● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람I
● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
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♥아래는 현재 작성 및 정리 중인 미완성 상태의 글입니다♥
[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]
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● [pt op tr] fr
❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
○ [pt op tr]
불퇴전법륜경 제3권
김월운 번역
[translated by Google]
Book 3
real person●=> lost translator name
Translated by Wol-Woon Kim
Middle-Earth Product●
[translated by Papago]
Vol. 3 of the Pre-retirement Law.
Actual translator name.
Translation of Kim Wolwoon.
Winnings for Jungseok ( 중乘相品 중)
[translated by Kakao]
No.3 Volume of the Retirement Law
real life name
kim wol-un translation
Mesolith bi-wine product ()
“너는 과거 부처님에게
가명을 잊지 않고 모든 선근을 심어서 가명을 잘 아는 까닭에
어리석음에 겁탈되지 않았느니라.
왜냐하면 가명의 모든 법은 허깨비 같고,
물속의 그림자 같고,
더운 날의 아지랑이 같고,
부르는 소리의 메아리 같기 때문이니라.
이러한 것이 가명이니,
그대는 이제 마땅히 알아야 하느니라.
모든 악에 침해 받지 말고 장엄을 구족하며,
스스로를 장엄하고 능히 모든 법의 가명 인연을 알며,
망실하는 바 없이 정진을 성취하되 정진하는 상을 취하지 않으며,
망실하는 바 없이 가장 뛰어난 지혜를 얻되 또한 지혜의 상을 취하지도 않느니라.”
[translated by Google]
“You did not forget the (pseudonym●=> false name, temporary name) in the past, and you planted all good roots in the Buddha.
all the laws●-> dharmas of pseudonyms are fictitious,
Like a shadow in the water,
Like a haze on a hot day,
For it is like an echo of a call.
Is this a pseudonym?● ->This is a pseudonym,●=> temporary name
You ought to know now.
Be free from all evil, and be majestic,
Being majestic and able to know the pseudonym of all laws●-> dharma
Achieving dedication without loss, but not taking the reward of striving,
The highest wisdom is obtained without loss, and yet does not receive the prize● of wisdom.”
● 不取智相
상相 -> lakṣaṇa ( characteristic )
상想 -> saṁjñā ( symbol , conceptualization, ideation )
pseudonym (특히 작가의) 필명 (→pen-name) 가명,
假名[San]prajñapti => 실체(實體)가 없는 것을 가리켜 방편으로 부르는 이름. 언어와 개념으로 표상(表象)된 것.[syn]동}가설(假說) * 시설(施設).[abr]약}가(假).
(1) 가짜로 이름을 붙인다는 뜻. 온갖 사물(事物)의 이름은 본래부터 있는 것이 아니고, 후천적으로 가정하여 붙인 것이므로, 모든 이름은 실체와는 맞지 않는 가정한 이름에 불과.
(2) 다른 것을 가자하여 이름을 얻는다는 뜻.
삼라만상은 모두 인연의 화합으로 생긴 것이며, 하나도 진실한 자체가 있는 것이 아니므로,
진실한 체가 없으면 모든 법도 차별할 수가 없고,
이름을 빌려서만 차별한 모든 법이 있게 됨.
이름을 여의고는 차별한 모든 법이 없으므로 가명이라 함.
[translated by Papago]
"You were not frightened by foolishness because you knew the pseudonym well because you did not forget the pseudonym to the Buddha in the past and planted all the good roots.
Because every method of aliases is like a goblin.
It's like a shadow in the water.
It's like a haze on a hot day.
Because it's like an echo of a call.
Is this a pseudonym?
Dear Anan,
You should now know as much as you deserve.
Don't be violated by all evil and establish the majesty.
He knows himself majestic and capable of knowing the pseudonym of all laws,
Achieve devotion without loss, but do not take an award of devotion.
Without loss, you gain the most outstanding wisdom, but you do not take the prize of wisdom."
[translated by Kakao]
“You have not been raped by foolishness because you have planted all the ancestral work in the past without forgetting the alias to the Buddha.
Because all the laws of aliases are like a rash,
It's like a shadow in the water,
It's like a haze of hot days,
Because it is like an echo of the sound of a call.
This is a pseudonym,
You must know now.
And not all evils, but majesty,
and know yourself majestic and capable of all the aliases of the law,
without losing, the image accomplishing the devotion but devotes is not taken
You have the best wisdom without losing it, and you do not take the prize● of wisdom. "
우치한 모든 중생과
게으르고 지혜가 없는 이들
거짓 이름을 알지 못하나니
마땅히 부지런히 정진하여라.
능히 거짓 이름을 알고
여실히 모든 가림을 알면
세간을 구제하되
진실한 지혜 얻게 하리라.
[translated by Google]
With all the crazy sentient beings
lazy and ignorant
Don't you know false names
You must be diligent.
able to know false names
If you know all the obscures
save the world
I will give you true wisdom.
[translated by Papago]
With all the people who live in the Uchi world,
Those who are lazy and have no wisdom.
Don't you know the false name?
Be diligent and do your best.
I knew the false name.
If you know everything about me,
I'll save the public.
May you gain true wisdom.
[translated by Kakao]
all the lush mesozoics
lazy and unwisdom
You don't know a false name
Dedicate yourself diligently.
I know a false name
If you know all the cover
to save the world
I will have true wisdom.
[translated by Google]
Product (除想品)
