
2022년 2월 19일 토요일




● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람I
● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
○ 통합대장경 사이트 안내

○ 해제[있는경우]
● TTS 음성듣기 안내
※ 이하 부분은 위 대장경 부분에 대해
참조자료를 붙여 자유롭게 연구하는 내용을 적는 공간입니다.
대장경 열람은 위 부분을 참조해주십시오.

자료출처 불교학술원 기금 후원안내페이지

『종경록』 ♣1499-026♧


♥아래는 현재 작성 및 정리 중인 미완성 상태의 글입니다♥

[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]


○ [pt op tr]

○ 2019_1104_131817_nik_exc 구례 화엄사 연기암

○ 2020_1114_163159_can_BW22 삼각산 도선사

○ 2020_1114_134854_can_ct8_s12 삼각산 도선사

○ 2018_1023_162404_nik_Ar12 예산 덕숭산 수덕사

○ 2018_1023_170718_can_bw0_s12 예산 덕숭산 수덕사

○ 2020_1017_160729_can_Ar12_s12 삼각산 화계사

○ 2020_1017_153309_can_exc 삼각산 화계사

○ 2020_1017_151325_can_ct20 삼각산 화계사

○ 2020_1002_120106_nik_ab52 파주 고령산 보광사

○ 2020_0909_154428_can_AB7 무주 백련사

○ 2020_0909_154322_can_ab41 무주 백련사

○ 2020_0909_154021_can_BW25 무주 백련사

○ 2020_0908_153624_nik_Ab27 합천 해인사

○ 2020_0907_152711_nik_ar47 양산 통도사

○ 2020_0906_114914_can_BW27 천축산 불영사

○ 2020_0905_165038_can_bw5 오대산 적멸보궁

○ 2019_1201_160603_can_ar47 원주 구룡사

○ 2019_1106_154410_can_ct8 화순 계당산 쌍봉사

● [pt op tr] fr

○ 2020_1017_155822_can_BW21_s12 삼각산 화계사

❋❋본문 ◎[개별논의]
종경록 제26권

핵심요약과 영역연습

○ [pt op tr]


종경록 제26권

연수 지음

송성수 번역

[translated by Google]

Jonggyeongrok Vol. 26

by training

Translated by Song Seong-soo

[translated by Papago]

The 26th book of Jongkyungrok.

Written by Yeonsu.

Translation of Song Sung Soo.

[translated by Kakao]

Jonggyeongrok Volume 26

training paper

song sung-soo translation

이 『종경록』에서는, 

내도(內道)이거나 외도(外道)이거나 영리한 근기거나 무딘 근기거나 가리지 않고, 

다만 보고 듣고 믿고 드는 이만이 모두가 한 마음을 단박 알아서 

본체[理]와 현상[事]이 완전하고 만족하게 된다.

[translated by Google]

In this 『Jonggyeongnok』,

Whether it’s the inner way or the outer way, the clever or the blunt, it doesn’t matter,

But only those who see, hear, believe

The body [Principle] and the phenomena [Things] become complete and satisfied.

[translated by Papago]

In this Jonggyeongrok, 

Regardless of whether it is an inner or outer path, a clever muscle, or a dull root, 

But only those who see, hear, trust, and listen know how everyone feels. 

The main body and phenomena are complete and satisfied.

[translated by Kakao]

In this jonggyeongrok,

It is not inward (or inward) or indecent (or indecent) or clever, or blunt, or

However, only those who see, hear and believe,

The main body [ri] and phenomenon [] are perfect and it is satisfied.

번뇌가 곧 보리[煩惱卽菩提]임을 믿어야 언제나 청정한 것이니, 

본 성품에 일치되면서 발심하기 때문이다. 

[translated by Google]

It is always pure when you believe that defilements are barley.

This is because the heart is born when it conforms to this nature.

[translated by Papago]

You are always clean only when you believe that anguish is barley. 

This is because it is consistent with this character and releases it. 

[translated by Kakao]

It is always clean to believe that the agony is the barley [],

This is because it is consistent with this character.

