
2020년 5월 10일 일요일

Mogao Caves

Mogao Caves

○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe'

●Site 방문일자 불기2564-04-20 <181159>
sfxx--Mogao Caves
Mogao Caves
▶▶▶ [참조링크2]

Jiuquan, Gansu, China
40.047536, 94.811989
▶▶▶ [참조링크1]
▶▶▶ [위성_참조링크4]


천개의 부처를 모시는 천개의 부처 동굴로도 알려진 모가오 동굴은
중국 간쑤 성의 실크 로드의 종교적 문화적 교차로에 위치한 오아시스인 둔황 중심에서
남동쪽으로 25km 떨어진 500개의 사원[1]으로 구성되어 있다.

이 동굴들은 또한 둔황 동굴로도 알려져 있지만,
이 용어는 또한 서우 천 부처 동굴, 동양 천 부처 동굴, 율린 동굴, 그리고 5절 동굴과 같은 둔황 지역과
그 주변에 있는 다른 불교 동굴들을 포함하는 집합적인 용어로도 사용된다.

그 동굴들은 1,000년에 걸친 불교 미술의 가장 훌륭한 예들을 담고 있다[2].
첫번째 동굴은 불교의 명상과 숭배의 장소로서 366년에 발굴되었다[2][3].

모가오 동굴은 중국의 불교 조각 상 중 가장 잘 알려 져 있고,
룽먼 그로토스, 융강 그로토스와 함께
중국의 3대 유명한 고대 조각 유적지 중 하나이다.

문서의 중요한 은닉처가 1900년에 11세기에 묻혀 있던
소위"도서관 동굴"에서 발견되었다.

이후 도서관의 소장품들은 전 세계로 퍼져 나갔고,
베이징, 런던, 파리, 베를린에서 가장 큰 소장품들이 발견되었고,
둔황 문서와 그 밖의 다른 자료들에 대한 학술적 연구를 조정하고 수집하기 위해
국제 둔황 프로젝트가 진행되고 있다.
그 동굴들은 이제 그 자체로 유명한 관광지가 되었고, 방문할 수 있는 번호가 열려 있다.

▶▶▶ [참조링크7]

