● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람I
● 한글대장경 해당부분 열람II
○ 통합대장경 사이트 안내
○ 해제[있는경우]
● TTS 음성듣기 안내
※ 이하 부분은 위 대장경 부분에 대해
참조자료를 붙여 자유롭게 연구하는 내용을 적는 공간입니다.
대장경 열람은 위 부분을 참조해주십시오.
● 자료출처 불교학술원 기금 후원안내페이지
♥아래는 현재 작성 및 정리 중인 미완성 상태의 글입니다♥
[페이지 내용 업데이트 관련 안내]
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❋❋본문 ♥ ◎[개별논의]
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1) 양(梁)나라 촉부(蜀部) 사문 석명달전(釋明逹傳)
명달은 속성이 강씨(康氏)이며,
그 선조는 강거(康居) 사람이다.
그는 어려서 출가하여 몸가짐을 바르게 하고 계율을 엄격히 지켰다.
처음 10계(戒)를 받자 곧 5근(根)을 단속하였고 구족계를 받을 나이가 되자 행업이 더욱 높아져서 옆구리를 자리에 대고 눕지 않았으며 하루에 두 번 밥을 먹는 일이 없었다.
밖으로는 행동규범을 엄격히 지키고 안으로는 도의 근본을 길러 중생들을 널리 구제할 뜻을 품고 유행(遊行)하는 것을 임무로 삼았다.
[translated by Google]
1) Seok● myeongdal● jeon● Hall● of the Sukbu● of the Yang Dynasty
Myeongdal● is of the Kang clan,
Its ancestors were Ganggeo● (康居) people.
When he was young, he went to church●,
straightened his appearance and strictly obeyed his precepts.
As soon as he received the first 10 precepts (戒),
he cracked down on 5 kun● (根),
and when he reached the age to receive the old man's rule●, his work became even higher.
He made it his mission to strictly observe the code of conduct externally, to cultivate the fundamentals of the Way internally,
and to spread● the word● with the will to save sentient beings widely.
[translated by Papago]
1) Seok● myeongdaljeon Hall, the four gates of the Yang Dynasty's Chokbu.
Myeongdal is characterized by the surname of Kang,
The ancestors are powerful people.
When he was young, he got married, kept his posture right, and kept the rules strictly.
Upon receiving the first 10 gye, he soon cracked down on the five gyeons, and when he was old enough to receive the gujok gye, the administration became even higher, so he did not lie down on his side and did not eat twice a day.
The mission was to strictly observe the code of conduct outside and cultivate the foundation of the province inside to make it popular with the will to rescue the people widely.
[translated by Kakao]
1) The two countries' central part () the three-month period of the four-month period ()
The moon is the attribute of Kang (),
The ancestor is a strongman ().
He went out of his childhood, straightened his body and kept his rules strictly.
When he first received the 10th (the first) system, he soon cracked down on the 5th (the fifth) line. When he was old enough to receive the old family, his behavior became even higher, so he did not lie down on his side and did not eat twice a day.
The task was to strictly observe the code of conduct outside and to raise the foundation of the province inside, and to make it fashionable () with the intention of widely relieving the regeneration.
그후 어떤 인연으로 문수(汶水) 지방을 지나다가 길에서 어떤 사람이 새끼 돼지를 묶어놓은 것을 보았는데,
그 새끼 돼지가 사람의 목소리로 “바라건대 으뜸가는 성인이시여,
저를 구원하여 주십시오”라고 하였다.
이에 명달은 곧 자신의 옷을 벗어 값을 치르고 놓아주게 하였다.
[translated by Google]
After that, for some reason, as I was passing through the Munsu● region,
I● saw a man tying a piglet on the road.
The piglet said in a human voice,
“I hope, Most sage,
Please save me.”
Myeong-dal● immediately took off his clothes and paid the price to let him● go.
[translated by Papago]
After that, I saw a piglet tied up on the street while passing through the Munsu region.
The piglet said in a human voice, "Hopefully you're the best adult."
Please save me," he said.
Accordingly, Myeongdal soon took off his clothes, paid the price, and let go.
[translated by Kakao]
Then, in a relationship, I passed through the water province and saw a person tied up a piglet on the road,
The piglet said in a human voice, "I hope you are the best adult,
Please save me. "
Soon, he took off his clothes and paid for it.
2) 주(周)나라 부주(鄜州) 대상사(大像寺) 석승명전(釋僧明傳)
승명은 속성이 강씨(姜氏)이며 부주(鄜州) 내부(內部) 사람이다.
[translated by Google]
2) Seokseungmyeongjeon Hall of Daesangsa Temple in Buzhou, Zhou Dynasty
Seung-myeong is a member of the Kang clan and is a member of the sub-zhou (內部) family.
[translated by Papago]
2) Seokseungmyeongjeon Hall, Daesangsa Temple, Buju, the State of the Zhou Dynasty.
The monk's name is the surname of Kang and is an inner person of Buju.
[translated by Kakao]
2) State (Nara) State-subsidized Temple (Dae) Seokseungmyeongjeon (Dae)
The sublime is Kang () in attribute and is a person inside the sub-state ().
“만약 불법이 다시 흥성하여 중생들이 의지할 곳이 있게 하시려면 신비한 위력을 나타내시어 소원을 이룩하도록 하여주시옵소서.”
말을 마치자 불상이 갑자기 가볍게 들리면서 산을 따라 곧바로 내려와 그 길로 불상을 세울 받침돌구멍이 있는 곳으로 들어가 별다른 공사 없이 불상을 손쉽게 세울 수 있었다.
이를 지켜보던 대중들은 놀라고 감탄하며 이러한 일은 일찍이 없었던 희한하고 기이한 일이라고 하였으며,
이것을 나라에 보고하니 황제는 좋은 조짐이라고 생각하고 곧 연호를 고쳐 대상(大像)이라고 하였다.
그때로부터 불교가 점차 널리 퍼지게 되었으니 이는 승명의 공력에 의한 것이었다.
[translated by Google]
“If Dharma is to flourish again so that sentient beings have a place to rely on, please manifest your mystical power and make their wishes come true.”
When he finished speaking, the statue of Buddha suddenly lifted up, and he descended straight down the mountain and went down the road to the place where there was a hole in the pedestal for the statue to be erected.
The public watching this was amazed and admiring, saying that this was a rare and bizarre thing that had never happened before.
When this was reported to the state, the emperor thought it was a good sign, and immediately changed the name● to a statue.(大像)●
From then on, Buddhism gradually spread, and this was due to the achievements of Seungmyeong●.
[translated by Papago]
"If the illegality rekindles and allows the people to have a place to rely on, please show your mysterious power and make your wish come true."
When I finished speaking, the Buddha statue suddenly sounded light, and I came down the mountain immediately and entered the place where there was a pedestal hole to build the Buddha statue, so I could easily build it without any construction.