이 『종경록』을 후세에 인연과 신심이 있는 이가 만나게 되면 

낮이나 밤이나 고달픔을 잊고 부지런히 펴 보면서 

반드시 깨치기까지는 괴롭다는 말을 말아야한다.

[translated by Google]

If someone with a relationship and faith meets this 『Jonggyeongnok』 in future generations,

Day and night, forgetting the pain and suffering

You must not say that it is painful until you wake up.

[translated by Papago]

When a person who has a relationship and faith in future generations meets this Jonggyeongrok, 

Forgetting the hardships during the day and night and diligently spreading it out. 

You must not say it's painful until you wake it up.

[translated by Kakao]

When this Jong Kyung Rok meets a person who has a connection and a faithfulness in the future

I forget the day, night, and hardship,

You must not say it is painful until you realize it.

반드시 원종(圓宗)을 만나기 어려움은 

마치 겨자씨를 바늘 끝에 던져 꿰는 것과 같고 

정법(正法)을 들기 어려움은 마치 눈먼 거북이가 나무 구멍을 만나는 것과 같다. 

일찍이 대승의 종자[乘種]에 훈습되었거나 

오랜 동안 착한 뿌리를 쌓거나 하지 않았다면 어찌 이런 글을 만나서 친히 얻고 전하며 받겠는가. 

부처님의 인자한 은혜를 경하하여야 한다.

[translated by Google]

It is difficult to meet Wonjong (圓宗)

It is like throwing a mustard seed through the tip of a needle.

Difficulty in lifting the righteous law is like a blind tortoise meeting a hole in a tree.

Have you ever been trained by the seeds of Mahayana?

If you haven't built up good roots for a long time, how can you come across this kind of writing and get it and pass it on to yourself?

We should pay tribute to the merciful grace of the Buddha.

[translated by Papago]

It's hard to meet Wonjong. 

It's like throwing mustard seeds at the end of a needle. 

The difficulty of holding the law is like a blind turtle meeting a hole in a tree. 

He was trained in the seed of great victory. 

If you haven't built good roots for a long time, how can you meet such articles, get, convey, and receive them? 

We must respect the benevolent grace of Buddha.

[translated by Kakao]

The difficulty of meeting the original species ()

It's like throwing mustard seeds at the end of a needle and stitching them

The difficulty of taking the law (law) is like a blind turtle meeting a tree hole.

At an earlier time, it was disciplined in the seed [] of the great victory

If you have not built good roots for a long time, how can you meet and get and receive these articles?

The grace of the Buddha should be devalued.

계율은 과보가 빠르기 때문에 인간과 천상의 몸을 받고 

혹은 선정에 따라 범천 세상에서 선정의 즐거움에 빠지기도 하므로, 

세간에 비록 부처님이 계시면서 설법하며 사람을 제도한다 하더라도 

그들에게는 전혀 이익이 없으며 설령 만나게 된다 하여도 깨쳐 알지 못한다.

[translated by Google]

Because the precepts are quick in their fruits, they receive human and heavenly bodies.

Or, depending on the choice, you may fall into the joy of meditation in the world of Beomcheon.

Even if the Buddha is present in the world and preaches and saves people,

They have no benefit at all, and even if they do meet, they do not realize it.

[translated by Papago]

Gyeyul is overpaid, so it receives human and heavenly bodies. 

Or depending on the selection, you may fall into the joy of selection in the Beomcheon world. 

Even if there is Buddha, he preaches and establishes people, 

They have no benefit at all, and even if they meet, they do not know.

[translated by Kakao]

The rule is that because of its fast overbodies,

Or, according to selection, it falls into the pleasure of selection in the world of Bumcheon,

Even though Buddha is present, he is preaching and he is in charge of people

They have no benefit at all and even if they meet, they do not know.

계율에 서두르면 인간ㆍ천상의 몸을 받고 

대승에 서두르면 조사와 부처의 지위를 잇는다. 

이렇게 하면 비로소 본래 서원을 이루고 처음 먹은 마음을 버리지 않으며, 

위로는 자풍(慈風)에 합하고 아래로는 비앙(悲仰)을 같이 한다. 

[translated by Google]

If you rush to the precepts, you will receive human and heavenly bodies.

If you rush into Mahayana, you will succeed in the position of a Buddhist monk and a Buddha.