둔황의 동남쪽 25km에 위치한 밍사 산(명사산) 동쪽 벼랑에 남북으로 1,600m에 걸쳐 조성된 막고굴과 서천불동, 안서유림굴, 수협구굴 등 600여 개의 동굴이 있고, 그 안에 2400여 개의 불상이 안치되고 있다. 벽 한 면에 벽화가 그려져 있고, 총 면적은 45,000km2이다. 둔황 석굴, 둔황 천불동이라고도 하며, 막고굴이라는 것이 광의의 의미에서는 전부를 포함하기 때문에 간단히 막고굴이라고 한다. 막고굴이 만들어진 시기는 오호 십육국 시대 전진(前秦)의 지배하에 있던 355년 또는 366년으로 추정되며, 승려 낙준이 석굴을 파고 불상을 조각한 것을 시작으로, 그 후 법양에서 원나라 시대에 이르기까지 1,000년에 걸쳐 조성되었다. 현존하는 가장 오래된 굴은 5세기 전반에 여기를 지배한 북양의 것으로 그 이전의 것은 후세에 새롭게 굴을 파면서, 훼손된 것으로 보인다. 막고굴의 북부는 장인의 주거지로서 이곳에는 불상과 벽화가 없다. 벽화의 양식으로서는 5호 16국 시대 북양과 계속된 북위 때에는 서역의 영향이 강하게 나타나며, 제작된 불전, 천불 등이 그 영향을 그대로 드러낸다. 북주와 수당에 이르면서 중국의 영향이 강하게 나타나기 시작하는데, 석가설법도 등도 이때 그려지게 된다. 통치 기간이 가장 긴 당나라 때의 석굴이 225개 굴로 가장 많으며, 그 다음으로 수나라가 97개를 차지한다. 북송 때 서하 지배하에 들면서, 둔황의 가치가 하락하여, 점차 그 수가 적어지고 서하 때의 것은 20개, 원나라 때 석굴이 7개로 추정되고 있다. 그 후 몽골의 침입과 이슬람의 침입을 거치면서, 둔황은 완전한 쇠퇴해진 도시가 되었고, 이후 오랫동안 막고굴은 잊혀진 존재가 되었다. 이 막고굴이 다시 한번 주목을 받은 것은, 1900년, 둔황의 문헌이 장경동에서 발견되면서 부터이다. 발견 이후에도 막고굴은 그다지 주목받지 못했고, 그 가치가 인정되고, 보호가 시작된 것은 1945년 중화인민공화국 성립 훨씬 이후의 일이었다. 1965년 문화대혁명을 거치면서 또 한번의 위기가 찾아왔지만, 문화재 보호에 남다른 관심을 가지고 있던, 저우언라이의 은밀한 보호지시로 추가로 파괴되는 봉변은 피하게 되었다.
둔황 석굴의 재현
1900년 6월 22일 둔황 석굴을 지키던 태청궁 도사 왕위안루(왕원록)가 제16굴을 청소하다가 이상한 공명음을 듣고는 막혀 있던 밀실을 발견하였다. 길이가 2.6m, 높이 3m의 이 석굴에는 5만 점의 고문서가 잠들어 있었다. 그리하여 둔황 유물의 정수이자 도서관이라고 할 수 있는 제17굴(장경동)을 세상에 알려지게 되었다.
이곳의 유물은 4세기에서 11세기에 걸친 오호십육국 시대에서 북송까지의 고문서와 고대악기, 고화, 고서 등등이었다.
변경 지역이라 잦은 이슬람 등 이교도의 침입에 파괴될까 봐 아예 중요 문화재들만 모아서 제16굴의 보조굴에 모아서 폐쇄를 했던 것이 몇 백년 동안 발견되지 않다가 발견된 것이다.
1907년 아우렐 스타인이 이곳을 관리하던 도사 왕위안루(왕원록)에게 소액의 기부금을 주고 장경동에서 약 7,000점의 유물을 유출하여 대영박물관에 가져가면서 세계의 주목을 받게 된다. 그의 연구는 다시 둔황학이라고 이름 붙여지게 되어 오늘에 이른다.
1908년 프랑스인 폴 펠리오가 또 한 번 7,000점의 유물을 프랑스로 유출하게 되는데, 혜초의 왕오천축국전도 여기에 묻어져 나간 것이다.
▶▶▶ [참조링크8]

