● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람I
● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
○ 통합대장경 사이트 안내
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[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]
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○ 2019_1104_105320_nik_ct21 구례 화엄사
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○ 2020_1114_154230_can_Ar28_s12 삼각산 도선사
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○ 2020_0905_120956_nik_BW17 오대산 월정사
○ 2019_1201_153851_nik_exc_s12 원주 구룡사
○ 2019_1105_122035_can_AB7 순천 조계산 선암사
○ 2019_1105_113534_can_ab27_s12 순천 조계산 선암사
○ 2019_1106_112422_nik_BW17 화순 영구산 운주사
● [pt op tr] fr
○ 2019_1106_103443_nik_Ab31_s12 화순 영구산 운주사
❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
○ [pt op tr]
금강상미다라니경(金剛上味陀羅尼經) 1권
[범] Vajramaṇḍādhāraṇī
약경명 금강상미경(金剛上味經)
별명 금강삼매다라니경(金剛三昧陀羅尼經)
역자 불타선다(佛陀扇多,
[translated by Google]
Book 1
[Pan] Vajramaṇḍādhāraṇī
Yak Kyung Myung● Geumgang Sangmi Sutra
Nickname: Geumgang Sammaedarani Sutra
Translator Stands● on Fire● Buddhaśānta)
[translated by Papago]
Volume 1 of the Geumgangsang Midaranigyeong ( 금강上羅羅)))))
[Bum] Vajramanddahadharanranī
Yakgyeongmyeong Geumgangsangmigyeong ( 약上味)))
Nickname: Geumgang Sammaedaranigyeong (三陀羅))))))
It's burning up in reverse fire.
[translated by Kakao]
1 volume of the Geumgang Sangmidarani ()
[Bam] Vajramamaādhāra
A Minor Light Gold River Microscopy ()
The nickname Geumgang Sammaedarani ()
The reverser burns (
그 때 문수사리동자가 허공 가운데에서 옷을 가지런히 하고 오른쪽 어깨를 드러내고 합장을 하고 부처님께 아뢰었다.
어떠한 인(因)과 어떠한 연(緣)으로 지금 세존께서는 허공 가운데에 계시면서 정념에 들어 움직이지 않으시는 것입니까?”
그 때 세존께서 문수사리동자에게 말씀하셨다.
내가 이 허공계 가운데에서 모든 보살들을 위하여 금강상미다라니(金剛上味陁羅尼)의 법문을 말하고자 한다.”
[translated by Google]
At that time, the monk Munsu-sari● adjusted his clothes in the midst of the air, exposed his right shoulder, put his hands together, and said to the Buddha.
“Blessed One,
With what kind of seal● and what kind of connection● does the Blessed One remain in the midst of the air and not be moved by passion?”
At that time, the Blessed One said to Munsusari.
I would like to tell you the discourse of the Kumgang Sangmi Darani●Vajramaṇḍādhāraṇī (金剛上味陁羅尼) for all the Bodhisattvas in the midst of this empty realm.”
[translated by Papago]
At that time, Munsusa-ri Dongja neatly dressed in the middle of the air, revealed his right shoulder, put his hands together, and prayed to the Buddha.
"Oh, my god, Sezone.
What kind of person and what kind of connection are you now in the middle of the air and not moving in passion?”
At that time, Sejon told Munsusa-ri Dongja.
"Hey Moonsari"
For all the Bodhisattva in the middle of this empty world, I would like to say the text of the Geumgang Sangmidarani.
[translated by Kakao]
At that time, the monk of the moon was dressed in the middle of the air, revealing his right shoulder, joining together and telling the Buddha.
What kind of man () and what kind of kite () is the Sejon in the middle of the air and does not move in the spirit?"
At that time, Sejon told the monk.
“Moon Soldier,
I would like to speak of the law of the Geumgangsangmidarani () for all the Bodhisattvas in this airspace.”
그 때 문수사리동자가 허공 가운데에서 옷을 가지런히 하고 오른쪽 어깨를 드러내고 합장을 하고 부처님께 아뢰었다.
어떠한 인(因)과 어떠한 연(緣)으로 지금 세존께서는 허공 가운데에 계시면서 정념에 들어 움직이지 않으시는 것입니까?”
그 때 세존께서 문수사리동자에게 말씀하셨다.