Only if you do this will you fulfill your original vow and never give up on your first heart.

At the top, we join with the wind, and below, we join with the wind.

[translated by Papago]

If you hurry up, you'll get a human and heavenly body. 

If you hurry to win, you will continue the status of investigation and Buddha. 

In this way, the original Seowon Confucian Academy is formed, and the heart that you ate for the first time is not abandoned. 

The upper part is combined with Japung, and the lower part is done with Biang. 

[translated by Kakao]

If you rush to the rule, you will receive the body of human and heaven

If you rush to the Great Victory, it connects the status of the investigation and the ministry.

This way, I do not abandon my first heart to form my original vow,

The upper part sums up in the magnetic wind () and the lower part the biang () is together.

그러므로 알라. 

만일 이 부사의하고 광대하며 위덕을 지닌 원돈(圓頓)의 법문을 듣지 않으면, 

무엇으로 수행하여 마지막의 1승인 상ㆍ락 ㆍ아ㆍ정의 대열반의 결과를 빨리 증득하겠는가.

[translated by Google]

Therefore, know

If you do not listen to the discourse of Won-don (圓頓), who possesses the adverbial, vast and virtuous virtues,

What can you do to quickly acquire the results of the final one-approval, Sang, Lak, Ah, Righteous Nirvana?

[translated by Papago]

Therefore, let's know. 

If you do not listen to the adverbial, vast, and virtuous Won Don's text, 

What will be done to quickly prove the results of the last one approval, Sangrak, Ah, and Jeongnyeolban?

[translated by Kakao]

So, Allah.

If you do not listen to the law of this adverb, vast and gracious,

What will you do quickly to obtain the results of the last one approval, the last one, the upper, the right, and the right.

중생은 부정취(不定聚) 중에 있는지라 작게 들으면 작게 닦고 

권교(權敎)를 만나면 권교를 익힌다. 

이 글을 만나지 않으면 다 함께 큰 손실을 입는다. 

중생에게는 이익 되는 바가 넓고도 많다. 

설령 듣고서 닦지 않는다 하여도 역시 그 종자를 이루거든, 

하물며 듣고 생각하고 닦는 것이겠는가.

[translated by Google]

Since sentient beings are in the midst of an unclean smell, if you hear a little, clean it small.

When you meet Kwon Gyo (權敎), you learn Kwon Gyo.

If we do not meet this article, we will all suffer a great loss together.

The benefits for sentient beings are wide and numerous.

Even if you hear it and do not cultivate it, if you still form the seed,

How much less is it to listen, think, and polish?

[translated by Papago]

People's life is in the middle of bad smell, so if you listen to it quietly, wipe it quietly. 

When you meet Gwongyo, you learn Gwongyo. 

If we don't meet this article, we all lose a lot together. 

There are many benefits for the people. 

Even if you don't wipe it after hearing it, it also forms the seed. 

Furthermore, listening, thinking, and wiping?

[translated by Kakao]

Mesozoic is in the middle of a cheating (), so if you listen small, you wipe it small

When you meet Kwon Gyo (teaching), you learn about Kwon Gyo.

If you do not meet this article, you will all suffer a great loss together.

It is very profitable and very profitable for the middle age.

Even if you don't listen and clean it, it's also the seed,

Is it to listen, think, and clean?

[translated by Google]

[translated by Papago]

[translated by Kakao]

또 무엇 때문에 이 마음이 믿기 어렵냐 하면, 

여래 본각(本覺)의 체성은 그대로 중생의 마음인지라 

모든 부처와 보살도 볼 수 없는 것이니, 

여래 본각의 체성은 보는 모양을 여의었기 때문이다. 

그러므로 알아야 한다. 

중생의 마음은 면밀(綿密)하므로 역시 볼 수가 없다.

[translated by Google]

And what makes this heart hard to believe?

The body of the main body of the Tathagata is the mind of sentient beings.

Not all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas cannot see,

This is because the body of the main body of the Tathagata was different from the way it looked.

Therefore, you should know.

Since the mind of sentient beings is closely watched, it cannot be seen either.