[translated by Papago]
My gift.
[translated by Kakao]
Products ()
중생의 나고 죽는 생각은
우치하고 허망한 분별이니
만일에 중생을 얻지 못하면
생사도 있지 않으리라.
[translated by Google]
The thought of birth and death
It's a vain and vain distinction.
If you don't get rebirth
There will be no life or death.
[translated by Papago]
The thought of being born and dying in the middle of life...
It's a foolish and vain sense.
If you don't get people's worth of life,
There will be no life or death.
[translated by Kakao]
The thought of me and death in the middle of life
It's a stupid, vain sense
If you don't get a regeneration
There will be no life or death.
죽음의 망상을 버릴지니
어리석은 이의 분별이니라.
마침내 무생을 얻으면
이를 진실한 법이라 하리.
[translated by Google]
Will you let go of the delusion of death?
It is the discernment of a fool.
When you finally get life
Let this be the true law.
[translated by Papago]
I'll abandon the delusion of death
It's the discernment of the foolish.
If you finally get a zero life,
Let's say this is the truthful law.
[translated by Kakao]
I will abandon the delusion of death
It's a foolish sense.
When you finally get an inanimate life
I would call it true.
부처님께서 말씀하셨다.
“니구다나무의 종자도 심히 작으나 물과 흙과 해와 달의 인연으로서 점점 장대해지듯이,
이와 마찬가지로 아난이여,
석가모니불의 명호를 듣는 선근의 종자는 끝내 부서지는 일 없이 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리에서 물러나지 않게 되는 것이니라.
그것은 왜냐 하면,
모양 없는 종자는 일체에 머무르지 않기 때문이니라.
그러므로 무너지지 않으며,
무너지지 않는 까닭에 이러한 종자는 가히 훼손할 수 없으며,
또한 상을 취하지도 않느니라.
그러므로 일체 법에 무너지는 일이 없느니라.”
[translated by Google]
said the Buddha.
“Just as the seed of the niguda tree is very small, but grows bigger and bigger due to the relationship between water and soil, the sun and the moon.
Likewise, Anan,
The seed of Seon-geun who hears the name of Sakyamuni Buddha will never be broken and will not withdraw from the Agnothara-sammyak-sambodhi.
it is because,
For the shapeless seed does not remain at all.
Therefore, it does not collapse,
These seeds cannot be damaged because they do not collapse.
Nor do they take any prize.
Therefore, there is nothing against the law.”
[translated by Papago]
Buddha said.
"The seeds of the niguda tree are also very small, but as the relationship between water, soil, and the sun and the moon is getting grander,
Likewise, Anan,
The seed of Seongeun, who hears the name of Sakyamuni Buddha, will not retreat from Sammyak Sambori without breaking down.
This is because seeds without shapes do not stay all together.
Therefore, it does not collapse.
Because it does not collapse, these seeds cannot be damaged,
Also, I don't take a prize.
Therefore, there will be no collapse in the law."
[translated by Kakao]
The Buddha said.
“The seeds of the niguda tree are very small, but as they become more and more magnificent as the relationship between water, soil, and the sun and the moon,
As such, Annan,
The seeds of the crew who listen to the name of the Buddha are not to step down from the Adarasam barley without breaking.
Because, uh,
Because the shapeless seeds do not stay in one.
So it doesn't collapse,
Because it does not collapse, these seeds can not be damaged,
Nor will you take the prize.
So there is no law to fall into.”
[translated by Google]
[translated by Papago]
Anti-magical items.
[translated by Kakao]
anti-horse goods ()
중생의 상을 취하지 말라.
마침내 머무는 곳 없으며
또한 마음의 상도 없으니
형상과 처소도 얻지 못하리.
[translated by Google]
Do not take the prize of rebirth.
Finally no place to stay
Also, there is no reward
neither form nor dwelling place.
[translated by Papago]
Don't take the prize of the people.
Finally, there's no place to stay.
And since I don't have a heartache,
You can't even get the shape and location.
[translated by Kakao]
Don't take the prize of regeneration.
There is no place to stay
And there is no image of mind
I will not get shape and place.
일체 상을 취하는 법
모두가 있는 바 없나니
만일 무소유에 머문다면
그러므로 능히 움직이지 못하네.
만일 밤과 낮이라는 생각이나
한 달과 반달이라는 생각 있으면
이러한 일체의 생각은
아지랑이이고 물 속의 그림자니라.
[translated by Google]
How to take any prize
Isn't everyone there
If you stay in nothingness
So I can't move.
If you think it's night and day
If you think of a month and a half moon
any of these thoughts
A haze and a shadow in the water.
[translated by Papago]
How to win an award.
How come no one has it?
If you don't own anything,
Therefore, you can't move well.
If you think it's night and day,
If you think it's a month or a half,
All of these thoughts...
It's a haze and a shadow in the water.
[translated by Kakao]
a way of taking a prize
Everyone is here
If you stay in the house
So you can't move.