내가 이 허공계 가운데에서 모든 보살들을 위하여 금강상미다라니(金剛上味陁羅尼)의 법문을 말하고자 한다.”
[translated by Google]
At that time, the monk Munsu-sari adjusted his clothes in the midst of the air, exposed his right shoulder, put his hands together, and said to the Buddha.
“Blessed One,
With what kind of seal and what kind of connection does the Blessed One remain in the midst of the air and not be moved by passion?”
At that time, the Blessed One said to Munsusari.
I would like to tell you the discourse of the Kumgang Sangmi Darani (金剛上味陁羅尼) for all the Bodhisattvas in the midst of this empty realm.”
[translated by Papago]
At that time, Munsusa-ri Dongja neatly dressed in the middle of the air, revealed his right shoulder, put his hands together, and prayed to the Buddha.
"Oh, my god, Sezone.
What kind of person and what kind of connection are you now in the middle of the air and not moving in passion?”
At that time, Sejon told Munsusa-ri Dongja.
"Hey Moonsari"
For all the Bodhisattva in the middle of this empty world, I would like to say the text of the Geumgang Sangmidarani.
[translated by Kakao]
At that time, the monk of the moon was dressed in the middle of the air, revealing his right shoulder, joining together and telling the Buddha.
What kind of man () and what kind of kite () is the Sejon in the middle of the air and does not move in the spirit?"
At that time, Sejon told the monk.
“Moon Soldier,
I would like to speak of the law of the Geumgangsangmidarani () for all the Bodhisattvas in this airspace.”
보살이 만약 이 금강상미다라니를 배우려고 한다면 그 보살은 마땅히 범부의 법을 버리지 말아야 할 것이며,
마땅히 증득하지 말아야 할 것이며,
마땅히 버리지 말아야 할 것이며,
마땅히 지나치지 말아야 할 것이며,
일으키지 말며,
닦지도 말고 버리지도 말며,
즐거움을 구하여 보호해 주는 것이 없는 곳에 머물지 말 것이며,
마땅히 범부법에서 염상(染相)을 내지 말 것이며,
시상(施相)을 내지 말 것이며,
부처님의 법을 떠나 다시 모든 범부법을 보고자 하여도 안 된다.
[translated by Google]
If a Bodhisattva wants to learn this golden sangmidharani, he must not abandon the common law.
He ought not to prove,
should not be thrown away,
should not be overlooked,
do not wake up,
Do not clean it, do not throw it away,
Seek pleasure, and do not dwell where there is no protection,
He should not give a flame image in the common law,
I will not give an award,
You must not leave the Buddha's Dharma and try to see all the Buddhist Dharma again.
[translated by Papago]
If the Bodhisattva tries to learn this Geumgangsangmidarani, the Bodhisattva should not abandon the law of the Buddha.
It should not be proved.
It should not be thrown away.
It should not be overlooked,
Don't get me up.
Don't clean it or throw it away.
Do not stay in a place where there is nothing to seek and protect for joy,
The pan-bu law should not produce a salt phase,
Don't give out awards.
Regardless of the Buddha's law, you should not try to see all the pan-bu laws again.
[translated by Kakao]
If the Bodhisattva is to learn this Kumgang Mida, the Bodhisattva should not abandon the law of the law,
You should not have gained it,
You should not abandon it,
You should not be overdoing it,
Don't raise him,
Don't wipe it, don't throw it away,
and don't stay where there's nothing to save and protect,
and the law of justice shall not give a salt image (),
and do not give a prize (),
You should not leave the Buddha's law and see all the laws again.
어째서 그러한가.
이 금강상미다라니의 법문은 탐욕과 성냄과 어리석음에 순응하며,
모든 여인에게 순응하고 모든 남자에게 순응하며,
모든 천(天)에 순응하고 모든 용(龍)에 순응하고 모든 야차(夜又)와 나찰(羅訓)에 순응하고 모든 건달바(乾闥婆)에 순응하고 모든 아수라(阿修羅)에 순응하고 모든 가루라(伽樓羅)에 순응하고 모든 긴나라(緊那羅)에 순응하고 모든 마후라가(摩睺羅伽)에 순응하며,
모든 부처님께 순응하고 모든 법에 순응하고 모든 승가(憎伽)에 순응하며,
모든 성문과 연각에 순응하며,
모든 지옥과 아귀와 축생에 순응하며,
수(水)에 순응하고 풍(風)에 순응하고 화(火)에 순응하고 지(地)에 순응하며,
안(眼)에 순응하고 이(耳)에 순응하고 비(鼻)에 순응하고 설(舌)에 순응하고 신(身)에 순응하고 의(意)에 순응하기 때문이다.