[translated by Papago]

The reason why I can't believe this is because, 

The composition of Buddha's main house is the same as the heart of mankind. 

Not all Buddha and Bodhisattva can see it. 

This is because the constitution of the main building of Yeorae was lost in the shape of a view. 

Therefore, you should know. 

The hearts of people are meticulous, so you can't see them either.

[translated by Kakao]

And what makes it hard to believe this mind,

The body of the original body is the mind of the mesozoic life

and not all the ministries and the care,

This is because the body of the original shape has a view shape.

So you need to know.

The heart of regeneration is closely (), so it can not be seen either.

마치 사람이 꿈에서 갖가지로 본 것이 깨어났을 때는 온통 한 물건도 없음과 같다.

지금 또한 그러하여 허망한 꿈속에 만 가지 법이 있다고 하나 

만일 그 성품을 깨치면 마침내 한 물건도 얻을 만한 것이 없다. 

이 안에는 또한 능히 말하고 보일 것도 없고 또한 능히 듣고 얻을 것도 없다.

그러므로 범부로서 범부의 자리에 떨어짐이 아님은 미혹의 처소가 온전히 공해서이며, 

모든 부처가 진여의 문을 증득하지 않음은 깨치는 때에 얻음이 없기 때문이다. 

곧 하나의 법도 끊을만한 것이 보이지 않음은 생사에서 벗어나게 될 문이 없어서이며, 

하나의 법도 이룰 만한 것이 보이지 아니함은 보리에 능히 들어가는 길이 없어서이다.

[translated by Google]

It is as if a person has seen various things in a dream and when he wakes up, there is not one thing at all.

Even now, it is said that there are ten thousand laws in vain dreams.

If that character is awakened, in the end there is nothing worth obtaining.

In this also there is nothing that is able to speak and see, and there is nothing that is also able to hear and gain.

Therefore, the fact that as a commoner you do not fall into the position of a commoner is that the dwelling place of delusion is completely filthy,

The reason that all Buddhas do not attain the realm of truth is that there is no attainment at the time of awakening.

The reason I do not see anything to break even a single law is because there is no door to escape from life and death.

There is no such thing as the fulfillment of a single law, because there is no way to enter the barley.

[translated by Papago]

It's like when a person wakes up from what he or she has seen in various dreams, he or she has not done anything.

Even now, there are 10,000 ways to dream in vain. 

If you break the character, there is finally nothing to gain. 

In here, there is nothing to say or see, and there is nothing to hear or gain.

Therefore, as a Buddhist priest, the place of temptation is not completely public, and it is not that he fell into the place of Buddhist priest. 

This is because there is no gain when all Buddhas realize that they do not prove the gate of Jinyeo. 

It is because there is no door to escape from life or death that nothing can be seen to break the law soon. 

There is no way to achieve a single law because there is no way to enter barley.

[translated by Kakao]

It is like when a person wakes up with various things in a dream, there is no one thing.

Now, there are also ten thousand laws in a dream of a dream.

If you wake up to that character, you have nothing to get at last.

There is also nothing to speak and look at in this, and nothing to be heard and obtained.

Therefore, it is not the place of the part as the part of the part, but the place of the mischief is completely empty,

It is because there is no gain when all ministries do not acquire the gate of Jin-yi.

Soon, there is no way to break a law because there is no door to escape from life and death,

There is no way to enter barley well, because there is no way to achieve one law.

이것으로도 의식이 공하기 때문에 온갖 범부와 성인의 만법도 다 공인 줄을 알 것이다. 

이 공을 분명히 알기 때문에 

비로소 위없는 보리를 행할 수 있고 열 가지 바라밀을 구족하게 되며, 

곧 비지(悲智)가 원만하여 두 가지 이익이 이지러짐이 없어서 

이 비지를 갖추거니 할 일이 무엇이겠는가. 

부처의 종자가 끊어지지 않기 때문이니, 

부처의 종자가 끊어지지 않는데 무슨 모양이 있겠는가.

이른바 세 가지 덕을 이룬다. 

[translated by Google]

Even with this, since consciousness is empty, you will know that all common laws and laws of ordinary people and sages are also recognized.

Because I know this ball for sure

Only then can you practice the supreme barley, and you will be able to fulfill the ten paramilitaries.