If you think it's night and day
If you think it's a month and a half
all these ideas
It's a mess, it's a shadow in the water.
부처님께서 차례차례 마(魔)를 보내는 게송을 말씀하시니,
10억의 중생이 의혹을 끊고 법의 밝힘[法照明]을 얻었으며,
일체 법에서 무생법인을 얻었다.
이 법인을 얻고 나서 10억의 중생은 부처님 앞에 머물며 게송으로 말했다.
[translated by Google]
The Buddha speaks of the verses that send demons one after another,
One billion sentient beings have dispelled doubts and have attained the enlightenment of the law.
A non-living corporation was obtained from any law.
After obtaining this corporation, one billion sentient beings stayed in front of the Buddha and said in verses.
[translated by Papago]
When the Buddha sends Ma one by one, he talks about Song.
One billion people cut off suspicions and gained the revelation of the law.
In all laws, a non-living corporation was obtained.
After obtaining this corporation, 1 billion people stayed in front of the Buddha and spoke in Gesong.
[translated by Kakao]
When the Buddha says that he sends Ma () one after another,
A billion rebirths broke the suspicion and gained the light of the law [the law],
I got a law-free corporation in all laws.
After obtaining this corporation, one billion rebirths stayed in front of Buddha and said it with Gesong.
● [pt op tr] fr
◎◎[개별논의] ♥ ❋본문
◈Lab value 불기2566/02/13 |
Amelie Les Crayons - Les Saintes
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문서정보 ori https://buddhism0077.blogspot.com/2022/02/2566-02-13-k0137-003.html#1531 sfed--불퇴전법륜경_K0137_T0267.txt ☞제3권 sfd8--불교단상_2566_02.txt ☞◆vhci1531 불기2566-02-13 θθ |
■ 선물 퀴즈
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본 페이지
에 댓글로 적어주시면 됩니다.
【범】ātma-śūnyatā ↔ 법공(法空). 생공(生空)ㆍ인공(人空)이라고도 함. 실아(實我)가 없는 것.
보통으로 우리가 ‘나’라 하는 것은 5온(蘊)이 화합한 것으로 참으로 ‘나’라 할 것이 없고 공무(空無)한 것임을 말함.
답 후보
● 아공(我空)
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
○ [pt op tr]
■ 음악
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WILLIAM SHELLER - Dans Un Vieux Rock'N Roll
Roger Sy & L'orchestre Jo Philippe - La Valse A Papy
Les Charlots - Sous Les Drapeaux
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Claude François - Y'a Le Printemps Qui Chante
■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈
【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Mondo (scripture)
[san-chn] mātṛ-grāma-yoni 女身
[san-eng] sadyaḥ $ 범어 instantly
[pali-chn] pañca-sikkhā-padāni 五學處
[pal-eng] pa.nidhi $ 팔리어 m.aspiration; determination.
[Eng-Ch-Eng] 大日經 The abbreviated title for Maha^vairocana^bhisam!bodhi-vikurvita^dhis!t!ha^na-vaipulyasu^tra, the Chinese translation of the Da piluzhena chengfo shenbian jiachi jing 大毗盧遮那成佛神變加持經 (T 848.18.1-55), which became the most important text for the East Asian Vajraya^na/Tantraya^na school. This scripture presents the world as a stage on which Vairocana reveals the three mysteries of the Esoteric school by which one may discover one's innate pure mind of enlightenment. See entry on the full name of the text for further details.
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 集諦 ジュウタイ noble Truth of the arising of suffering\n\nジッタイ\nnoble Truth of the arising of suffering
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] EIGHTY MINOR EXCELLENCIES☞
See: Eighty Auspicious Marks.
【book-page-224 225】
[fra-eng] dissiper $ 불어 disintegrate, divide, separate
■ 암산퀴즈
733* 819
235812 / 258
■ 다라니퀴즈
자비주 44 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 44 번째는?
이 다라니는
과거 99 억 항하사의 모든 부처님이 설하신 것이며,
저 모든 부처님이 설하신 것은
모든 수행자들이 육바라밀을 수행하되,
원만히 성취하지 못한 자를
속히 원만히 성치시키게 하기 위해서며,
보리심을 내지 못한 자는
속히 발심하게 하기 위해서이다.
또 성문승을 수행하는 이 가운데
성문과(聲聞果)를 증득(證得)하지 못한 자는
속히 증득하게 하기 위해서이며,
삼천대천 세계 내에
모든 신선인이
무상보리심(無上菩提心) 발하지 못한 자는
속히 발심하게 하고,
모든 중생 가운데
대승(大乘)의 믿음의 뿌리[信根]을 얻지 못한 자는
이 다라니의 위신력으로
대승의 씨앗에
법의 싹을 자라게 하기 위해서이니,
나의 자비 방편력 때문에
그것들이 모두 이루어지느니라.
● 시리시리(실리실리) 悉唎悉唎<四十四> si ri si ri
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
념념어제소행처 $ 044▲泥羅婆泥羅婆為 一 ● 訶理婆, ○□□□□,調,所,所,於
□□□□□□□, 調伏眾生不可說。
所有神變不可說, 所有示現不可說,
□□□□□□□, 조복중생불가설。
소유신변불가설, 소유시현불가설,
찰나찰나 다니는 여러 곳에서
중생을 조복함도 말할 수 없고
갖고 있는 신통 변화 말할 수 없고
보이어 나타냄도 말할 수 없어
어중시겁불가설 $ 045▲訶理婆訶理婆為 一 ● 一動, ○□□□□,於,菩,諸,一
□□□□□□□, 於中差別不可說,
菩薩悉能分別說, 諸明算者莫能辨。
□□□□□□□, 어중차별불가설,
보살실능분별설, 제명산자막능변。
그 가운데 겁과 시간 말할 수 없고
그 가운데 차별도 말 못할 것을
보살이 분별하여 다 말하지만
산수에 능한 이도 분별 못하네.
●K1000_T0795.txt★ ∴≪A불치신경≫_≪K1000≫_≪T0795≫
●K0137_T0267.txt★ ∴≪A불퇴전법륜경≫_≪K0137≫_≪T0267≫
●K0138_T0645.txt★ ∴≪A불필정입정입인경≫_≪K0138≫_≪T0645≫
44 네째발가락 the fourth toe
45 발등 instep / top (side) of the foot
44 네째발가락 the fourth toe
44 네째발가락 the fourth toe