The public watching this was surprised and admired, and said that this was a strange and strange thing that had never happened before.
When I reported this to the country, the emperor thought it was a good sign, and soon changed its name to Daejang.
Since then, Buddhism has gradually spread, which was due to the power of Seungmyeong.
[translated by Kakao]
“If the illegality is to rise again and make the Middleborn dependable, let us express mystified power and make a wish.”
When I finished speaking, the Buddha suddenly sounded lightly, and I came down the mountain immediately, and I was able to easily build the Buddha without any construction by entering the place where the stone hole to build the Buddha was built.
The public who watched this was surprised and admired, and this was a strange and strange thing that had never happened before,
When I reported this to the country, the emperor thought it was a good sign and soon he corrected the age and called it the object.
Since then, Buddhism has become increasingly widespread, which was due to the aerodynamic power of succession.
옛날 원위(元魏) 천평(天平) 연간에 정주의 모사(募士) 손경덕(孫敬德)이 변방에서 관음상을 만들었는데 임기가 끝나 집으로 가지고 돌아와 항상 절하고 섬겼다.
후에 도적질을 한 누명을 쓰고 끌려가 서울의 감옥에 갇히게 되었는데 고문을 이겨내지 못하여 마침내 거짓으로 죄를 인정하여 극형을 받게 되었다.
다음날 아침 곧 사형이 결행되려 하자 마음이 다급하고 절통하여 눈물이 비오듯 흘러내렸다.
그는 곧 스스로 ‘지금 억울한 형벌을 받는 것이 과거에 일찍이 남을 억울하게 죽였기 때문에 얻은 과보이니 이 죽음으로 그 죄를 다 갚기만 바랄 뿐이다’라고 서원하였다.
그리고 다시 소원하기를 ‘일체 중생들이 모든 재앙들을 내가 대신 받으리라’라고 하였다.
[translated by Google]
In the old days, in the year of the Wenwei (元魏), in the year of Tianping (天平), Son Gyeongdeok (孫敬德), a counselor in Jeongju, made a statue of Guanyin in the outskirts.
Later, he was framed for stealing and taken to a prison in Seoul, but he could not withstand the torture, and finally admitted to the crime and was sentenced to severe punishment.
The next morning, as soon as the death penalty was about to be executed, his heart was urgent and tears flowed down through the temple.
He immediately vowed to himself, "To receive an unfair punishment now is the result of having killed others unjustly in the past.
And he wished again, saying, 'All sentient beings will receive all disasters in my place.'
[translated by Papago]
In the old days, during the year of Wonwi Cheonpyeong, Son Gyeong-deok, a master of Jeongju, made a Gwaneum statue on the periphery, but after his term of office, he returned home and always bowed and served.
Later, he was falsely accused of bandit and taken to prison in Seoul, but failed to overcome the torture and finally admitted to a false crime and was sentenced to extreme punishment.
As the death penalty was about to be carried out the next morning, tears flowed down like rain because of urgency and desperation.
He soon prayed to himself, "Being punished unfairly now is an exaggeration gained because you killed others unfairly earlier in the past, so I just hope you will pay off all your sins with this death."
And again, he said, "I will receive all the disasters instead of all the people."
[translated by Kakao]
In the old distal () Cheonpyeong year, Jeongju's simulated () Son Kyung-deok () made a Kannon statue on the side, but after his term ended, he brought it home and always bowed and served.
Later, he was dragged into a prison in Seoul after being accused of stealing, but he could not overcome torture and finally admitted his sins and was sentenced to a pole.
The next morning, when the death penalty was about to be executed, my heart was urgent and I was tearful.
He soon vowed to himself, "I am only hoping to repay the sins with this death because I have been punished by unfair punishment because I have killed others in the past."
And again, he said, "All the rebirths will receive all the disasters for me."
형리가 칼로 내리쳐 세 토막으로 자르려고 하였지만 그 칼만 움직였을 뿐이고 몸은 상하지 않았다.
이상하게 여겨 그 정황을 황제에게 보고하니 승상(承相) 고환(高歡)이 상소를 올려 형을 면해줄 것을 청하였다.
이어 칙명을 내려 그 경을 글로 써서 세상에 퍼뜨리게 하였으니,
지금의 이른바 『고왕경(高王經)』과 『관세음경(觀世音經)』이 바로 그것이다.
손경덕이 풀려나와서 집에 이르러 변방에 있을 때 만들었던 불상을 보니 목에 세 번의 칼자국이 있었다.
이에 비감(悲感)이 밀려들어 통곡하면서 고향을 떠났다.
[translated by Google]
His brother-in-law tried to cut it into three pieces with a knife, but only the knife moved and he was not injured.
Considering it strange, the situation was reported to the emperor, and the high priest Gohwan raised an appeal and asked that his sentence be waived.
Then he issued a decree to write the sutra and spread it throughout the world.
These are the so-called 『Gowanggyeong』 and 『Kwanseeumgyeong (觀世音經)』.
When Son Kyung-deok was released, he went home and saw the Buddha statue he had made while on the outskirts of the country. There were three cuts on his neck.
As a result, he left his hometown, crying and crying.
[translated by Papago]
Hyung-ri hit it with a knife and tried to cut it into three pieces, but only the knife moved and the body was not damaged.
It was considered strange and when I reported the situation to the emperor, the monk's testicle appealed and asked him to be exempted from punishment.
He then issued an edict to spread the scriptures to the world.
These are the so-called Gowanggyeong and Gwansaeumgyeong.
When I saw the Buddha statue that Son Kyung-deok made when he came home and was on the periphery, there were three cuts on his neck.
As a result, a sense of rain flooded in and wailed and left his hometown.
[translated by Kakao]
Brother tried to cut it with a knife, but only the knife moved and the body was not hurt.
It was strange and reported the situation to the emperor, and the ascendant () testicle () asked him to raise his appeal and avoid his brother.
Then he made a name and wrote the Lord and spread it to the world,
That is what we now call the Gowanggyeong () and Customs Penumbra ().