Soon, the treasury (悲智) is smooth and the two interests do not fall apart.

What are you going to do with this beanie?

Because the seed of Buddha does not die,

If the seed of Buddha does not die off, what shape does it have?

It achieves the so-called three virtues.

[translated by Papago]

Since consciousness is shared with this, you will know that all kinds of Buddhist and adult laws are public. 

I know this ball clearly. 

Finally, barley without stomach can be practiced and ten kinds of baramil are established. 

Soon, Bizzy was smooth, so there were no two benefits. 

What is there to do with this bid? 

Because the seed of Buddha does not break. 

What shape is there when the seeds of Buddha are not cut off?

It achieves three so-called virtues. 

[translated by Kakao]

This will also make it clear that all kinds of laws of the man and the saint are official.

I know this ball clearly

Only then can we do unscathed barley, and we have ten baramils,

Soon the beige () is smooth and two benefits are not littered

What would you do to have this beech?

Because the Buddha's seed is not cut off,

What shape is it that Buddha's seed is not cut off?

It is a result of three so-called virtues.

중생을 구호하여 은덕(恩德)을 성취하고 

영원히 번뇌를 끊어서 단덕(斷德)을 이루며 

모든 행을 분명히 알아서 지덕(智德)을 이룬다.

그러므로 이 종경(宗鏡)에 들어가면 행동거지가 마음일 뿐이며, 

다시는 하나의 법으로도 파괴할 수 있는 것이 없다. 

[translated by Google]

Relieve sentient beings and achieve goodwill

Forever cutting off afflictions and attaining virtue

Knowing all the deeds clearly achieves virtue.

Therefore, when you enter this Jonggyeong (宗鏡), your actions are only your mind,

Again, nothing can be destroyed by a single law.

[translated by Papago]

I want to save people's lives to achieve virtue. 

I'll cut off the anguish forever to become a Dandeok. 

Knowing all the lines clearly makes it a virtue.

Therefore, when you enter this Jonggyeong, the will of action is only your heart, 

Nothing can be destroyed by a single law again. 

[translated by Kakao]

to achieve the virtues of the people by relieving the rebirth

forever, the agony is cut off and the Dandeok () is accomplished

I know all the lines clearly and I achieve Jideok ().

Therefore, if you enter this end of the line (), the action is only the mind,

There is nothing that can be destroyed by one law again.

【답】 모든 성인은 함이 없음[無作]으로써 행을 이룬다. 

모든 경계를 분별하지 않음이 

바로 마음을 참으로 조복하여 온갖 법의 공을 분명히 아는 것이며, 

언제나 삼매에 있게 된다.

[translated by Google]

[Answer] All sages achieve a line by not doing anything.

Not discriminating all boundaries

It is to truly subdue the mind and to clearly know all the virtues of the Dharma.

always be in samadhi.

[translated by Papago]

인은 이룬다】 All saints are bound by nothing. 

Not distinguishing all boundaries. 

It is to know clearly all kinds of contributions of the law by being so crude in mind. 

You will always be in Sammae.

[translated by Kakao]

[Answer] All adults are lined up as no [no] to do.

Not discerning all boundaries

It is a true sense of mind and a clear knowledge of all the laws,

It always comes to the Sammae.

잠시 삼보의 이치가 항하 모래만큼 넓다는 것을 논하겠다. 

이제 고덕(古德)에 의지하여 5교(敎)의 문에 결합시키면서 

간략하게 같음[同]과 차별[別]의 두 가지로 삼보를 논하겠다.

첫째 관의 차별[觀別]에 결합시키며 삼보를 논하자면, 

첫째는 소승(小乘)이다. 

허망한 마음이 곧 공함을 불보(佛寶)로 삼고, 

고요히 사라짐을 법보(法寶)로 삼으며 

다툼이 없음을 승보(僧寶)로 삼는다.

[translated by Google]

I will discuss for a moment that the reason for the sambo is as wide as the sand of the Hangang River.

Now, relying on Godeok, and combining it with the gates of the 5 bridges,

Briefly, I will discuss the three treasures in two ways: same [同] and different [別].

