● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람I
● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
○ 통합대장경 사이트 안내
○ 해제[있는경우]
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대장경 열람은 위 부분을 참조해주십시오.
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[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]
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● [pt op tr] fr
❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
<영문번역 검토>
‘그때 지녔던 복덕(福德)이 아직도 남아 있는가?’
그렇게 생각하지 마십시오.
내가 오늘날 그 복을 관찰해보면 털끝만큼도 남은 것이 없습니다.
왜냐하면 나고 죽음은 길고도 아득해 이루 다 헤아릴 수 없기 때문이니,
그 동안 그 복을 다 누렸고 지금은 털끝만큼도 남은 것이 없습니다.
그러므로 대왕께서는 ‘내가 지어야 할 복(福)을 오늘 다 마쳤다’라는 그런 말을 하지 마십시오.
그보다도 대왕께서는 마땅히 이렇게 말해야만 합니다.
‘나는 지금 몸과 입과 뜻으로 짓는 모든 행으로 해탈을 구하기를 다해야 하리니,
나고 죽는 속에 있으면서 거기에서의 복업(福業)을 구하지 않으면 곧 오랜 세월 동안 한량없이 안온하리라.’”
‘Is the good fortune you had at that time still there?’
Don't think so.
If I observe that blessing today, there is nothing more than the tip of a hair.
Because birth and death are long and far away, and they cannot all be counted.
During that time, I have enjoyed all the blessings, and now there is nothing more than the tip of a hair.
Therefore, the great king, please do not say things like, ‘I have completed all the blessings I need to create today.’
Rather, the great king should have said this.
'Now I must do everything I can to seek liberation in body, mouth and mind.
If you are in the midst of birth and death and do not seek fortune there, you will soon be restless●=> (safe and at peace) for many years without limit.’”
"Do you still have the luck and virtue you had at that time?"
Don't think like that.
If I observe the blessing today, there is nothing left like the tip of the fur.
Because birth and death are long and distant, and I can't count them.
I've enjoyed all the blessings so far, and now there's nothing more left than the tip of the fur.
Therefore, the Great King should not say, "I have completed all the blessings I have to build today."
More than that, the great king deserves to say this.
"I have to do my best to seek nirvana with all the lines that I build with my body, mouth, and will."
"If you stay in the midst of birth and death and do not seek restoration there, you will soon be at peace for a long time."
존자 바구로가 말하였다.
“나는 사람의 수명(壽命)에 대하여 남자ㆍ여자 등 사람의 종류라면 누구나 다 이 목숨을 의지해서 존재한다는 것을 압니다.
그런데 또 구익(拘翼)이여,
세존께서도 또 말씀하시기를 ‘비구들아,
마땅히 알아야만 하느니라.
항상 스스로 치열하게 힘써 삿된 법을 일으키지 말고,
또 성현의 침묵
[黙然]을 배워야 하느니라’라고 하셨습니다.
나는 그 이치를 관찰하였기 때문에 침묵을 지키고 있는 것입니다.”
Venerable Baguro said.
“I know that with respect to the lifespan of a person, all kinds of people, including men and women, depend on this life to exist.
But again, Guik,
The Blessed One also said, ‘Bhikkhus,
ought to know
Don't always try hard on your own to create wrong laws,
You must also learn the silence of Seonghyeon.”
I am keeping my silence because I have observed it.”
said Baguro, the great son.
"I know that all kinds of people, such as men and women, exist with this life on their own.
But again, Guik,
Sejon also said, "Bigoos,
Rather than having to know.
Don't work hard on your own and make a law that is pointed out.
He also said, "I have to learn Seonghyeon's silence."
I have observed that reason, so I remain silent."
세존께서 말씀하셨다.
만일 거문고 줄을 너무 죄지도 않고 너무 늦추지도 않으면,
그때에는 거문고 소리를 잘 나게 탈 수 있었느냐?”
이십억이가 대답하였다.
거문고 줄을 너무 죄지도 않고 너무 늦추지도 않으면 그때는 거문고소리를 잘 나게 탈 수 있었습니다.”
세존께서 말씀하셨다.
“공부하는 일도 그와 같다.
너무 지나치게 정진(精進)하면 그것은 마치 조롱하고 장난치는
[調戱] 것과 같고,
게을리 하면 삿된 소견에 떨어지게 된다.
만일 그 중간에 있으면 그것이 최상의 행(行)이다.
그렇게 하면 오래지 않아 마땅히 번뇌가 없는 사람이 될 것이니라.”
Saison said:
“How are you?
two billion
If the string of the harp is neither too tight nor too slow,
Were you able to play the lyre well back then?”
Two billion answered.
"That's right,
sir saxon
If I didn't tighten the string too much and didn't slow it down too much, then I could play the lyre well.”
Saison said:
“It is the same with studying.
If you work too hard, it's like taunting and joking around.
If you are negligent, you will fall into wrong opinions.
If it is in the middle, it is the best line.
If you do that, you will soon become a person free from defilements.”
Sejon said,
"What do you think?"
It's two billion.
If the geomungo string is not too tight and not too slow,
"At that time, were you able to ride the geomungo well?"
Two billion answered.
"That's right.
It's Sezone.
"At that time, I could ride the geomungo well if I didn't tighten the geomungo string and slow it down too much."
Sejon said,
"Studying is like that.
If you put too much effort into it, it's like mocking and playing around.