Mogao Caves This image was take by User:Yaohua2000 at 2006-04-24 07:01:05 UTC. Date 24 April 2006 (according to Exif data) Source No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims). Author No machine-readable author provided
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English: 8th century fresco at Mogao Caves near Dunhuang in Gansu Province. Depiction of the Han Emperor Wu worshiping statues of the Buddha. Attached textual description of Han Wudi worshiping golden men brought in 120 BC by a great Han general in his campaigns against the nomads: "Emperor Han Wudi directed his troops to fight the XiongNu and obtained two large golden statues that he displayed in the Ganquan Palace and regularly worshipped." The frescoe is located in Cave 323 in Mogao. It pertains to the same panel showing the departure of Zhang Qian to Western lands (Image:ZhangQianTravels.jpg). The two paintings are side-by-side. It combined legend and historical fact: Han Emperor Wu has never worshipped the Buddha. 中文: 漢武帝將其部眾討凶奴,並獲得二金(人),(各)長丈餘,刊〔列〕之於甘泉宮,帝(以)為大神,常行拜褐時。 Date 8th century Source Reproduction in Roderick Whitfield, Susan Whitfield, Neville Agnew, and Lois Conner, Cave Temples of Mogao: Art and History on the Silk Road. Getty Conservation Institute and the J. Paul Getty Museum, 2000: p.19. ISBN 978-0-89236-585-2 Author Unknown author
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English: The travel of Zhang Qian to the West. Mogao caves, 618-712 CE. Translation of Chinese note: "This is a section of a Dunhuang mural showing a line of officials led by Han Emperor Wu (Han Wudi) to see off Zhang Qian in the outskirts of Chang'an (the capital city). Zhang Qian is shown kneeling at the left edge of the painting." 中文: 注意:这是一幅敦煌壁画的局部。图中一行人其实是汉武帝(zh, en)所率领的群臣,到长安郊外为张骞送行。张骞就在图画左面跪着。 日本語: 西方遠征隊を見送る鞍上の武帝と、画面左端でひざまずく遠征隊長張騫。618年-712年頃、中国・莫高窟の壁画。image:HanWudiBuddhas.jpg、Image:ZhangQianTravels.jpgとの連作。 Date 8th century Source Reproduction in Roderick Whitfield, Susan Whitfield, Neville Agnew, and Lois Conner, Cave Temples of Mogao: Art and History on the Silk Road
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敦煌莫高窟 Date 31 December 2013, 12:30:18 Source Own work Author Zhangzhugang
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English: Figures from Mogao cave 158, Middle Tang (also known as Tibetan/Tangut period). Date 29 November 2011 Source Dunhuang Mogao Caves Author Unknown author
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Public domain This work is in the public domain in its country of origin
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English: Wang Yuanlu Date 1900 Source Author Anonymous
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English: Photo showing Cave 16 and the manuscripts piled up for Aurel Stein near the entrance to Cave 17, the “library cave”. Date 1907 Source Early Tibet Blog, Secrets of the Cave II: The “Library Cave” archived at [1] ( Author Aurel Stein
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English: Paul Pelliot. Mogao Caves. Cave 163. Niche of manuscripts. Date 1908 Source Musée Guimet, archives photographiques, AP8186 Author Charles Nouette (1869-1910)
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English: Mural of Avolokitesevara (Bodhisattva Guanyin), Worshipping Bodhisattvas and Mendicant. Early Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.). Cave 57, south wall. Français : Peinture murale du Bodhisattva Guanyin, des orants, des bodhisattvas et des mendiants. Début de la dynastie Tang (618-907 après J.-C.). Grotte 57, mur sud. Guanyin porte une coiffe signifiant qu'elle est sur le point d'arriver à l'état de bouddha. Référence : Fan Jinshi (rédac. en chef) et al. (photogr. Zhang Weiwen), Les œuvres remarquables de l'art de Dunhuang, coll. « Patrimoine mondial », 2007, 128 p., 28 cm (ISBN 978-7-80069-775-3), p. 54. Date Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.) Source Fan Jinshi (rédac. en chef) et al. (photogr. Zhang Weiwen), Les œuvres remarquables de l'art de Dunhuang, coll. « Patrimoine mondial », 2007, 128 p., 28 cm (ISBN 978-7-80069-775-3). p. 55 Author unknown ancient Buddhist artist(s)