Son Kyung-duk was released and came home and saw the Buddha statue he made when he was on the side of the house.
In response, the inscription () was pushed in and left his hometown as he wailed.
3) 수(隋)나라 천태산(天台山) 폭포사(瀑布寺) 석혜달전(釋慧逹傳)
[translated by Google]
3) Seokhyedaljeon Hall of Waterfall Temple at Cheontaesan Mountain in the Sui Dynasty
[translated by Papago]
3) Seokhyedaljeon, Pokposa Temple, Cheontaesan Mountain in the Su Dynasty.
[translated by Kakao]
3) Su () National Cheontaesan (San) Falls Temple (Sukhaedaljeon)
진(陳)나라 시대에는 전염병이 크게 휩쓸어 백성들 가운데 그것으로 인해 죽는 자가 거의 절반을 넘었다.
이에 혜달은 자비를 베풀고자 뜻을 품고 양도(楊都)의 번화한 저자에 큰 약 창고를 지어놓고 필요한 사람들에게 공급하여 백성들을 구제하는 일을 더욱 크게 벌려나갔다.
[translated by Google]
During the Qin Dynasty, an epidemic was swept away, and nearly half of the people died from it.
In response, Hyedal had a will to show mercy and built a large drug store in the bustling authorship of Yangyang (楊都) and provided it to the people in need, further expanding the work of relieving the people.
[translated by Papago]
In the era of the Qin Dynasty, infectious diseases swept away, and more than half of the people died from them.
In response, Hyedal built a large medicine warehouse for the busy author of the capital and supplied it to the people in need to relieve the people even more with the will to show mercy.
[translated by Kakao]
In the Qin () era, infectious diseases were swept away greatly, and almost half of the people died from it.
He had a big medicine warehouse for the busy author of the transfer (the transfer), and he supplied it to the people who needed it, and he was able to save the people.
혜달은 성품이 진실하고 말을 화려하게 꾸미지 않았으며,
경전에 근거하여 비유를 들어 여러 사람들의 마음을 독려하였다.
그러나 그의 행색과 의복은 해지고 거칠어서 차마 볼 수 없었다.
그는 밖으로는 많은 것을 종합하고 안으로는 이치와 선정을 받아들여 곁에서 보면 물밑에 가라앉아 말을 할 수 없을 것 같았지만 그의 지휘를 따르면 모든 일들이 일사천리로 진행이 되어 완성되었으니,
이 사람은 번거로운 것에 처해서도 흔들리지 않는다는 말과 부합되는 사람이었다.
[translated by Google]
Hyedal has a sincere personality and does not embellish his words.
Based on the scriptures, he used parables to encourage the hearts of many.
But his appearance and clothes were old and rough, so he couldn't bear to see him.
He synthesized many things from the outside and accepted reason and sensibility from the inside. From the side, it seemed that he was sunk to the bottom of the water and could not speak.
This person was in line with the saying that he would not be shaken even in troublesome things.
[translated by Papago]
Hyedal is sincere in character and does not decorate his words splendidly,
Based on the scriptures, the hearts of many people were encouraged by analogy.
However, his appearance and clothing were worn out and rough, so I couldn't bear to see it.
He seemed to be unable to speak because he was sinking under the water by taking a lot of things together outside and accepting reason and selection inside, but everything went smoothly and completed under his command.
This person was consistent with the saying that he was not shaken even in the face of troublesome things.
[translated by Kakao]
He had no real character, no fancy decorating of words,
Based on the scriptures, he encouraged the hearts of many people by listening to analogies.
But his behavior and clothing were getting rough and rough, so I could not see it.
He put a lot of things together outside, accepted the reason and the selection inside, and seemed to be unable to speak under the water from the side, but according to his command, all the things were completed in a row,
This person was in line with the saying that he was not shaken even when he was in trouble.
4) 당나라 면주(綿州) 진향사(振嚮寺) 석승황전(釋僧晃傳)
[translated by Google]
4) Seokseunghwangjeon Hall of Jinhyangsa Temple, Myeonju, Tang Dynasty
[translated by Papago]
4) Seokseunghwangjeon Hall, Jinhyangsa Temple, Myeonju, Tang Dynasty.
[translated by Kakao]
4) The Tang Dynasty, Qin Hyangsa () and the Great Emperor ()
그는 열다섯 살 때 이미 문장을 짓는 것에 재주가 있어 그 분야에 널리 통달하여 당시 사람들이 모두 칭송하였다.
어느 날 꿈에 손으로 해와 달을 떠받들고 태허(太虛) 가운데 앉아 있는 꿈을 꾸고는 곧 속세를 싫어하고 출가를 그리워하게 되어 제 스스로 이름을 ‘승황(僧晃)’이라고 하였다.
그러나 부모는 출가를 허락하지 않고 그의 두 발에다 틀을 씌우고 집 기둥에 단단히 결박해놓았다.
그러나 그의 결심은 이미 확고한 것이어서 맹세한 마음은 바뀌지 않더니 하루가 채 되기도 전에 그를 묶어놓았던 사슬이 저절로 풀렸다.
[translated by Google]
At the age of fifteen, he already had a talent for making sentences, and he gained widespread mastery in the field, which was praised by all people at the time.
One day, he had a dream that he was sitting in the midst of the great wilderness, holding the sun and the moon in his hands.
However, his parents did not allow him to leave the house, and framed his two feet and tied them tightly to the posts of the house.
But his resolve had already been firm, and his oath did not change, and in less than a day the chains that bound him were unleashed.
[translated by Papago]
At the age of 15, he was already talented in writing sentences, so he mastered the field widely, and everyone praised him at that time.
One day, I dreamed of sitting in the middle of Taeheo, holding the sun and the moon with my hands, and soon hated the world and missed my marriage, so I called myself Seunghwang.
However, the parents did not allow him to leave the house and put a frame on his two feet and tied them firmly to the pillars of the house.
However, his resolution was already firm, so his oath did not change, and the chain that tied him up less than a day ago was naturally released.
[translated by Kakao]
He was already good at making sentences when he was fifteen, and he was widely mastered in the field and praised all of them at the time.
One day I dreamed of sitting in the middle of Taehe () holding the sun and the moon with my hands in my dreams, and soon I hated the world and missed the trip, so I called myself 'Sunghwang'.