If you neglect, you will fall into a false finding.
If it is in the middle, it is the best line.
If you do that, you will be a man without anguish before long."
그때 세존께서 이런 게송을 말씀하셨다.
언제나 널리 보시하기를 생각하고
끝까지 보시할 마음 끊지 않으면
장차 틀림없이 현성(賢聖)을 만나
생사(生死)의 근원을 벗어나리라.
Then the Blessed One said this verse:
I always think of spreading the word
If you don't stop showing your heart to the end
In the future I will surely meet the sage
I will escape the source of life and death.
At that time, Sezon said this song.
I hope that you watch it widely.
If you don't stop watching until the end,
In the future, I'll definitely meet Hyeonseong
It will be beyond the source of life and death.
세존께서 말씀하셨다.
“계의 향
[戒香]ㆍ들음의 향
[聞香]ㆍ보시의 향
이것이 이른바 향의 종류이니,
‘바람을 거슬러서도 향내를 풍기고 바람 부는 대로 따라서도 향내를 풍기며,
바람을 거슬러서나 바람 부는 대로 따라서나 언제나 향내를 풍기는 향’이라고 하는 것이다.
이 세상의 모든 향 가운데에서 이 세 가지 향이 가장 훌륭하여 그 어느 것도 이 향에 비교할 만하거나,
이 향에 미칠 만한 것이 없느니라.
Saison said:
“The incense of the world <구글>
[戒香], the incense of hearing <구글>
[聞香], and the incense of Boshi <구글>
This is the so-called kind of incense,
'It smells incense against the wind,
It is an incense that always gives off incense, whether against the wind or wherever the wind blows.”
Of all the incense in the world, these three are the most wonderful, and none of them can be compared,
Nothing has anything to do with this incense.
Sejon said,
"It is the scent of Gye, the scent of Deulum, and the scent of Bosi."
This is the so-called scent type.
"Even against the wind, it gives off a scent, and according to the wind, it gives off a scent."
It is called a scent that always exudes scent, whether against the wind or as the wind blows.
Among all the scents in the world, these three scents are the best, so none of them are comparable to these scents, or
There is nothing to do with this scent.
그때 세존께서 아난에게 이런 게송으로 말씀하셨다.
가급적 어리석은 사람과는 만나지 말고
또한 어리석은 사람과는 함께 일하지도 말며
또한 그런 이와 더불어 서로 따지며
일의 옳고 그름에 대해 다투지 말라.
Then the Blessed One spoke to Anan in this verse:
Don't date stupid people.
Nor do you work with fools.
In addition to that, we follow each other
Don't argue about the right or wrong of things.
At that time, Sezon told Anan in a song like this.
If possible, don't meet foolish people.
Also, don't work with foolish people.
And along with that, we argue with each other.
Don't argue about what's right or wrong.
만일 비구가 되어 물질에 집착하지 않으면 곧 세 가지 법을 얻을 것이다.
어떤 것이 그 세 가지인가?
현성의 계와 현성의 삼매와 현성의 지혜를 이르는 말이니라.
가령 이 세 가지 법을 성취하려고 하면,
마땅히 착한 마음을 내어 이양(利養)에 집착하지 말아야 할 것이다.
모든 비구들아,
마땅히 이와 같이 배워야 한다.”
If you become a bhikkhu and do not cling to material things, you will soon attain the three dharmas.
What are those three?
This is a word referring to the precepts of the present, the samadhi of the present, and the wisdom of the present.
For example, if you try to achieve these three laws,
You should have a good heart and not cling to yang (利養).
all bhikkhus,
You should learn like this.”
If you don't become a non-ball and obsess over matter, you'll soon get three laws.
Which are the three things?
It refers to the system of Hyeonseong, the three plaques of Hyeonseong, and the wisdom of Hyeonseong.
For example, if you try to achieve these three laws,
You should not be obsessed with the transfer with a good heart.
All the bicgues,
You should learn like this."
마땅히 알아야 한다.
또 세 가지 선근(善根)이 있다.
어떤 것이 그 세 가지인가?
탐내지 않는 선근
[不貪善根]ㆍ성내지 않는 선근
[不恚善根]ㆍ어리석지 않은 선근
[不癡善根]이 그것이다.
이것이 비구에게 세 가지 선근이 있다는 것이다.
세 가지 선근이 있게 되면,
곧 두 가지 좋은 세계에 존재하게 되고,
열반이 세 번째가 된다.
어떤 것이 두 가지 세계인가?
인간과 천상이 그것이다.
you should know
There are also three good roots.
What are those three?
They are good root that does not covet <구글>
This means that a bhikkhu has three good roots.
If there are three straight roots,
Soon to exist in two good worlds,
Nirvana becomes the third.
What are the two worlds?
It is human and heavenly.
You have to know.
There are also three good deeds.
Which are the three things?
These are the coveted good root, the angry good root, and the foolish good root.
This means that there are three good roots for Bingu.
If you have three adenocarcinoma,
Soon, it will exist in two good worlds.
Nirvana becomes the third.
Which is the two worlds?
It is humans and heaven.
그때 세존께서 모든 비구들에게 말씀하셨다.
“세 가지 성질
[聚]이 있다.
어떤 것이 그 세 가지인가?
바른 성질
[等聚]ㆍ삿된 성질
[邪聚]ㆍ결정되지 않은 성질
어떤 것이 바른 성질인가?
바른 소견
[等見]ㆍ바른 다스림
[等治]ㆍ바른 말
[等語]ㆍ바른 업
[等業]ㆍ바른 생활
[等命]ㆍ바른 방편
[等方便]ㆍ바른 기억
[等念]ㆍ바른 선정
[等定]을 이르는 말이니,
이것을 바른 성질이라고 한다.
Then the Blessed One spoke to all the bhikkhus.
“There are three qualities.
What are those three?
These are the right nature
[等聚], the wrong nature
[邪聚], and the indeterminate nature