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English: Detail of mural commemorating victory of General Zhang Yichao over the Tibetans. Dunhuang Mogao cave 156, Late Tang Dynasty. Date 29 November 2011 Source Dunhuang Mogao Caves, scanned from Cave Temples of Dunhuang: Art and History on the Silk Road. Author Unknown author
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English: Mural from Mogao cave 263, showing underlying painting. Northern Wei Dynasty. Later painting seen on right hand side. Date 29 November 2011 Source Dunhuang Mogao Caves, scanned from Whitfield, Roderick, Susan Whitfield, and Neville Agnew. "Cave Temples of Dunhuang: Art and History on the Silk Road" (2000). The British Library. ISBN 0-7123-4697-x Invalid ISBN page 112 Author Unknown author
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English: Murals details from Dunhuang showing shading techique. Figure on left from cave 275 from the Northern Liang period (397–460), figure on right from cave 428 from the Northern Zhou dynasty (557 - 581).. Date 30 January 2012 Source Mogao Caves, Dunhuang Author Unknown author
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영어: 2018년 상하이 모가오 동굴 복제 전시회에서 찍은 사진 날짜 26 May 2018 소스 자기 자신의 일 작가 Hiroooooo 카메라 위치 31°14분 09.15인치 N, 121°30분 07.94인치
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English: Great Buddha of Mogao Caves, largest Buddha figure at 35.5 m tall, Cave 96. Constructed under the edicts of Empress Wu Zetian in 695 CE. Date 3 August 2002, 11:22:26 Source Author David Tansey
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Français : Maitreya. Grotte de Mogao n° 275. Peintures et sculpture de la dynastie des Liang du Nord (321-439) Date 16 August 2014, 13:32:10 Source Own work Author Bairuilong Camera location 40° 02′ 25.35″ N, 94° 48′ 30.99″ E
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English: Display of reproduction of artworks from the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang in the National Art Museum of China, Beijing. The original is in Cave 158 of Mogao Caves, dating from the Tibetan period. Date 9 March 2008 Source DSC_4008 Author gongfu_king
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English: Frontispiece, Diamond Sutra from Cave 17, Dunhuang, ink on paper. A page from the Diamond Sutra, printed in the 9th year of Xiantong Era of the Tang Dynasty, i.e. 868 CE. Currently located in the British Library, London. According to the British Library, it is “the earliest complete survival of a dated printed book”. British Library Or.8210/P.2 Deutsch: Seite des Diamant-Sutra. Gedruckt im 9. Jahr der Ära Xiántōng der Tang-Dynastie (868 n. Chr.) ist es das weltweit älteste vollständig erhaltene, sicher zu datierende Exemplar des Buchdrucks. Date 868 (date of Diamond Sutra) Source Zoomable image from the British Library's Online Gallery. Originally uploaded to en:Wikipedia (log) in January 2008 by Fconaway (talk) and in November 2009 by Earthsound (talk). Author English: The colophon, at the inner end, reads: Reverently [caused to be] made for universal free distribution by Wang Jie on behalf of his two parents on the 13th of the 4th moon of the 9th year of Xiantong [i.e. 11th May, CE 868 ]
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English: Detail of embroidered panel with a small duck in the middle. From Mogao cave 17, Tang Dynasty. Date 29 November 2011 Source Dunhuang Mogao cave 17 Author Unknown author