But the parents did not allow him to go out, but framed his feet and tied him tightly to the pillars of the house.
But his determination was already firm, and his oath did not change, and the chain that had tied him before the day was over was resolved.
5) 당나라 양주(楊州) 장락사(長樂寺) 석주력전(釋住力傳)
[translated by Google]
5) Seokjuryokjeon Hall of Zhangraksa Temple in Yangzhou, Tang Dynasty
[translated by Papago]
5) The Seokjuryukjeon Hall of Jangnaksa Temple in Yangju, Tang Dynasty.
[translated by Kakao]
5) Yangju (State Jangraksa) of the Tang Dynasty (State Jangraksa)
대업 14년에 이르러 수나라의 황실이 상사(喪事)와 화란(禍亂)을 당하여 도속들이 떠돌아다니고 뼈만 남은 사람들이 거리를 메우게 되자,
이에 주력은 신명을 다하여 전각을 수호하기로 맹세하였는데,
절에는 여우와 토끼들만이 살고 자신의 그림자를 벗으로 삼아 콩을 먹고 물을 마시며 두 해를 보냈다.
[translated by Google]
In the 14th year of the Great Era, the imperial family of the Sui Dynasty suffered from bosses and wars, and the provinces wandered around, leaving only bones left to fill the streets.
In response, the main force swore to protect the palace with all its devotion.
Only foxes and rabbits lived in the temple, and he spent two years eating beans and drinking water with his shadow as his friend.
[translated by Papago]
In the 14th year of Dae-eop's reign, when the royal family of the Sui Dynasty was subjected to a boss and a hwaran, and Taoists wandered around and people with only bones filled the streets,
In response, the main force vowed to protect the palace with all his might.
Only foxes and rabbits lived in the temple and spent two years eating beans and drinking water with their shadows as friends.
[translated by Kakao]
By the 14th year of the Great Work, the imperial family of the Sui was subjected to bosses () and anger (), and the streets were wandered and the bones were filled up.
So the main force pledged to defend the temple with all its gods,
Only foxes and rabbits lived in the temple, and spent two years eating beans and drinking water using their shadows as their friends.
6) 당나라 경사 대장엄사(大藏嚴寺) 석지흥전(釋智興傳)
[translated by Google]
6) Seokjiheungjeon Hall of Jangeoomsa Temple
[translated by Papago]
6) Seokjiheungjeon Hall, Daejanggeomsa Temple, the governor of the Tang Dynasty.
[translated by Kakao]
6) The Tang Dynasty's Great Wall of Korea (Daejang Umsa) and the Seokji Heungjeon ()
그 절의 스님 가운데 삼과(三果)라는 스님이 있었는데 그의 형이 황제를 따라 강도(江都)로 남행하다가 도중에 죽었다.
처음에는 그가 사망한 소식이 전해지지 않았는데 홀연히 그의 처의 꿈에 나타나 이렇게 말하였다.
“나는 황제를 따라 가다가 팽성(彭城)에 도착하여 불행하게도 병으로 죽게 되어 지옥에 태어났다.
그곳에서 5고(苦)를 두루 겪었는데 그 괴로움은 이루다 말할 수 없을 지경이었지만 누가 나를 알아주겠는가?
다행히 이달 초하루에 선정사의 지흥 스님이 종을 울리니 그 메아리가 지옥을 진동시켜 함께 고통을 받던 자들이 일시에 해탈하여 지금은 좋은 곳에 태어나게 되었다.
그 은혜를 갚으려고 하니 비단 열 필을 마련하여 바치고 아울러 나의 마음도 전달해달라.”
그의 처가 잠에서 소스라쳐 깨어나 꿈에 본 일들을 이상하게 여기면서 사람들에게 말하였더니 애초에 믿는 자가 없었다.
[translated by Google]
Among the monks in the temple, there was a monk named Samgwa, whose older brother followed the emperor to Jiangdo and died on the way.
At first there was no news of his death, but he suddenly appeared to his wife's dream and said,
“I was following the emperor and arrived in Paengseong, and unfortunately died of an illness and was born in Hell.
I went through 5 hardships there, and the suffering was indescribable, but who will recognize me?
Fortunately, on the first day of this month, monk Jiheung of Seonsa Temple rang the bell, and the echo vibrated hell, and those who suffered together were liberated at once, and now they are born in a better place.
I am going to repay you for that kindness, so please prepare ten pieces of silk and offer them, along with my heart.”
When his wife awoke from her sleep, wondering what she had seen in her dreams, she told the people that she had no believers in the first place.
[translated by Papago]
Among the monks of the temple, there was a monk named Samgwa, and his brother died on the way while following the emperor to Gangdo.
At first, there was no news of his death, but he suddenly appeared in his wife's dream and said this.
"I was born in hell because I arrived at Paengseong Fortress while following the emperor and unfortunately died of illness.
I went through all five hardships there, and the pain was beyond description, but who would recognize me?
Fortunately, Buddhist monk Jiheung of Seonjeongsa Temple rang the bell on the first day of this month, and the echoes vibrated hell and those who suffered together gave up at once, and now they are born in a good place.
"I'm going to repay you for your kindness, so please prepare ten silk and deliver my heart."
When his wife woke up from sleep and told people about what she saw in her dream, she didn't trust anyone in the first place.
[translated by Kakao]
Among the monks of the temple was a monk named Samgwa (), whose brother died while traveling southwards as a robber () following the emperor.
At first, the news of his death was not reported, but suddenly he appeared in his wife's dream and said,
“I was born in hell, following the emperor, arriving at Pungseong (), and unfortunately dying of illness.
I went through five high schools there and the pain was impossible to say, but who would recognize me?
Fortunately, the monk Jiheung of the prestige company rings the bell early this month, and the echoes vibrate hell and the people who suffered together at once were born in a good place now.
I want to repay that grace, so please make ten silks and give me my heart. "
His wife woke up from sleep and told people what she had seen in her dreams, and no one believed in it in the first place.
7) 당나라 포주(蒲州) 보구사(普救寺) 석도적전(釋道積傳)
[translated by Google]
7) Seokdojeokjeon Hall of Bogusa Temple in Pozhou, Tang Dynasty
[translated by Papago]
7) Seokdojeokjeon Hall, Bogusa Temple, Poju, Tang Dynasty.
[translated by Kakao]
7) The Tang Dynasty Phoju (State Bogusa) Sikhdojeokjeon (Road)