First, if we are to discuss the three treasures by combining it with the distinction [觀別],

The first is the Little Seung (小乘).

An empty mind turns emptiness into a treasure,

Taking the silent disappearance as a treasure

Taking the absence of quarrels as victory.

[translated by Papago]

For a moment, I will discuss that the logic of Sambo is as wide as the sailing sand. 

Now, relying on Godeok and combining it with the gate of the five bridges, 

I will briefly discuss Sambo in two ways: the same and discrimination.

First, to discuss Sambo while combining it with discrimination in the crown, 

The first is the small monk. 

A vain heart soon makes Gongham a Buddhist treasure, 

With the quiet disappearance as a legal treasure, 

It is said that there is no dispute.

[translated by Kakao]

I will discuss that the Ichi of Sambo is as wide as the sand of the sea.

Now, by relying on the Godeok () to combine it with the door of the 5th Church (Education)

I will discuss the Sambo as two things: simple and identical [] and discrimination [].

To combine the first coffin with discrimination [], and to discuss the trilogy,

The first is the small monk ().

The vain mind soon makes the public a disloyalty (),

The law is used to disappear silently

It is the victory () that there is no dispute.

다음은 체성이 같은[同體] 삼보이다.

[translated by Google]

The following is a sambo with the same body.

[translated by Papago]

The following is Sambo with the same body composition.

[translated by Kakao]

The following is a Sambo with the same body size.

다섯째는 원교이다. 

융통하여 걸림 없는 문[融通無礙門]이니, 

법계의 모든 법이 바로 보배[寶]가 되지 않음이 없기 때문이다. 

깨달음[覺]이기 때문에 이치에 묶어서 논하면 모두 불보가 되고, 

궤칙에서 말하면 이것이 법보 아님이 없으며, 

화합에서 말하면 이것이 승보 아님이 없다.

[translated by Google]

Fifth is Wongyo.

It is a flexible and unobstructed gate,

This is because there is no such thing as not being a treasure in all the laws of the legal world.

Because it is enlightenment [覺], if we tie it together and discuss it, it will all become a treasure trove.

According to the rule of thumb, there is no such thing as a law,

In terms of harmony, there is no such thing as victory or victory.

[translated by Papago]

The fifth is Wongyo. 

It is a door that is flexible and free from obstacles. 

This is because all laws in the legal world do not become treasures. 

Since it is enlightenment, if we discuss it in a way that makes sense, all of them become bad news. 

In terms of the rules, this is not the law, 

In terms of harmony, this is a win or loss.

[translated by Kakao]

Fifth is Wongyo.

It flexibly has no hanging door [nothing]

This is because all laws of the law are not the treasure [].

Because it is enlightenment [], it is all unforeseen if you argue with it,

According to the rules, this is not a law,

In harmony, this is a win-win.

한 체성이 되는 삼보[一體三寶]라 함은, 

이 한 마음일 뿐이다. 

심성(心性)은 스스로 깨달아 비추는 것이므로 곧 불보요, 

마음 체성은 본래 제 성품을 떠났으므로 법보라 하며, 

마음 체성은 둘이 없으므로 곧 승보이다.

[translated by Google]

The three treasures that become one body are,

This is only one mind.

Since the heart is self-aware and illuminates, it is a fire.

Since the mind and body have departed from their original nature, they are called Dharma,

Since there are no two minds and bodies, it is the victory.

[translated by Papago]

Sambo, which becomes one body, is called the sambo. 

It's just this one heart. 

Mindfulness is self-realization and illumination, so you will see the light soon. 

It is called Beopbora because the mind's constitution left its original character. 

Since there are no two people in mind, it is a victory soon.

[translated by Kakao]

The three-bore [one body] which becomes one body is

It's just this one mind.

The mind is something that you realize and shine on yourself,

The mind is originally left of my character,

There are no two minds, so it is a victory.

온갖 법에서 마음의 제 성품을 보는 것이 진실로 마지막의 깨달음이며, 

바로 이것이 단박에 부처를 이루는 이치이다. 

대자(大慈)의 이치이고 동체대비(同體大悲)의 이치이며, 

대희사(大喜捨)의 이치이고 단(檀)바라밀을 구족하는 이치이며, 

온갖 원행(願行)을 성취하는 이치이다.

