸시킬 수 있으며,
또한 그로 인하여 나쁜 길에도 떨어지지 않느니라.
비유하면 마치 어떤 사람이 큰 불 무더기에 계속 땔나무를 던져 넣고 이와 같이 더 넣고 나면 그것이 타면서 그 불길은 더욱 더 왕성해지고 다시 더 밝아지면서 꺼져 다함이 없는 것과 같으니라.
행이 지혜로운 보살도 역시 그와 같아서 지혜의 불로써 번뇌의 땔나무를 태울 적에 계속 번뇌의 땔나무를 던져 넣으면 그것이 타면서 지혜의 불은 더욱 더 밝아지면서 꺼져 다함이 없게 되느니라.
이와 같고 이와 같아서 행이 지혜로운 보살의 지혜의 힘과 선교방편은 가히 분명히 알기란 어려우니라.”
[translated by Google]
With the power of wisdom, all the serious sins of a Bodhisattva with wise behavior can be broken and destroyed.
Also, he does not fall into the bad way because of it.
In analogy, it is like a person who keeps throwing firewood into a great heap of fire, and after adding more in this way, it burns and the flame becomes more vigorous and brighter again, and it is extinguished without exhaustion.
The Bodhisattva of wise behavior is the same. If you keep throwing the firewood of defilement while burning it with the fire of wisdom, it will burn, and the fire of wisdom will become brighter and brighter, and it will be extinguished.
It is like this, and it is difficult to clearly understand the power of wisdom and the means of missions of a Bodhisattva who is wise in action.”
[translated by Papago]
The felony of Bodhisattva with wise deeds can be all broken and extinguished with the power of wisdom,
Also, it does not fall on a bad road.
In other words, it's as if a person keeps throwing firewood into a large pile of fire and putting more like this, and as it burns, the flame becomes more vibrant and brighter again, and it goes out like there is no end.
The wise Bodhisattva is like that, too, so if you keep throwing the firewood of anguish when burning the firewood of anguish with the fire of wisdom, the fire of wisdom will burn brighter and extinguish as it burns.
As such, it is difficult to know clearly the power of wisdom and missionary measures of the Bodhisattva, whose deeds are wise."
[translated by Kakao]
The felony of wise bodhisattva () can be broken and destroyed by the power of wisdom,
And it does not fall on the bad road.
It is like a person throwing firewood in a large pile of fires and putting more like this, and it burns and the flames become more and more vigorous and brighter again, and there is no harm.
The wise bodhisattva of the line is like that, and when you burn the firewood of the agony with the fire of wisdom, you throw the firewood of the agony in the fire, and it burns and the fire of wisdom becomes brighter and more and more.
It is like this and it is difficult to know clearly the power of wisdom and missionary measures of wise Bodhisattva. "
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◎◎[개별논의] ♥ ❋본문
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■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
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【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Aggañña Sutta
[san-chn] anāvaraṇatva 不遮, 無障礙
[san-eng] tribhujam.h $ 범어 (n) triangle
[pali-chn] uṇhīsa-sīso 肉髻相
[pal-eng] vaayati $ 팔리어 vaa + ya1. blows; emits an odour; 2. weaves.
[Eng-Ch-Eng] 凶 (1) Bad, evil. (2) Bad luck, bad fortune. (3) Calamity, disaster, flood, drought.
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 十念成就 ジュウネンジョウジュ ten invocations bringing about completion
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] INTERPENETRATION☞
See also: Avatamsaka Sutra.
Basic teaching of the Avatamsaka Sutra which reveals the interpenetration of all dharmas – the smallest dharma contains (i.e., has
the essence of ) the largest and vice versa.
[fra-eng] l'albinisme $ 불어 the albinism
■ 암산퀴즈
909* 799
25896 / 39
■ 다라니퀴즈
자비주 45 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 45 번째는?
또 삼천대천 세계에
암흑처의 삼악도 중생이
나의 이 주문을 들으면
다 괴로움을 여의게 되고,
모든 보살 가운데 초지에
오르지 못한 자는
속히 오르게 되고
내지 십주지(十住地)도 이르게 되고,
또 불지(佛地)에도 이르러
자연히 삼십이상(三十二相)과
팔십(八十)가지 좋은 형상을 성취하게 되며,
● 소로소로 蘇嚧蘇嚧<四十五> su ru su ru
아체엄라 시라
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
어중시겁불가설 $ 045▲訶理婆訶理婆為 一 ● 一動, ○□□□□,於,菩,諸,一
□□□□□□□, 於中差別不可說,
菩薩悉能分別說, 諸明算者莫能辨。
□□□□□□□, 어중차별불가설,
보살실능분별설, 제명산자막능변。
그 가운데 겁과 시간 말할 수 없고
그 가운데 차별도 말 못할 것을
보살이 분별하여 다 말하지만
산수에 능한 이도 분별 못하네.
일모단처대소찰 $ 046▲一動一動為 一 ● 訶理蒲, ○□□□□,雜,如,一,以
□□□□□□□, 雜染清淨麁細剎,
如是一切不可說, 一一明了可分別。
□□□□□□□, 잡염청정추세찰,
여시일체불가설, 일일명료가분별。
한 터럭 끝에 있는 작고 큰 세계
물들고 깨끗하고 굵고 잔 세계
말로 할 수 없는 여러 세계를
낱낱이 분명하게 분별하리라.
●K1298_T1005.txt★ ∴≪A대보광박누각선주비밀다라니경≫_≪K1298≫_≪T1005≫
●K0022_T0310.txt★ ∴≪A대보적경≫_≪K0022≫_≪T0310≫
●K0552_T1523.txt★ ∴≪A대보적경론≫_≪K0552≫_≪T1523≫
45 발등 instep / top (side) of the foot
46 발 곡면 [신조어] 곡면( Arch)
45 발등 instep / top (side) of the foot
45 발등 instep / top (side) of the foot

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○ 2019_1201_154901_nik_Ab35

○ 2019_1201_154711_nik_BW17

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™善現智福 키워드 연결 페이지
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● 대보적경_K0022_T0310 [문서정보]- 일일단상키워드
■ 본 페이지 ID 정보
sfed--대보적경_K0022_T0310.txt ☞제91권
sfd8--불교단상_2566_02.txt ☞◆vxxs1587
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