a path
도적은 타고난 성품이 굳세고 결단성이 있었으며 한 번 뜻을 세워 결심한 일은 돌려세우지 않았으므로 다른 사람으로 하여금 분노를 자아내어 자칫 죽을 뻔도 하였는데 출가한 뒤로는 자신의 타고난 성품의 허물을 알고 이러한 성품을 꺾어 없앴으며 점차 온화하고 인내하는 성품을 키워나갔다.
나이가 60살에 이르러서는 그 수행이 더욱 높아졌으니 습관이 성품을 완성시킨다는 말은 틀리지 않는 말이었다.
[translated by Google]
A thief had a strong and decisive nature by nature, and did not reverse a decision he had made once, so he provoked others to anger and almost died. He got rid of it and gradually developed a gentle and patient character.
When he reached the age of 60, his practice became even higher, so it was true to say that his habits perfected his character.
[translated by Papago]
The bandit had a strong and determined personality, and once he made up his mind, he almost died of anger from others, but after he got married, he knew the faults of his natural personality, destroyed them, and gradually developed a gentle and patient personality.
By the age of 60, it was not wrong to say that habits complete characteristics because the practice was even higher.
[translated by Kakao]
The bandit had a strong and decisive nature, and once he made his decision, he did not turn his decision, so he almost died by causing anger to others. After leaving, he knew the fault of his natural character and destroyed it and gradually developed a gentle and patient character.
By the age of 60, the performance was even higher, so it was not wrong to say that habit completes character.
8) 당나라 경사 회창사(會昌寺) 석덕미전(釋德美傳)
[translated by Google]
8) Seokdeokmijeon (釋德美傳) at Huichang Temple, a sacred temple of the Tang Dynasty
[translated by Papago]
8) Seokdeokmijeon Hall, Hoichangsa Temple, the slope of the Tang Dynasty.
[translated by Kakao]
8) The Tang Dynasty Slope Hoechangsa (Social Society) and Seokdeokmijeon (Americanity)
beauty of beauty
개황 말년에 서울을 유행(遊行)하며 교화하면서 계율을 수지하도록 단속하고 예참(禮懺)하는 것을 업으로 삼았다.
[translated by Google]
In the last years of his reign, he made it his business to control Seoul and to keep the precepts while edifying and edifying.
[translated by Papago]
In the late years of the outbreak, Seoul was popularized and edified, cracking down on the account of Gyeyul and worshiping it.
[translated by Kakao]
In the last years of the reign, Seoul was enlightened and edifying, and it was done to crack down on the rule and to pay respects.
또한 묵 선사는 복문(福門)을 널리 권장하여 속인들을 깨우칠 때에는 널리 대중들을 불러 모으니,
시주들이 줄지어 성대하게 베푼 재물이 서울에서 제일 많았다.
보시가 쌓이면 다 나누어 주었는데 당시 사람들은 보배처럼 중하게 여겼다.
[translated by Google]
In addition, Master Muk widely recommends the gate, and when he awakens the common people, he gathers the public widely.
The wealth that the donors gave generously in a row was the largest in Seoul.
As the donations accumulated, they were all distributed.
[translated by Papago]
In addition, Mukseonsa widely encourages Bokmun, and when he realizes the vulgar people, he gathers the public widely.
Seoul had the largest number of wealth given in a row by city owners.
When the bossi piled up, they gave out everything, but people at that time regarded it as a treasure.
[translated by Kakao]
In addition, Muk Seon widely encourages the double sentence () and collects the public widely when he wakes up the deceivers.
The wealth that the city residents gave in a great line was the most in Seoul.
When Bossie piled up, he gave it all away, but at that time people regarded it as important as treasure.
9) 당나라 경사 청선사(淸禪寺) 석혜주전(釋慧胄傳)
[translated by Google]
9) Seokhyejujeon Hall of Cheongseonsa Temple, a sacred temple of the Tang Dynasty
[translated by Papago]
9) Seokhyejujeon Hall, Cheongseonsa Temple, the slope of the Tang Dynasty.
[translated by Kakao]
9) The Tang Dynasty Slope Cheongseonsa () Seok Hye-jujeon ()
그후 병에 걸려 온몸이 극도로 아파오자,
자기 스스로가 곧 죽으리라는 것을 짐작하고 향탕(香湯)에 목욕하고 옷깃을 바로 여미고 말하였다.
“나에게는 작은 죄가 있으니 이 때문에 중병에 걸린 것이라.
그 죄라는 것은 바로 사원을 짓기 위해 땅을 파헤친 것이다.”
생을 마치던 날 아침에도 말과 기운이 조금도 흐려지지 않았으며 제자들에게 말하기를 “빚을 다 갚았으니 나는 떠나간다”고 하였다.
[translated by Google]
After that, he fell ill and his whole body became extremely ill.
He assumed that he was going to die soon, so he took a bath in the incense bath, straightened his collar and said,
“I have a small sin, and because of this I am seriously ill.
That sin was to dig up the ground to build a temple.”
On the morning of the end of his life, his speech and energy did not fade in the slightest, and he said to his disciples, “I have paid off my debt, and I am leaving.”
[translated by Papago]
After that, he got sick and his whole body was extremely sick.
He guessed that he would die soon, took a bath in a local bath, and straightened his collar and said.
"I have a small sin, which is why I am seriously ill.
The crime is the digging of the ground to build a temple."
Even on the morning of the end of his life, his words and energy were not blurred at all, and he told his disciples, "I'm leaving because I've paid off all my debts."
[translated by Kakao]
And then when I got sick and my whole body was extremely sick,
He guessed that he would die soon, bathed in the incense bath (), and put his collar right on.
“I have a small sin, and this is why I’m seriously ill.
The sin is to dig the ground to build the temple.”
On the morning of his life, his words and energy did not blur any more, and he told his disciples, "I have paid my debts and I am leaving."
수나라 말엽에 동도(東都)가 포위되어 성이 고립되자 백성들은 피골이 상접하여 마치 흙덩이와 같았다.
이때 사원에는 두 개의 금불상이 있었는데 각각 길이가 한 장(丈)이나 되었다.
법소는 백성들의 고통을 차마 볼 수가 없어서 불상 한 개를 녹여 쌀을 사들였으며 그것으로 미음을 쑤어 굶주리는 사람들에게 먹였다.
[translated by Google]
At the end of the Sui dynasty, when Dongdo was besieged and the city was isolated, the people's bones were bruised and they were like lumps of earth.
At this time, there were two golden Buddha statues in the temple, each about one sheet long.