[translated by Google]

To see the nature of the mind in all dharmas is truly the final realization,

This is the principle of achieving Buddhahood in an instant.

It is the principle of great character (大慈) and the principle of contrasting the body (同体大悲)

It is the principle of the great dynasty, and it is the principle of securing the paramilitary dynasty.

It is the principle of achieving all kinds of original paths.

[translated by Papago]

Seeing the character of my heart in all kinds of laws is truly the last realization, 

This is the reason for forming a ministry at once. 

It is the reason for the large ruler and the same principle for the fuselage. 

It is the reason for Daehuisa Temple and the reason for establishing Danbaramil. 

It is a reason to achieve all kinds of traditions.

[translated by Kakao]

It is the last realization that I see my character in all kinds of laws,

This is the reason for the Buddha at once.

It is the reason of the great and the reason of the body contrast (the body contrast)

It is the reason of Daeheesa () and the reason of the dan () baramil

It is the reason for achieving all kinds of drivings ().

심성을 능히 관하는 것을 으뜸가는 선정[上定]이라 한다. 

그렇다면 선(禪)은 마음으로 인하여 일어나며, 

반야(般若)의 신령한 거울로 그윽함을 궁구하고 은미함을 통찰하면 

지혜는 마음으로부터 일어나는 것이니, 바로 6도(度)의 문이다.

[translated by Google]

Being able to control one's mind is called supreme jhana.

Then goodness arises from the mind,

If you inquire into the subtlety with the spiritual mirror of banya (般若) and gain insight into the subtlety,

Wisdom arises from the mind, and it is the gate of the Six Paths.

[translated by Papago]

Dexterity in mind is called the best selection. 

If so, good will happen due to the heart, 

If you look into the spiritual mirror of Banya and see the subtlety, 

Wisdom arises from the heart, so it is the door of 6 degrees.

[translated by Kakao]

It is called the selection [] which is the best to have a good mind.

So the good () is caused by the mind,

The divine mirror of Banya () is used to seek the depth and to inspect the silveriness

Wisdom is what happens from the mind, and it is the door of 6 degrees ().

심성을 능히 관하는 것을 으뜸가는 선정[上定]이라 한다. 

그렇다면 선(禪)은 마음으로 인하여 일어나며, 

반야(般若)의 신령한 거울로 그윽함을 궁구하고 은미함을 통찰하면 

지혜는 마음으로부터 일어나는 것이니, 바로 6도(度)의 문이다.

● [pt op tr] fr


『종경록』 ♣1499-026♧

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◈Lab value 불기2566/02/19

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○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 pablo-picasso-minotaur-and-woman-behind-a-curtain
Artist: pablo-picasso
Title : minotaur-and-woman-behind-a-curtain

Permission & Licensing : Wikiart
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○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Begonia_'Dragon_Wing_White'1
Begonia 'Dragon Wing White'
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○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Downtown_Brooklyn_skyline_from_One_World_Observatory_3
English: Downtown Brooklyn skyline as seen from One World Observatory in June 2015
Author MusikAnimal
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♥Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich

○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe'

Description Español: Edificio principal, Jardín Botánico, Múnich, Alemania English: Main building, Botanic Garden, Munich, Germany Date 21 April 2012 Source Own work Author [show]Diego Delso (1974–) Blue pencil.svg
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Pierre Bachelet - Vingt Ans Apres

♥단상♥방안에서 부르지 못하는 노래

가수가 되려는 이가 있다고 하자. 
그런데 그가 방안에서 노래를 잘 부르지 못한다고 하자. 
그러면 밖에서도 역시 노래를 잘 부르기를 기대하기 힘들다. 

그런 경우 먼저 방안에서부터 노래를 잘 부르는 상태가 되어야 한다. 