[translated by Google]
Why is that?
The teachings of this Geumgangsangmidarani conform to greed, anger, and folly,
Submissive to every woman and subject to every man,
Adapt to all heavens, conform to all dragons, conform to all yachts and rhymes, conform to all kundalba, conform to all asuras, conform to all To conform to the Garura (伽樓羅), to conform to all dynasties (緊那羅), to conform to all mahuras (摩睺羅伽),
Obey all Buddhas, obey all Dharmas, obey all Sangha,
Adhere to all texts and verses,
Subject to all hells and devils and beasts,
Adapt to water, adapt to wind, adapt to fire, adapt to earth,
It is because it adapts to the eye (眼), conforms to the eye (耳), conforms to the rain (鼻), conforms to the tongue (舌), conforms to the god (身), and conforms to the will (will).
[translated by Papago]
Why is that?
This Geumgangsangmidarani's law conforms to greed, anger, and foolishness,
Conforming to all women and to all men,
Adapted to all cloths, complied to all dragons, complied to all yacha and nacha, complied to all gundal bars, complied to all Asura, complied to all powder, complied to all long lands, and complied to all Mahu-la.
He complies with all the Buddha, complies with all the laws, and complies with all the monk's songs,
Adapting to all the gates and connections,
Conforming to all hell, demons, and congratulations,
It conforms to water, conforms to wind, conforms to anger, and conforms to the ground,
This is because they conform to the inside, conform to the rain, conform to the New Year, conform to God, and conform to righteousness.
[translated by Kakao]
Why is that?
The law of this Kumgang Sangmidarani conforms to greed, anger and stupidity,
You adapt to every woman, you adapt to every man,
conform to all cloths (), conform to all dragons (), conform to all yachahs () and nachals (), conform to all Gundalvas (), conform to all Asuras (), conform to all Garuras (), conform to all long nations (), and conform to all Mahuraga (),
conform to all Buddhas, conform to all laws, conform to all congregations (),
conform to all the gates and the chronology,
all hell, all the abyss, all the births,
conform to the number, conform to the wind, conform to the flower, and conform to the ground
This is because they conform to the inside (), conform to this (), conform to the rain (), conform to the theory (), conform to the god (), and conform to the will.
이 금강상미다라니에는 모든 법이 순응한다.
동방(東方)에 있는 허공계분(虛空界分)과 남방ㆍ서방ㆍ북방과 상하에 있는 허공계분은 그 모든 것이 허공계에 순응하여 들어간다.
이 금강상미다라니구(金剛上味陁羅尼句)는 모든 법에 순응한다.”
[translated by Google]
All laws are obeyed in this Geumgang Sangmidarani.
In the void realm in the east, and the void realm in the south, west, north, and up and down, all of them conform to the void realm.
This Geumgang Sangmi Daranigu (金剛上味陁羅尼句) obeys all laws.”
[translated by Papago]
All laws comply with this Geumgang Sangmidarani.
The air system in the east and the air system in the south, west, north, and upper and lower regions all conform to the air system.
This Geumgang Sangmidarani-gu conforms to all laws.”
[translated by Kakao]
All laws conform to this Kumgangsangmidharani.
The airspace division () in the east () and the airspace division in the south, west, north and upper and lower parts all conform to the airspace.
This Kumgangsangmidaranigu () conforms to all laws.”
탐욕과 성냄과 어리석음은 모두가 마음 안에서 분별을 하는 까닭에 생겨나서 물듦과 깨끗함이 있다고 보는 것이다.
만약에 물듦과 깨끗함을 없애버린다면 법을 증득함도 증득하지 못함도 없게 되는 것이다.
마치 법이 생겨나지 않아서 본래부터 안이나 밖에 있지 않은 것과 같다.
그러므로 내가 ‘탐욕이 다라니구이다’라 말한 것이다.
[translated by Google]
Covetousness, wrath, and foolishness come about because everyone is discerning in their heart, and it is said that they are stained and pure.
If staining and cleanliness are removed, then there will be neither attaining nor non-obtaining the Dharma.