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English: Dunhuang Mogao Cave 285, a flying apsarasa, Western Wei Dynasty Date 26 November 2011 Source Dunhuang Mogao Caves. Scanned from Fan Jinshi (2008) The Caves of Dunhuang, London: Scala, p. 75 ISBN: 978-1857595406. Uploaded by Axb3 on 26 November 2011. Author Unknown author
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A mural painting from Cave 61 at the Mogao Caves, Dunhuang, Gansu province, China, dated to the 10th century and depicting Tang Dynasty monastic architecture from Mount Wutai, Shanxi province. Français : Wutaishan (la « montagne aux cinq pics en terrasses », aussi appelée monts Qingliang, sur le district du même nom, au Shanxi) et ses temples et monastères bouddhiques. Vue partielle d'une peinture murale exceptionnellement grande (13,45 m x 3,42 m). Grotte de Mogao n° 61, paroi de l'Ouest. Cinq dynasties (907-979). Cette représentation est suffisamment précise pour apporter une foule de renseignements sur les compostions architecturales de cette époque et sur les usages dans la société chinoise d'alors. Date 10th century Source Scanned from Patricia Ebrey's Cambridge Illustrated History of China (1999) Author Chinese artist(s) from the 10th century
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8th century painting from Mogao caves, Dunhuang.Look also Image:HanWudiBuddhas.jpg and Image:ZhangQianTravels.jpg Source en:Image:DunhuangCave323.jpg Author
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English: The travel of Zhang Qian to the West. Mogao caves, 618-712 CE. Translation of Chinese note: "This is a section of a Dunhuang mural showing a line of officials led by Han Emperor Wu (Han Wudi) to see off Zhang Qian in the outskirts of Chang'an (the capital city). Zhang Qian is shown kneeling at the left edge of the painting." 中文: 注意:这是一幅敦煌壁画的局部。图中一行人其实是汉武帝(zh, en)所率领的群臣,到长安郊外为张骞送行。张骞就在图画左面跪着。 日本語: 西方遠征隊を見送る鞍上の武帝と、画面左端でひざまずく遠征隊長張騫。618年-712年頃、中国・莫高窟の壁画。image:HanWudiBuddhas.jpg、Image:ZhangQianTravels.jpgとの連作。 Date 8th century Source Reproduction in Roderick Whitfield, Susan Whitfield, Neville Agnew, and Lois Conner, Cave Temples of Mogao: Art and History on the Silk Road. Getty Conservation Institute and the J. Paul Getty Museum, 2000. ISBN 978-0-89236-585-2 Author Unknown author
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In this close-up detail of a landscape painting, the young Sakyamuni cuts off his hair while attendants watch, ink and color on silk, from Dunhuang, Gansu province, China, dated to the Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD) Date Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD) Source Scanned from Michael Sullivan's The Arts of China: Fourth Edition (1999) Author Chinese artist
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English: Vajrapani Painting at Mogao Caves's Hidden Library, Dunhuang, China Power and anger personified. Late 9th Century, Tang Dynasty. Ink and colors on silk.
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A segment of a fresco on a wall in Dunhuang depicting a group of merchants being robbed by bandits. Date 9th century Source The Silk Road: Two Thousand Years in the Heart of Asia Author Unknown author
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English: Vaishravana_riding_across_the_waters._61,8x54,7cm_From_Dunhuang,_Cave17._Five_Dynasties,_mid-10th_century_AD._British_Museum. Date 10th century Source Author Anonymous
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English: This is cave mural of Worshiping Bodhisattva Date Wei Dynasty (535-556 A.D.) Source Cave 285. Wei Dynasty (535-556 A.D.) Author unknown ancient Buddhist artist(s)