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■ 선물 퀴즈
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4제(諦)의 하나. ⇒<유사어>고제<참조어>고제(苦諦)

답 후보

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ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
○ [pt op tr]

■ 음악
Enzo Enzo - Adieu Madras,Adieu Foulards
Pascal Parisot - Qui M'aime Ne Me Suive Pas
Francis Cabrel - Assis Sur Le Rebord Du Monde
Marie-Paule Belle - Quand Nous Serons Amis
Dani - Cote Cour
Barbara Beghin - La Femme De Mon Amant
Serge Gainsbourg - L0-Bas C'est Naturel

■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머




■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈

【 】 ⇄✙➠


■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기

■ 번역퀴즈

■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Rime movement
[san-chn] pūti-kaḍevara 穢身
[san-eng] akṛtena $ 범어 without discarge of duty
[pali-chn] passaddhi 伏意, 輕安
[pal-eng] nisaamenta $ 팔리어 pr.p. of nisaametilistening to; observing; attending to.
[Eng-Ch-Eng] 五神通 The 'five supernatural powers' possessed by the Buddha: ability to go anywhere one wishes, ability to see all things, ability to hear all things, clairvoyance, and memory of former lives.
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 摩竭陀 マガダ Magadha
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] BUDDHA RECITATION SAMADHI☞
Syn: Buddha Remembrance Samadhi; One Practice Samadhi; Single
Mark Samadhi.
See also: Samadhi.
“The state of concentration in which one visualizes Amitabha; also,
a concentrated practice of repeating his name whereby one attains
unity with him.”

[fra-eng] révélent $ 불어 reveal

■ 암산퀴즈

158* 775
241713 / 963

■ 다라니퀴즈

자비주 50 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 50 번째는?

또 이 사람이 길을 갈 적에
큰 바람이 불어와
이 사람의 몸이나 터럭이나 옷에 스친 바람이
모든 종류의 중생들을 스쳐 지나가는 경우
이 사람을 스치고 지나간 바람을
몸에 쏘인 이는
일체 무거운 죄와 나쁜 업이
아울러 소멸하며
다시는 삼악도의 과보를 받지 않고
항상 부처님 곁에
태어나게 되니라.
● 타리슬니나(타리슬니나) 他唎瑟尼那<五十> dha r ṣi ṇi na

아리타 잔나라 릉가리 다뎨라가

■ 삼매_게송퀴즈

■ 오늘의 게송
허공경계무변제 $ 050■ ■虛 於入如意所 身妙出一知
050▲ 達攞步陀達攞步陀為 一 ● 訶魯那, ○□□□□,悉,如,菩,於

□□□□□□□, 悉布毛端使充滿,
如是毛端諸國土, 菩薩一念皆能說。
□□□□□□□, 실포모단사충만,
여시모단제국토, 보살일념개능설。

끝단 데를 모르는 저 허공 안에
털 끝을 가득 세워 채운다 하고
이러한 털 끝마다 있는 국토를
보살이 한 생각에 능히 말하고

어일미세모공중 $ 051▲訶魯那訶魯那為 一 ● 摩魯陀, ○□□□□,不,毛,諸,入

□□□□□□□, 不可說剎次第入,
毛孔能受彼諸剎, 諸剎不能遍毛孔。
□□□□□□□, 불가설찰차제입,
모공능수피제찰, 제찰불능편모공。

한 개의 가느다란 털구멍 속에
말할 수 없는 세계 차례로 드니
털구멍은 여러 세계 능히 받지만
세계는 털구멍에 두루 못하며

●K0335_T1343.txt★ ∴≪A존승보살소문일체제법입무량문다라니경≫_≪K0335≫_≪T1343≫
●K1499_T2016.txt★ ∴≪A종경록≫_≪K1499≫_≪T2016≫
●K0318_T1337.txt★ ∴≪A종종잡주경≫_≪K0318≫_≪T1337≫


50 턱 chin, 【악골】顎
51 눈썹 아이부러워eyebrow 眉 【미】
50 턱 chin, 【악골】顎
50 턱 chin, 【악골】顎


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○ 2020_0606_141547_can

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○ 2020_0525_165744_can

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○ 2016_1008_133628_nik

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™善現智福 키워드 연결 페이지

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● 종경록_K1499_T2016 [문서정보]- 일일단상키워드

『종경록』 ♣1499-026♧

■ 본 페이지 ID 정보
sfed--종경록_K1499_T2016.txt ☞제26권
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