○ 2019_1104_171537_can_Ab31_s12 구례 지리산 연곡사

○ 2019_1104_112211_can_CT27 구례 화엄사 구층암

○ 2020_1114_132847_can_BW22 삼각산 도선사

○ 2020_1114_132325_can_ar44 삼각산 도선사

○ 2018_1023_165801_nik_Ar28_s12 예산 덕숭산 수덕사

○ 2018_1024_173122_nik_Ab31 부여 고란사

○ 2020_1017_152012_can_ar47 삼각산 화계사

○ 2020_1017_143848_nik_CT38_s12 삼각산 화계사

○ 2020_1002_121739_nik_BW17 파주 고령산 보광사

○ 2020_0930_141307_can_BW17 화성 용주사

○ 2020_0910_113043_can_BW17 속리산 법주사

○ 2020_0908_173035_nik_ar14 합천 해인사 백련암

○ 2020_0908_171249_can_ar5 합천 해인사 백련암

○ 2020_0908_155529_can_ar41 합천 해인사

○ 2020_0906_122036_can_ab41 천축산 불영사

○ 2020_0906_110222_can_CT28 천축산 불영사

○ 2019_1105_131647_can_bw0_s12 순천 조계산 선암사

○ 2019_1105_132159_nik_Ab27 순천 조계산 선암사

○ 2019_1105_123045_nik_Ar26_s12 순천 조계산 선암사

○ 2019_1106_120004_nik_ar47 화순 영구산 운주사
● [pt op tr] fr
™善現智福 키워드 연결 페이지
○ [pt op tr]
● 불퇴전법륜경_K0137_T0267 [문서정보]- 일일단상키워드
■ 본 페이지 ID 정보
sfed--불퇴전법륜경_K0137_T0267.txt ☞제3권
sfd8--불교단상_2566_02.txt ☞◆vhci1531
● [pt op tr] fr
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