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English: First illustration of Fire Lance and a Grenade, 10th Century, Dunhuang. Appears to be a detail from an illustration of Sakyamuni's temptation by Mara, with the demons at upper right threatening with the fire lance and other weapons while those at lower right tempt with pleasures. Русский: Искушения Шакьямуни. Пещеры Могао X век. Демоны в правом верхнем углу угрожают «огненным копьём» и другим оружием, а те, что в правом нижнем углу, искушают удовольствиями. Date 10th century Source Via book "The Genius of China", Robert Temple Author Unknown author
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English: A depiction of the Avadana story of the Five Hundred Robbers showing soldiers wearing medieval Chinese armour, from Mogao Cave 285, Dunhuang, Gansu, China. Date between 535 and 557 (Western Wei Dynasty). Source Scanned from Fan Jinshi (2008) The Caves of Dunhuang, London: Scala, p. 242 ISBN: 978-1857595406. Uploaded by Axb3 on 30 November 2011. Author Unknown author.
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English: Buddhist donors from Cave 98 at Mo-kao, Five Dynasties to early Northern Sung dynasty. Date Five Dynasties or early Northern Sung dynasty Source Mo-kao Caves Author Unknown artist from Mo-kao caves
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English: Donor figures from Mogao cave 61, showing wife of ruler Cao Yanlu who was the daughter of the King of Khotan wearing elaborate headdress and necklace made of fine jade. Five Dynasties (Guiyijun period). Date 29 November 2011 Source Dunhuang Mogao Caves Author Unknown author
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English: Portrait of Viśa Saṃbhava, a Khotan king, from the Mogao Caves, Dunhuang, the Five Dynasties (907–979), scanned Date 10th century Source Scanned from The Silk Road, image originally from the Mogao Caves Author Unknown author
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English: Visa Sambhava, a Khotan king whom ruled from 912 to 966. From Dunhuang Mogao Caves, Five Dynasties (907 - 979 A.D.) 中文(繁體)‎: 大朝大寶于闐國大聖大明天子(李聖天)像 Date c. 10th century Source Dunhuang Mogao Caves Author Unknown author
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English: Uighur king from Turfan attended by servants. Cave 409, Western Xia Date 29 November 2011 Source Dunhuang Mogao Caves. Scanned from Cave Temples of Dunhuang: Art and History on the Silk Road. Author Unknown author
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English: From Mogao cave 409, Five Dynasties Date 29 November 2011 Source Dunhuang Mogao Caves Author Unknown author
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sailko Description Italiano: Il bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara con otto braccia. Dunhuang (provincia del Gansu). Dinastia Tang (618-907), fine del IX secolo - inizi del IX secolo. Legno di pioppo dipinto (tracce), avorio e pannocchia. Missione Paul Pelliot 1906-1909, EO 1119. English: The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara with eight arms. Dunhuang (Gansu Province). Tang Dynasty (618-907), late 9th century - early 9th century. Painted poplar wood (traces), ivory and cob. Mission Paul Pelliot 1906-1909, EO 1119. Français : Le bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara à huit bras. Dunhuang (province du Gansu). Dynastie Tang (618-907), fin du 9e siècle - début du 9e siècle. Bois de peuplier peint (traces), ivoire et torchis. Mission Paul Pelliot 1906-1909, EO 1119. Date 17 October 2012, 12:44:40
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English: The Great Buddha of the Mogao Caves, around 26m tall, high Tang dyansty, cave 130 at Mogao Date 3 August 2002, 11:52:36 Source Author David Tansey
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sailko Description Dinastia tang, re celeste (lokapala), grotte di mogao, VII-VIII sec. Date 17 October 2012, 12:41:18 Source/Photographer Own work
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English: terra cotta statues inside onr of the thousand budha caves of dunhuang, china , on the ancient silk route Date 26 June 1994 Source Own work Author Rajesh dogra