[non-determined nature].
What is the right quality?
Right opinion
[等見], right governance
[等治], right speech
[等治], right karma
[等業], right life
[等命], right method
[等方便], right memory, right memory
[等念] It means selection.
This is called the right quality.
At that time, Sezon told all the bicgues.
"There are three properties.
Which are the three things?
It is a proper nature, a pointed nature, and an undecided nature.
Which one is the right disposition?
It refers to the right findings, right governance, right words, right work, right life, right measures, right memories, and right selection.
This is called the right property.
그때 세존께서 모든 비구들에게 말씀하셨다.
“세 가지 생각
[想]이 있다.
어떤 것이 그 세 가지인가?
탐내는 생각ㆍ성내는 생각ㆍ살해(殺害)하려는 생각을 말한다.
이것을 세 가지 생각이라고 하느니라.
마땅히 알아야 한다.
만일 탐내는 생각을 가지면 목숨을 마친 뒤에는 곧 지옥에 떨어질 것이다.
만일 성내는 생각을 가지면 목숨을 마친 뒤에는 닭이나 개에 소속되거나 뱀이나 독사 따위의 축생으로 태어날 것이다.
만일 해치려는 생각을 가지면 그 또한 목숨을 마친 뒤에는 아귀로 태어나 온몸이 불에 타리니,
그 고통을 이루 다 말하기 어려울 것이다.
이것을 일러 세 가지 생각이 있으면 지옥과 아귀와 축생 세계에 태어난다고 하는 것이다.
Then the Blessed One spoke to all the bhikkhus.
“There are three thoughts
What are those three?
Coveted thoughts, anger thoughts, and thoughts of killing.
These are called three thoughts.
you should know
If you have coveted thoughts, you will soon go to hell after you die.
If you have angry thoughts, after you die, you will belong to a chicken or a dog, or you will be reborn as an animal such as a snake or a viper.
If he intends to harm him, he will also be reborn as a devil after his death, and his whole body will be set on fire.
It would be difficult to describe the pain in full.
To explain this, it is said that if you have three thoughts, you will be born in hell, the devil, and the world of beasts.
At that time, Sezon told all the bicgues.
"I have three thoughts.
Which are the three things?
Desiring thoughts, anger, and thoughts to kill are thoughts.
Rather call these three ideas.
You have to know.
If you have an coveted idea, you will soon fall into hell after your life is over.
If an angry man has an idea, he will belong to a chicken or dog after his life, or will be born as a breeding of snakes or vipers.
If he has the idea of harming him, he will also be born as a monkfish after his life is over and his whole body will be burned.
It will be difficult to say the pain.
It is said that if you have three thoughts, you will be born in the world of hell, monkfish, and rebirth.
◎◎[개별논의] ♥ ❋본문
◈Lab value 불기2566/02/09 |
Michel Berger - Tout Est Possible
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■ 선물 퀴즈
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소승 4과(果)의 제3과인 불환과(不還果). ⇒<유사어>불환과<참조어>불환과(不還果)
답 후보
● 제삼과(第三果)
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
○ [pt op tr]
■ 음악
Alain Souchon - L' Amour La Machine
Les Petites Bourrettes - Ici
Michel Berger - Ce Que La Pop Music A Fait D'u
Julien Clerc - Quelle Heure Est Ile Marquise
Josephine Baker - J'ai Deux Amours
Georges Moustaki - Sarah
■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈
【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Reincarnation
[san-chn] citta-paritoṣa 稱意
[san-eng] udvegaiḥ $ 범어 and anxiety
[pali-chn] parisuddha 淸淨
[pal-eng] ko.t.thaagaarika $ 팔리어 (ko.t.tha + aagaarika) m.storekeeper.
[Eng-Ch-Eng] 八人 Also written 八忍. The third of the ten bhu^mis. The stage of the eight tolerances.
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 甘菩國 カンボコク (place) Kamboja
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] VIRTUE☞
See also: Merit and Virtue.
Note important difference between merits and virtue.
[fra-eng] forain $ 불어 showman
■ 암산퀴즈
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34080 / 60
■ 다라니퀴즈
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성관자재보살 명호 40 번째는?
용과 귀신이
모든 독한 종기병을 퍼뜨려
종기와 부스름, 고름이 나서
아픔을 참기 어려울 때
지성으로 대비주를 소리내 외우고
독한 종기에
세 번 침을 뱉으면
종기는 입을 따라
사라지게 되며
● 불라사야 佛囉舍那<四十> p ra śa ya
바라 아바 례다마니
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
청정실상불가설 $ 040■ ■清 於於不念於 一以此於虛
040▲ 伺察伺察為 一 ● 周廣, ○□□□□,說,於,演,於
□□□□□□□, 說修多羅不可說,
於彼一一修多羅, 演說法門不可說;
□□□□□□□, 설수다라불가설,
어피일일수다라, 연설법문불가설;
청정하온 실상을 말할 수 없고
말씀하신 수다라 말할 수 없고
저러한 하나하나 수다라에
연설하신 법문도 말할 수 없어
어피일일법문중 $ 041▲周廣周廣為 一 ● 高出, ○□□□□,又,於,所,於
□□□□□□□, 又說諸法不可說;
於彼一一諸法中, 所有決定不可說;
□□□□□□□, 우설제법불가설;
어피일일제법중, 소유결정불가설;
저러한 하나하나 법문 가운데
또 말씀한 모든 법 말할 수 없고
저러한 하나하나 모든 법 중에
갖고 있는 결정한 뜻 말할 수 없어
●K0152_T0674.txt★ ∴≪A증계대승경≫_≪K0152≫_≪T0674≫
●K0649_T0125.txt★ ∴≪A증일아함경≫_≪K0649≫_≪T0125≫
●K1198_T1372.txt★ ∴≪A증혜다라니경≫_≪K1198≫_≪T1372≫
40 중앙 발가락 [신조어 ] center part (middle) toe
41 발뒤꿈치 (발굽) the heel
40 중앙 발가락 [신조어 ] center part (middle) toe
40 중앙 발가락 [신조어 ] center part (middle) toe