It is as if the law did not come into being, so it was not inherently in or out.
That's why I said, 'Greed is the end.'
[translated by Papago]
Greed, anger, and foolishness arise because everyone distinguishes themselves in their minds, and they see that there is color and cleanliness.
If the tingling and cleanliness are eliminated, there will be no proof or failure to prove the law.
It's as if there was no law, so it was originally inside or outside.
Therefore, I said, "Greed is everything."
[translated by Kakao]
Greed, angry and foolish are all created because they are discerning in their minds, and they see that there is watering and cleanliness.
If you get rid of the watering and cleanliness, you will not be able to gain the law or gain it.
It is like not being inside or outside from the beginning because the law did not come up.
So I said, 'Greed is what it is.'
성을 내는 것은 마음 안에서 성내는 마음이 생겨나는 것이니,
그 성냄은 과거도 아니며 현재도 아니며 미래도 아닌 것이다.
만약에 과거의 법으로서 생겨나게 할 수 있다면 다라니구를 깨끗하게 할 수 없을 것이다.
어리석은 마음도 또한 다라니구가 아니다.”
[translated by Google]
To be angry is to have an angry mind in the heart,
That anger is neither past, present, nor future.
If it can be brought into existence as a law of the past, it will not be possible to cleanse Dharanigu.
A foolish mind is also not a Dharanigu.”
[translated by Papago]
To be angry is to be angry in the heart.
The anger is neither the past nor the present nor the future.
If it could be created as a law of the past, it would not be possible to clean up Daranigu.
The foolish heart is also not Daranigu."
[translated by Kakao]
Being angry is creating an angry mind in your mind,
The anger is not the past, not the present, not the future.
If it can be created as a law of the past, it will not be able to clean the Daranigu.
And not foolishness, not daranigu.”
부처님께서 말씀하셨다.
무명이 곧 명(明)인데 부처님과 여래께서 무명이라 말씀하시는 것이다.
본제(本際) 가운데에는 무명이 없나니 이런 까닭에 무명구(無明句)를 말씀하시는 것이다.
중제(中際) 가운데에도 또한 무명은 없으며,
후제(後際) 가운데에도 또한 무명은 없다.
[translated by Google]
said the Buddha.
This is what the Buddha and the Tathagata say is ignorance.
There is no ignorance in the main subject (本際), and that is why he is speaking of the ignorant phrase.
There is also no ignorance in the middle
There is also no ignorance in the afterlife.
[translated by Papago]
Buddha said.
"Hey Moonsari"
An unknown name is Myeong, and Buddha and Buddha say it is unknown.
This is why they are talking about Mumyeong-gu because there is no name among the main subjects.
There is no obscurity in the middle of the meditation,
There is also no obscurity among the later generations.
[translated by Kakao]
The Buddha said.
“Moon Soldier,
The name is unknown (the name), but Buddha and the lady are unknown.
In this thesis, there is no nameless, so you are referring to the nameless phrase.
There is also no nameless in the middle of the middle,
Among the later generations (), there is also no nameless.
그렇다면 문수사리여,
어리석음이라 말해지는 것은 어떤 뜻이 있어서 그것을 이름하여 어리석음이라는 것이겠느냐?
모든 법을 필경에는 해탈해야하는 것인 까닭에 어리석음이라 말하는 것이다.
일체의 법이 끝내는 해탈하는 것을 이름하여 금강상미다라니구(金剛上味陁羅尼句)라는 것이다.”
[translated by Google]
Then, Munsusari,
What is the meaning of being said to be foolish, and what is the meaning of calling it foolishness?
It is said to be foolishness, because all laws must eventually be liberated.
It is called “Geumgang Sangmi Daranigu” (金剛上味陁羅尼句), which is the name of the liberation that all laws end.”
[translated by Papago]
Then, Moonsari,
What does being said to be foolish mean to be foolish in the name of it?
It is called foolishness because all laws must be abandoned.
It is called Geumgangsangmidarani-gu, which is the name of giving up after all laws."
[translated by Kakao]
Then, Master Master,
What is it that is said to be stupid, so is it stupid to name it?
It is said that all laws are foolish because they have to be deprived.
It is called the Geumgang Sangmidaranigu () in the name of the devolution that all laws end. "
모든 법이 천문(天門)이니 이것이 다라니구이다.”