Beopso could not bear to see the suffering of the people, so he melted a Buddha statue and bought rice, and fed it to the hungry.
[translated by Papago]
At the end of the Sui Dynasty, when Dongdo was surrounded and the castle was isolated, the people faced each other and were like a lump of soil.
At this time, there were two gold Buddha statues in the temple, each of which was one piece long.
The Beopso could not bear to see the suffering of the people, so he melted a Buddha statue to buy rice, and with it, he made rice and fed it to hungry people.
[translated by Kakao]
At the end of the Sui Dynasty, when Dongdo () was surrounded and the castle was isolated, the people were like a lump of soil.
At this time, there were two gold Buddha statues in the temple, each one one ().
The court could not see the suffering of the people, so they melted a Buddhist statue and bought rice, and it was fed to the hungry people by poking the rice.
10) 당나라 재주(梓州) 우두산사(牛頭山寺) 석지통전(釋智通傳)
[translated by Google]
10) Seokjitongjeon Hall of Udusansa Temple, Jaeju, Tang Dynasty
[translated by Papago]
10) Seokjitongjeon Hall, Udusansa Temple, a talent of the Tang Dynasty.
[translated by Kakao]
10) Tang Dynasty talent (Sukji Tongjeon)
정관 23년 10월 13일에 이르러 대중들에게 말하였다.
“내가 이 사원을 지으면서 10만 관(貫)의 돈을 써야 하는데 아직 갖추지 못한 것이 한스럽다.
그런데 지금 영원히 이별하게 되었구나.”
말을 마치자 세상을 떠났는데 그때 그의 나이는 97세였다.
[translated by Google]
The articles of incorporation reached the 13th of October 23rd and told the public.
“I have to spend 100,000 kwan to build this temple, but it’s a pity that I don’t have it yet.
But now we are separated forever.”
He died when he finished speaking, when he was 97 years old.
[translated by Papago]
On October 13, 23, the articles of association told the public.
"I have to spend 100,000 coffins while building this temple, but it is regrettable that I have not yet equipped it.
But now we're apart forever."
When he finished talking, he passed away, and he was 97 years old at that time.
[translated by Kakao]
The Articles of Incorporation On October 13, 23, he told the public.
“I have to spend 100,000 coffins (in my building) this temple, but I’m sorry I haven’t got it yet.
And now you’re parting forever.”
When he finished speaking, he died, and his age was 97.
매해 정월에는 대장경을 전독(轉讀)하였으며 천 명분의 가사를 보시하였는데,
이를 중단한 적이 없었다.
항상 3론을 홍법하였으며 청중이 백여 명에 달하였다.
어느 날 강의를 하던 자리에 홀연히 정신이 희미해지더니 눈앞에 한 사람이 나타나 “서쪽 산머리는 큰 불상을 세우기에 좋은 곳이다”라고 말하였다.
정신을 차리고 자리에서 내려와서 사람들을 거느리고 그곳을 찾아갔더니 중심은 불상을 세울 만하였는데 양쪽으로는 샘물이 흐르고 있었다.
이에 곧 석공들에게 지시하여 높이가 130척이나 되는 좌불(坐佛)을 조각하게 하였다.
그리하여 정관(貞觀) 8년에 불상이 완성되자 사방에서 모두 모여들었고 3만 명의 도속들이 이 불상이 완성된 것을 경축하였는데 그 불상의 입에서 아주 크고 흰 광명이 방출되니 멀고 가까운 곳에 모든 사람들이 받들었다.
[translated by Google]
Every year on New Year's Day, he read the Tripitaka Koreana and donated the lyrics for a thousand people.
He never stopped doing it.
He always played 3 rons, and the audience reached over a hundred.
One day, while giving a lecture, his mind suddenly became faint, and a man appeared before his eyes and said, “The head of the mountain to the west is a good place to set up a large Buddha.”
When he came to his senses, he came down from his seat, and went to the place with the people. The center was worthy of a Buddha statue, but there were springs running on both sides.
So he immediately instructed the masons to carve a seated Buddha 130 feet high.
So, when the Buddha statue was completed in the 8th year of Jeonggwan (貞觀), people gathered from all directions to celebrate the completion of this Buddha image. .
[translated by Papago]
In the New Year of every year, he read the Tripitaka Koreana and looked at the lyrics of a thousand people.
I had never stopped doing this.
The three theories were always red, and the audience reached about a hundred.
One day, when I was giving a lecture, my mind suddenly faded, and a person appeared in front of me and said, "The head of the western mountain is a good place to build a large Buddha statue.
When I came down from my seat and went there with people, the center was worth building a Buddha statue, but spring water was flowing on both sides.
As a result, the masons were instructed to sculpt a 130-height seated Buddha.
Thus, when the Buddha statue was completed in the 8th year of Jeonggwan, everyone gathered from all sides, and 30,000 Taoists celebrated the completion of the Buddha statue, and everyone accepted it far and close to it as the Buddha's mouth emitted a very large and white light.
[translated by Kakao]
Every year, the Tripitaka Koreana was preached (and the lyrics of a thousand people were seen,
He had never stopped it.
He always redeemed the three theories and had a hundred audiences.
One day, when I was in the lecture, I suddenly became dim and one person appeared in front of me and said, "The western mountain head is a good place to build a big Buddha."
I came down from my seat and went there with people, and the center was worthy of a Buddha, but on both sides there was a spring.
Soon, the masons were instructed to sculpt a left fire (), which was 130 high.
Thus, when the Buddha was completed in the 8th year of the Articles of Incorporation (), all the people gathered from all sides and celebrated the completion of the Buddha statue, which was very large and white in the mouth of the Buddha.
12) 당나라 경사 홍복사(弘福寺) 석혜운전(釋慧雲傳)
[translated by Google]
12) Seokhyeun-un (釋慧雲傳) of Hongboksa Temple, a Buddhist priest of the Tang Dynasty
[translated by Papago]
12) Seokhye-dong, Hongboksa Temple, a slope of the Tang Dynasty.
[translated by Kakao]
12) The Tang Dynasty's Slope Hongboksa () The Seokhye-drive ()
혜운은 양자강 물길의 굽이마다 여러 번 좀도적들을 만나 그때마다 경론을 폈으나 계율은 아직 홍법하지 못하였기에 멀리 황제가 있는 서울로 가서 직접 학부(學府)에 참여하였다.
마침 수(首) 율사가 가르쳐서 교화하는 기회를 만나게 되었는데 본래의 뜻에 꼭 맞게 되니 기쁨과 슬픔이 아울러 찾아왔다.