○ 2018_1023_165551_nik_ori

○ 2018_1023_145050_nik_ct18_s12

○ 2018_1023_152813_can_ct8_s12

○ 2018_1022_180430_nik_AB7_s12

○ 2018_1022_175604_can_exc

○ 2018_1022_175405_can_Ar28_s12

○ 2018_1022_170056_can_ar16

○ 2020_1017_150930_can_Ab35

○ 2020_0910_160140_can_BW25

○ 2020_0908_161302_can_ar45

○ 2020_0908_152647_nik_ct6

○ 2020_0907_140142_can_ori_rs

○ 2020_0906_115850_can_ar34

○ 2020_0905_112126_nik_ar47

○ 2020_0905_110750_nik_Ab31

○ 2020_0904_132207_can_BW27

○ 2020_0211_134914_can_ar21

○ 2019_1201_163433_nik_bw24

○ 2019_1105_125254_can_ct10

○ 2019_1106_105929_can_bw24_s12
● [pt op tr] fr
™善現智福 키워드 연결 페이지
○ [pt op tr]
● 증일아함경_K0649_T0125 [문서정보]- 일일단상키워드
■ 본 페이지 ID 정보
sfed--증일아함경_K0649_T0125.txt ☞제13권
sfd8--불교단상_2566_02.txt ☞◆vqpy4247
● [pt op tr] fr
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