[translated by Google]
All dharmas are the gates of heaven, and this is Dharanigu.”
[translated by Papago]
"Hey Moonsari"
All laws are astronomical, so this is Darani-gu."
[translated by Kakao]
“Moon Soldier,
All laws are astronomical () and this is Daranigu.”
부처님께서 말씀하셨다.
무명(無明)이 보리(菩提)이니 이것이 다라니구 법문[陁羅尼句門]이다.”
어찌하여 무명이 보리입니까?”
무명이 없는 까닭에 무명을 말하는 것이다.
만약 무명이 없다면 또한 생(生)이 없을 것이고,
만약 생이 없다면 그것은 물듦이 없을 것이다.
보리는 물듦이 없나니 그 본성이 청정하고 그 본체가 깨끗하기 때문이다.
나는 이 현상을 보는 까닭에 무명을 말하는 것이니 이것이 불이설(不二說)인 연고이다.
나는 무명을 얻지 못하였으니 그런 까닭에 내가 무명을 말하는 것이다.
이것이 보살이 무명상(無明相)에 들어가는 다라니구 법문이다.
[translated by Google]
said the Buddha.
Ignorance is Bodhi (菩提), and this is the Dharanigu Dharma Gate.”
“Blessed One,
Why is the nameless barley?”
I say ignorance because there is no ignorance.
If there was no ignorance, there would also be no life,
If there is no life, it will not be stained.
Barley is untainted because its nature is pure and its body is pure.
I am speaking ignorance because I see this phenomenon, and this is the reason why it is not possible.
I have not attained ignorance, that is why I speak ignorance.
This is the Dharanigu method of entering the Bodhisattva into ignorance.
[translated by Papago]
Buddha said.
"Hey Moonsari"
Since the unknown is barley, this is the Darani-gu Beopmun."
"Oh, my god, Sezone.
Why is the unknown Bori?”
"Hey Moonsari"
Because there is no obscurity, it means obscurity.
If there was no obscurity, there would be no life,
If there was no life, it would not be stained.
Barley has no stain, because its nature is clean and its body is clean.
I am talking about obscurity because I see this phenomenon, so this is the connection that is the theory of fire.
That's why I'm talking about obscurity because I didn't get it.
This is Darani-gu's legal text, in which the Bodhisattva enters the unknown image.
[translated by Kakao]
The Buddha said.
“Moon Soldier,
The nameless is barley, and this is Daranigu’s law.”
Why would an unknown be barren?”
“Moon Soldier,
Because there is no obscurity, it is obscurity.
If there is no obscurity, there will also be no life,
If there is no life, it will be waterless.
Barley is clean because its nature is clean and its main body is clean.
I am not known because I see this phenomenon, so this is an ointment that is unfavorable ().
I did not get an unknown, so I am saying an unknown.
This is the Daranigu legal text where the Bodhisattva enters the Unmeditation.
부처님께서 말씀하셨다.
만약 모든 보살이 이 금강상미다라니법문을 받거나 지니거나 읽거나 외우거나 남을 위하여 말해 준다면,
이와 같은 사람은 모든 부처님과 같나니,
왜냐 하면 모든 부처님께서는 언제나 평등한 마음을 가지기 때문이다.
모든 천(天)ㆍ용(龍)ㆍ야차(夜叉)ㆍ건달바(乾闥婆) 등이 언제나 그를 공양할 것이다.
[translated by Google]
said the Buddha.
If every Bodhisattva receives, holds, reads, recites, or speaks for others,
A person like this is like all Buddhas,
Because all Buddhas always have an equal mind.
All Heaven, Dragon, Yacha, Gundalba, etc. will always make offerings to him.
[translated by Papago]
Buddha said.
"Hey Moonsari"
If all the Bodhisattva receive or read, memorize, or speak for others this Geumgangsangmida,
A man like this is like all the Buddha.
This is because all Buddhas always have an equal mind.
All cloths, dragons, yachas, and gundalba will always offer him.
[translated by Kakao]
The Buddha said.
“Moon Soldier,
If all the Bodhisattvas are to be told for the sake of this Kumgang Mida,
Is this the same as every Buddha,
Because all Buddhas always have equal minds.
All cloths (), dragons (), yachas (), and gundalbas () will always honor him.
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□□□□□□□, 其塵無量不可說,
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