[translated by Google]
Hyeun met some thieves several times at each bend of the Yangtze River and practiced sutras each time, but the commandments had not yet been practiced.
At the same time, I came across an opportunity to indoctrinate as a teacher of Su (首) taught me, and as I met my original intention, I was filled with joy and sorrow.
[translated by Papago]
Hye-woon met with some thieves several times on the slopes of the Yangjagang River waterway and held a lecture every time, but Gye-yul was not yet able to do red law, so he went to Seoul, where the emperor is far away, and participated in his undergraduate studies.
Just in time, I met an opportunity for Su Yulsa to teach and edify, and joy and sadness came together as it fit my original will.
[translated by Kakao]
Hye-woon met with a few petty enemies several times at the bend of the Yangtze River, but he did not yet have a law, so he went to Seoul, where the emperor was located, and participated in the undergraduate (school).
At last, Sue () met the opportunity to teach and refine, but it was right for the original will, so joy and sadness came together.
이것으로써 불교의 모든 교화는 크게 세 가지로 구분된다는 사실을 알 수 있다.
만약 쉽게 죄를 지을 경우에는 복사(福事)를 널리 닦도록 해야 하며,
복을 닦음으로 인하여 문득 망상과 집착이 일어나게 된다면 그것을 깨뜨려 없애고 마음속으로 조용히 이관(理觀:도리로 비추어보는 것)을 생각하게 하여야 한다.
이와 같이 하여 잘못을 고치면 행위의 성취를 기약할 수 있지만,
이 세 가지 문이 막히게 되면 완전히 교법의 뜻에 어긋나게 된다.
[translated by Google]
From this, it can be seen that all edifications of Buddhism are divided into three broad categories.
If it is easy to commit a sin, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the copying.
If delusions and obsessions suddenly arise due to cultivating good fortune, you need to break them down and get rid of them, and make them think quietly in their minds.
Correcting the error in this way can guarantee the achievement of the act, but
If these three doors are blocked, it is completely against the meaning of the teachings.
[translated by Papago]
From this, it can be seen that all edification of Buddhism is largely divided into three categories.
If you commit a crime easily, you should wipe the copy widely, and
If delusions and obsession suddenly arise due to the cleaning of blessings, they should be broken and removed and quietly transferred in their hearts (속으로觀: shining in the light of reason).
If you correct your mistakes in this way, you can promise the achievement of your actions, but
When these three doors are blocked, they are completely contrary to the will of the teaching method.
[translated by Kakao]
This shows that all the edifications of Buddhism are divided into three main categories.
If you are easily guilty, you should make sure that you clean up the copy () widely,
If delusions and obsessions occur suddenly due to the brushing of blessings, they should be broken and removed and thought of the transfer (reasoning as a dori) quietly in their hearts.
In this way, if you correct the mistake, you can promise to achieve the act,
When these three doors are blocked, they are completely contrary to the will of teaching.
● 중국스님 인도스님의 영자표기 문제
● 년호
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◎◎[개별논의] ♥ ❋본문
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■ 선물 퀴즈
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다음에 해당하는 단어를
본 페이지
에 댓글로 적어주시면 됩니다.
선종(禪宗)의 약칭.
답 후보
● 선(禪)
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
○ [pt op tr]
■ 음악
LES G.O. CULTURE - Darla Dirladada
Edith Piaf - Ding Din Don (Asso-Dreyfus)
Michel Berger - Tant D'amour Perdu
Serge Gainsbourg - Le Poinconneur Des Lilas
Rita Mitsouko - Marcia Baila
French Anthology Enrico Macias - City Romance - Vagabonds Sans Rivage
Antoine Henaut - Inevitable
■ 시사, 퀴즈, 유머
■ 한자 파자 넌센스 퀴즈
【 】 ⇄✙➠
■ 영어단어 넌센스퀴즈- 예문 자신상황에 맞게 바꿔 짧은글짓기
■ 번역퀴즈
장로 아난은 부처님 말씀을 듣고 기뻐하여 받들어 행하였다.
[translated by Google]
The elder Annan heard the Buddha's words and was delighted to do so.
[translated by Papago]
Elder Anan listened to the Buddha and performed it with joy.
[translated by Kakao]
The elder Annan was delighted to hear the Buddha and performed it.
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈
[wiki-bud] Buddhist ethics
[san-chn] ud-√i 顯
[san-eng] adhyeṣyate $ 범어 will study
[pali-chn] pahāna 斷
[pal-eng] yakkhatta $ 팔리어 nt.condition of a demon.
[Eng-Ch-Eng] 了義經 (1) A "revealed (or complete) doctrine scripture." A Maha^ya^na sutra which discusses all aspects of the Buddhist doctrine, without a bias towards sudden or gradual, Ma^dhyamika or Yoga^ca^ra, etc. (2) This term most commonly appears as a reference to the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經.
[Muller-jpn-Eng] 斷命 ダンミョウ to kill
[Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] ZEN☞
See: Zen School.
[fra-eng] épargné $ 불어 saved
■ 암산퀴즈
136* 769
76384 / 352
■ 다라니퀴즈
자비주 48 번째는?
성관자재보살 명호 48 번째는?
만약 모든 중생이 현 세상에서
원하는 바가 있으면
3*7일 (21일) 동안
깨끗이 재계(齋戒)를 지니고,
이 다라니를 외우면
반드시 소원은 성취되며
나고 죽음 따라
지금껏 지어온 일체 악업도
아울러 다 멸하고
삼천대천 세계의 일체제불과 보살과
범왕과 제석(帝釋)과 사천왕(四天王)과
신선(神仙)과 용왕(龍王)이
다 증명하여 알리라.
● 매다리야(미제리야) 彌帝唎耶<四十八> mai tri ya
마리 비잉 나라 가사 니아뎨
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
차제국토불가설 $ 048▲訶理三訶理三為 一 ● 奚魯伽, ○□□□□,共,不,而,於
□□□□□□□, 共集毛端無迫隘,
不使毛端有增大, 而彼國土俱來集。
□□□□□□□, 공집모단무박애,
불사모단유증대, 이피국토구래집。
말로 할 수 없는 여러 세계가
한 털 끝에 모여도 비좁지 않고
터럭 끝이 커진 것도 아니지마는
저 많은 국토들이 모두 모였고
어중소유제국토 $ 049▲奚魯伽奚魯伽為 一 ● 達攞步陀, ○□□□□,形,如,一,達
□□□□□□□, 形相如本無雜亂,
如一國土不亂餘, 一切國土皆如是。
□□□□□□□, 형상여본무잡란,
여일국토불란여, 일체국토개여시。
그 속에 모여 있는 모든 국토도
형상이 여전하여 섞이지 않고
한 국토가 섞이지 않은 것처럼
그 많은 국토들이 다 그러하네.
●K1060_T2152.txt★ ∴≪A속고금역경도기≫_≪K1060≫_≪T2152≫
●K1075_T2060.txt★ ∴≪A속고승전≫_≪K1075≫_≪T2060≫
●K1061_T2150.txt★ ∴≪A속대당내전록≫_≪K1061≫_≪T2150≫
48 왕(엄지)발가락 a big[great] toe
49 두째발가락 second toe
48 왕(엄지)발가락 a big[great] toe
48 왕(엄지)발가락 a big[great] toe