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Svenska: Grotta nr 148 Date 16 August 2014, 11:56:37 Source Own work Author Bairuilong Camera location 40° 02′ 06.82″ N, 94° 48′ 15.06″ E
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English: Architecture of the T'ang Dynasty from a Buddhist fresco in Mo-kao Caves. Date T'ang Dynasty Source Mo-kao Caves Author Unknown artist of T'ang Dynasty
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English: Fresco of T'ang style architecture in the Buddhist land from Mo-kao Caves. Date T'ang Dynasty Source Mo-kao Caves Author Unknown artist of T'ang Dynasty
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English: Sogdian Deities: Daēnā and Nanā, a line drawing sketch from Tunhwang preserved in the Bibliothèque nationale de France. 中文(繁體)‎: 敦煌白畫P.4518(24)號,現藏法國國家圖書館。根據中山大學歷史系教授姜伯勤考證,此二位女神為粟特神祇,並指出持日月蛇蠍四臂女神是祆教的娜娜神;在後論中作者更描繪了敦煌賽祆的情景與粟特神祇畫像的運用。之後作者又運用圖像學(iconology)與圖像誌(iconography)的方法廣泛收集各家著述中的娜娜圖像以及其他神祇畫像與文獻來充實這個論斷,並進一步證明了饒宗頤先生所指出四臂女神倚坐的動物是狗這一論斷的正確性,同時探討了粟特神祇畫像的華化問題。 敦煌出土的一幅祆教圖像原被誤作佛畫,經由姜伯勤辨識,確認為祆教圖像。張廣達進一步論證了這幅敦煌白畫上的形像很可能是祆教善神妲瑞娜(Daēnā)和惡神妲厄媧(Daēva)。格瑞內(F. Grenet)和張廣達結合文獻和繪畫,說明歸義軍時期的敦煌祆教仍在流行。姜伯勤雖接受將妲瑞娜與Daēnā相比定的說法,但確定另一幅神像是女神娜娜(Nanā)。 饒宗頤在《敦煌白畫》中提到此幅二女神像,文中記載「P.4518(24)繪二女相向坐,帶間略施淺絳,顏微著赭色,頰塗兩暈,餘皆白描。一女手持蛇蠍,側有一犬伸舌,舌設朱色。一女捧杯盤,盤中有犬。紙本已汙損,懸掛之帶尙存。」此白畫,據姜伯勤所論,其上二女神為祆神神主,「懸掛之帶結猶存」則表明此種紙上素畫係用於賽祆。賽祆是一種祭祀活動,有祈福、酒宴、歌舞、幻術、化妝遊行等盛大場面,是粟特胡商「琵琶鼓笛,酣歌醉舞」的廟會式娛樂活動。祆神祭祀時的迎神曲,稱為穆護歌,隋朝樂府中已有「穆護砂」。宋人姚寬說「穆護原為祆廟賽神之曲」。唐大曲有穆護,大抵是祭神罷而飲宴歌舞。在歸義軍曹氏時期,敦煌城東仍有祆祠。所謂「城東祆」,當指安城祆廟。官府不時對祆廟供祀,此舉表明官府對祆教的重視。 Date 10th century Source New version: Old version: Author Unknown author
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English: Fragment of a Nestorian image found in Cave 17 at Mo-kao Caves, Tunhwang, 9th century. According to Dr. Buslig Szonja of Eötvös Loránd University and Prof. Lin Meicun of Peking University, it is an image of Jesus Christ. Source: (in Japanese). 日本語: 敦煌蔵経洞出土キリスト像絹画断片。 中文(繁體)‎: 敦煌藏經洞所出基督像絹畫殘片。根據匈牙利羅蘭大學(Eötvös Loránd University)的宋妮雅(Buslig Szonja)博士和北京大學的林梅村教授的研究,此畫所描繪的人物為耶穌基督。資料來源: (簡體中文)。 Date T'ang dynasty Source Author Unknown artist of T'ang dynasty
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English: Restoration of a T‘ang dynasty Nestorian image which found in Cave 17 at Mo-kao Caves, Tunhwang. The original work dated back to 9th century. According to Dr. Buslig Szonja of Eötvös Loránd University and Prof. Lin Meicun of Peking University, this is an image of Jesus Christ. Source: (in Japanese). Date T‘ang dynasty Source Author Unknown author
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English: Restoration of a T'ang dynasty Nestorian image which found in Cave 17 at Mo-kao Caves, Tunhwang. The original work dated back to 9th century. According to Dr. Buslig Szonja of Eötvös Loránd University and Prof. Lin Meicun of Peking University, this is an image of Jesus Christ. Source: (in Japanese). 中文(繁體)‎: 莫高窟藏經洞所出唐朝(公元9世紀)景教基督像絹畫復原圖。 Date T'ang dynasty Source Author Unknown artist of T'ang dynasty
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English: Restoration of a T‘ang dynasty Ching-chiao (Church of the East) image which found in Cave 17 at Mo-kao Caves, Tunhwang. The original work dated back to 9th century. Date 9th century Source Author Unknown author
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English: A dancer spins while the orchestra plays. There are three kinds of lutes in this image. The dancer has a large pipa. A smaller pipa is on the right side lower. Beside that instrument is a long-necked lute, possibly a sanxian (三弦). Mogao caves near Dunhuang―Grotto 46 Left interior wall, second panel. Also called cave 112. Date 762-827 A.D. Source Author unknown painter from Mid-Tang Dynasty(A.D.762-827)
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