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○ 2020_1114_162309_can_ori 삼각산 도선사

○ 2020_1114_161522_can_ori 삼각산 도선사

○ 2018_1022_172257_nik_exc 공주 태화산 마곡사

○ 2020_1017_160150_nik_exc_s12 삼각산 화계사

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○ 2020_0930_141727_nik_ori_rs 화성 용주사

○ 2020_0911_121149_nik_ori_rs 제천 의림지 대도사

○ 2020_0910_133006_can_ori_rs 속리산 법주사

○ 2020_0910_113500_can_ori_rs 속리산 법주사

○ 2020_0908_163513_can_ori_rs 합천 해인사

○ 2020_0908_154533_nik_ori_rs 합천 해인사

○ 2020_0907_173424_can_ori_rs 양산 통도사

○ 2020_0904_142743_can_ori_rs 원주 구룡사

○ 2020_0904_142635_can_ori_rs 원주 구룡사

○ 2019_1106_112132_can_exc_s12 화순 영구산 운주사

○ 2019_1106_103816_can_exc_s12 화순 영구산 운주사

○ 2019_1105_155544_nik_fix 순천 조계산 송광사

○ 2019_1105_133728_nik_fix 순천 조계산 선암사
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™善現智福 키워드 연결 페이지
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● 속고승전_K1075_T2060 [문서정보]- 일일단상키워드
■ 본 페이지 ID 정보
sfed--속고승전_K1075_T2060.txt ☞제29권
sfd8--불교단상_2566_02.txt ☞◆vwju7585
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